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When ever I play monopoly I always lose because i have horrible spaces. Which are the best to own?
are there any websites that are very imformative on stratiges . (meaning not alot of random stuff, just short sweet and to the point)

2007-01-21 08:25:57 · 12 answers · asked by chipsky_luver 2 in Games & Recreation Board Games

Oh and are there any good site to play it online?

2007-01-21 08:34:53 · update #1

12 answers

Boardwalk and Park place are the most expesive, but the chances of landing on either aren't as good as others. My friend has a son that is one of those "random triva holders" and he says that he read some where that Indiana Avenue is the most landed on space. I never realized it until after he said it, but he was right I started watching and it does get hit a lot. Also, getting properites in a row is a great strategy. Example- The purple spaces and the aqua spaces aren't worth much, but if you own all six of them it is tough for other players to get around that side of the board with out landing on at least one of them.
Here are a few websites to help you out as well. Not all of them are real short and sweet. I found a few of those, but they weren't even worth looking at. Even though you have to weed through some of the random stuff, I think these sites are well worth it. And some of the info seems kinda pointless, but it is still good to know.
Good luck I loose at this game a lot too.

Oh yeah another good tip..it may say this on one of the sites... is I buy all the properties I and on no matter waht. Even if I don't really want them. If nothing else they can be a good trade later

I almost for got here is a good place to play online according to my computer geek boyfreind

2007-01-21 14:29:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Illinois Ave is the most landed on property in monopoly. This is because,

1 - it is located exactly 14 places after jail and 6 places before the go to jail spot
2 - People are in Jail often, and with 7 being the most common roll, 2 sevens make 14
3 - there is an advance to illionois spot

Because of the Go to Jail Spot, and the Advance to Go cards, The greens and Dark Blues are actually landed on less than most other spots. Park Place is less than any spot on the board, because 7 is the most common roll (1/6 chance of rolling a 7), but you can never land on park place from rolling a 7 (because you cannot start on the go to jail spot)

The Reds are the best properties to own for this reason, followed by the Oranges and the Yellows.

2007-01-21 23:57:39 · answer #2 · answered by Bill F 6 · 0 0

It is illegal to operate a monopoly in general terms, but there's a few things to remember. 1. The police won't stop by and start arresting you or employees. "Illegal" simply means it's not legal, or a violation of law. But laws are enforced in a variety of ways with varying penalties. 2. What constitutes a monopoly depends on the industry the supposed monopoly operates in, in addition to how a monopoly's business share is calculated. (In other words, does the business control 40% of the industry, or 70%? What does "control" mean in terms of business?) The government usually must launch an investigation and a court will determine if a monopoly exists. If the court finds a monopoly does exist, then it can order the business to sell off parts of itself. If the business refuses to cooperate, a judge can have them arrested or other criminal laws may then come into play. 3. Some monopolies are good. People like them. If a monopoly is perceived as being good for the general public, then the government tends to leave them alone. Deciding when to investigate a monopoly and when to break up a monopoly can be a political decision just as easily as it is an economic one.

2016-05-24 07:57:03 · answer #3 · answered by Elena 4 · 0 0

A lot of people will tell you that the Green and Dark Blue groups are the best to own, but they really aren't. You'll very seldom have enough money to build up the Greens to a level where the rents can seriously cripple your opponents, and there are only two Dark Blue properties (though there is a Chance card that sends you to Boardwalk).

The best groups to have, in terms of both money-making potential and frequency of hits, are the Oranges, Reds, and Railroads.

In all my years playing Monopoly, I've never seen a player owning all four Railroads go bankrupt. If you get this group, you get $200 each time they're landed on, and there are three Chance cards (one to Reading, and two to the nearest railroad that also make you pay double rent) that send you to the Railroads. You'll seldom see a player go bankrupt on a Railroad, but you'll always have cash coming in if you own them all.

The Oranges and Reds are terrific groups to have as well. They're not too expensive to build, and they get landed on a LOT. For each of these groups, a player will hit a property in the group, on average, almost half of all his trips around the board. If you have hotels on these groups (and it's recommended you build them all the way up to hotels, unlike the Greens or Dark Blues, which you should only build up to three houses), you're looking at an easy $1000 or so about 50% of the time a player approaches that corner of the board. And did I mention the Chance card that sends you to Illinois Ave. (which is a Red)?

You can find some general strategy tips at the official Monopoly website, listed below.

2007-01-21 15:44:56 · answer #4 · answered by Chris S 5 · 0 0

I've found that the best spaces are the cheapest ones. Everyone likes to buy the expensive ones because they pay so well when you put hotels on them. But, they are so expensive to develop...I've found that if I can buy the two sets of cheapest properties that I can often fully develop them while other players are still trying to get a house or two on their properties. If you can buy up the whole "cheap" side of the board and develop it quickly you will keep other players poor enough that they have trouble developing their properties. I always pass on the expensive ones and I often win.

2007-01-22 09:48:23 · answer #5 · answered by jonahbeast 3 · 0 0

The Greens are better than Park Place and Broadwalk because there are three of them. Three shots vs two means there is a 50% better chance your opponents will land on one as they pass by. The Blue ones do have higher rental values, but not enough to offset the 50% better chance.

2007-01-21 10:50:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Green and blue places are the best places to own, they're expensive, but they pay the highest when you have houses on them.

Personally I go for the red and the yellow, because those are the spaces me and my friends usually land on when we play Monopoly. :)

2007-01-21 08:33:41 · answer #7 · answered by Alley S. 6 · 0 0

all the expensive places like board walk and the ones that are on that street

2007-01-21 08:30:40 · answer #8 · answered by Sami 2 · 0 0

the best places to own are boardwalk and park place they have expensive rent

2007-01-21 22:41:25 · answer #9 · answered by pink_orchid 2 · 0 0

there best thing to have in monopoly is the green and the blue area.... and also... have all railroads....

2007-01-21 08:29:58 · answer #10 · answered by lilninja214 1 · 0 0

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