Yes, monnucleousous. Aka Mono or The Kissing disease. go to and it can tell you more.
2007-01-21 08:57:44
answer #1
answered by essexsrose 3
getting 'mono' is a myth, unless, the other person has it and thier is SERIOS tough action, then u have about a .9% chance, and any way why would u kiss a sick person. another myth is HIV/AIDS which is also not true, unless he other person has it and u practically drinking gallons of thier saliva at a time. the only true myths u will here are:
*transmitting herpes or other STD from the other person having oral sex and contrapting an STD
* cold sore, these are a form of herpes, but these are the more common. also are not an STD, they are like blister, scabbish things on the out side of mouth(generally on the corner of li) and can easily be contraped and are really not that harmful (most of the time they r from stress) unless have the virus (yes it is 1) in ur body, then they can reproduce ect.. bu they r butt ugly.. and gross
my point is, kiss any1 u like, as long as there are not cold sores or STD based mouth warts, but if u r under 15 u will prob only have to worry about cold sores
2007-01-21 10:50:01
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There are plenty of things you can catch from kissing, most of them are germ related, but the body is very resistent and has lots of immunity systems in place. You might be referring to the kissing desease of Mono. It isn't common and results in tiredness.
2007-01-21 08:58:10
answer #3
answered by Randall A 3
there are a tremendous variety of ailments you are able to seize from kissing. a number of them are very deadly, yet maximum of those are uncommon. the following is a small record: uncomplicated chilly Flu top respiration an infection meningitis Bacterial meningitis Mononucleosis Epstein-Barr virus chilly sores Cytomegalovirus Molluscum contagiosum Hepatitis B continual Hepatitis B Polio Ebolla
2016-10-17 02:39:49
answer #4
answered by ? 4
mono...they call it the kissing disease. I'm sure there's alot of things you can catch by kissing someone though. Make sure they're healthy!!!
2007-01-21 08:58:47
answer #5
answered by boss 2
Mono short name for it, you can get from water fountains too, lots of high school and college kids get it. You should be able to type mono and get more info.
2007-01-21 09:01:20
answer #6
answered by Granny 1 7
What do you get when you kiss a guy?
You get enough germs to catch pneumonia.
After you do, he'll never phone ya.
I'll never fall in love again.
Dionne Warwick, I think.
Plus cold sore, herpes, staphylococcus.....
A doctor once told me he would rather put his ungloved hand up a patent's rectum than in his mouth.
2007-01-21 08:58:23
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
if someone has herpes, cold sores on there mouth and you kiss them they can give it to you. you can get mono too. here's the web site for mono and herpes.
2007-01-21 09:00:07
answer #8
answered by heolcm 1
you can get mono....i had it once.....i dont have a website but u just feel horrible....throat swells up....horrible headache....sleep for like 15 hrs a day...its rly they have to do blood work and you can have it for along time....even if it goes away you can still get like aftershocks of it for like a year
2007-01-21 11:51:05
answer #9
answered by Stubs 2
its called mono, look it up and what are you doing kissing people that have these things?
2007-01-21 10:22:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous