I think it is time Australian's took a Stand !
Is Australia Day for Australians or is it for the very small percentage of the minority of our community. The audacity of the organisers of the Great Day Out should hold their heads in shame. How can you have an Australian Day event and ban Australian Flags. I as an Australian am deeply offended by the ban.
If we have people that live in our country that are offended by the flag of the nation that allowed them to migrate to this great land, then I would strongly suggest that they find an alternative nation to live in or maybe go back to their OWN country.
So what I have seen so is local traditions like Christmas carols in primary schools are banned, Flags on Bondi beach Banned, what’s next ANZAC day?
I think political correctness is doing more damage then good – it’s dividing – not uniting. When a small percentage of the minority can dictate to the majority then there is something seriously wrong within our society. When our national flag is classified by concert organisers as “GANG COLOURS”, then we have major issues in our national pride. If an organiser in America tried this, do you think Americans would accept a ban on their flag…. I think NOT.
Should we ban our flag all together? Ban it from public view, so not to offend a very small percentage of the minority. I always assumed in a democracy that the majority has the say. We seem to work in reverse; we cater to the minority and allow them to dictate to us, we allow traditions, cultures and our way of life to be lost by force of political correction.
I suggest our government take a serious look at who runs this country, the Majority, or Minority. Every Australian household should fly the flag on Australia Day, be they 5th Generation Australian or a new immigrant that have just arrived.
And if you intend going to the event “BIG DAY OUT” be decked out in full Australian clobber – T-shirts in Australian flags, Hats and Caps, Thongs and to top it of two flags per person, show these organisers that they have no right to ban our national flag. So on the day, stand proud, stand tall. Take your flags to show community unity. Don’t let our National pride be deleted by over sensitive Political Correct organisers.
So since this organiser believes the Australian flag is “GANG COLOURS” Lets show them unity of a gang that is proud and honoured to wear and fly the flag that thousands of Australians died under in wars of past and present. BE PROUD, BE STRONG, BE AUSTRALIAN.
“This document was written by an average Australian that is sick and tired of Australia being lost to the minority”
Love & Blessings
Milly from Sydney Australia
Enough is Enough
2007-01-21 21:35:59
answer #1
answered by milly_1963 7
Hi Darl, According To Another Question It's Only A Suggestion But I Told That Bloke In No Uncertain terms What I Thought Of His "Suggestion" You Hit The Nail Right on the Head Darl, It Should Be The Yobs That Are Banned (Or Discouraged As The Other Q. Put It About The Flag) From Attending. The Cops Seem To Manage To Ban Trouble Makers From Sporting Events If They've Been Court In the Past So Why Not The Big Day Bash Too?! I've said It Before And I'll Say It Again I'm True Blue And Proud And No Yahoo Is Going To Tell Me I Can't Paint My Face With Our Flag As I Did @ Fox Studios Australia Day 2004 Or Carry A Full Size Flag Of Any Nationality As I Carry The Saltar Also On St Andrews Day As I Have Scottish Roots. Crocks Rule! I Dedicate This Answer To The Memory Of Steve Irwin. He Changed Our World "CRIKEY" And How! God Bless Australia. Have A Gooday And A Beaut 2007 Darl!
2016-03-29 07:54:25
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Well lets face it the flag has been paradaded around by idiots looking to provoke fights. This music festival is not an International Competition, so why drape your shoulders with a flag?
However the flag is also NOT BANNED the organizers have suggested not to bring flags along. This is to keep the festival an emjoyable fay and hopefully not give the idiots an opportunity to use it to create a disturbance.
Regarding the racial tensions, surely all those attending should be happy they are even in this country and if they carry a flag of another Nation why the hell are they here enjoying the freedom, mateship and hospitality of Australia.
Troublemakers should be automatically conscripted into the army given an Australian flag to drape over their shoulders and shipped out to Iraq. I am sure the ragheads would love the opportunity to get some tatget practice. If they survive they will be doubly happt to live in safe Australia on return
2007-01-21 08:29:01
answer #3
answered by Shelty K 5
So many responses here claim that the minority leads and that Australian values are been crushed under the weight of politically correct libertarians with their own agenda. But really mate if your right then who cares if you're the minority. The Cronulla riots are a prime example of the mindset of to many Australians and it simply must stop. This talk of who or what is Australian is wrong at heart. We cannot dictate Australian values to anybody as Australian values are made up of the gathering of immigrants and convicts into a nation. A nation built of the world, nobody from any corner of the globe can be called unaustralian. With our diverse background built up from the world’s culture our flag should be a symbol of unity but it simply isn’t. Men have gone to war of stupid symbols before and all that’s been won is a memory or an image and a thousand widows. The Australian flag draped around the shoulders of a half-drunk youth is not the perfect example of patriotism but a bold statement of beliefs these days. In the wake of the Cronulla riots sales of Australian flags have shot up. Sure you could put this down to a sudden patriotic urge of our youth but it stands far more likely that a change of mindset has occurred. So many people view our flag as a call to arms now and it is a tragedy. The BDO organizer's are Australian it’s an Aussie (and New Zealand - mini Aussie) event Pauline Hanson and everybody else calling for the organizers to go back to there own country is sick and insane as this is their country. If we are truly patriotic then we must embrace the equality and mate ship that we boast about o so much yet never practice. The event organizers are right to ask patrons not to bring their flags this year. Last year people where attacked and some forced to kiss and swear allegiance to the flag, there was violence and the events organizers are trying to stop it. Yes the event is close to Australia day but it isn’t that day, so don’t get on your high horse about banning the flag on Australia day cause it’s not happening. This entire issue is stupid national pride itself should be done away with all it causes is war and strife why is one nation better than another it’s not fair all nations should have submitted under the UN when they had the chance. Leave your flag alone and make Australia a better place by being a better person in it.
2007-01-22 15:11:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The idea that a nations flag should be disallowed at an event held within that country is absurd.
Together with the idea that using the Australian flag as a rally against non-Australians is equally ludicrous. Given that people living in this country were born here, or have come here to adopt a new and different way of life than the one they fled.
The majority of people who want to rally behind another country's flag were, themselves, born here. Yes, they were born here. Yet, they seem to want to support the country of their parents birth over the country they were born in. The same country their parents adopted with the hope that their children would be safe.
And safe they are! No-one is dropping bombs on them here, No-one is dragging their friends and family off to be executed for saying the wrong thing or even for daring to disagree with the current regime.
All the people living in the country (no matter where they or their parents are from) have one thing in common with each other - they are LIVING in this country. Its not a difficult matter to comprehend. You are living in this country and you are being protected, fed, housed, employed, supported by and in this country. Surely that places this country as the supreme entity worthy of support.
At something like a sporting event where one country is playing another, most certainly, support the country of your heritage - thats what sporting rivalry is all about. Yet, music transcends political boundaries.
On the weekends, do you go to where you used to live and mow the lawn there or do you go outside and mow your own lawn? Look after your own backyard. Nationally, Australia is your own backyard.
Allow the Australian flag to be proudly shown on Australia day. Ban all others, for they will be the discordant influence.
2007-01-21 11:09:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If you watched television during the Cronulla race riots, you would have seen the Australian flag being used by rabid red-necks to rally the troops to hurl insults and worse at people suspected of being Islamic or non-white.
I don't like my flag being used in this way.
Why would you want to wave an Australian flag - or any flag for that matter - at a music festival anyway?
2007-01-21 08:31:32
answer #6
answered by tentofield 7
During the world cup england was banned from flying the george cross incase we insulted somebody. Wales scotland and every other nationality in the UK was allowed to fly their flag just not England? It's all a bit petty if you ask me, surely multiculturalism comes from encouraging everyone to celebrate their own cultures and to intergrate with others?
PC gone mad again i'm afraid!
2007-01-21 08:22:04
answer #7
answered by Atlanta 3
its already happening in the uk mate, we are bing told not to fly st george's flag when the footy is on, like i'd be offended if i went to india and the indian flag was flying! what a load of stupidity. f*ck the pc flag haters, i say. we must be the only country who sees our own flag as a racist symbol.
2007-01-21 08:23:16
answer #8
answered by stephizzal 5
Australia is acting a bit like wimps lately
I'm a tru blue aussie but i'm getting pinged off at all the trying to change our way of life
2007-01-21 08:57:50
answer #9
answered by ausblue 7
We are having the same problem here in the US. You can blame the liberals. They cater to every group except their own nation. They are called the enemy within. You never see a muslim or communist nation ban their flags for minority sensitivity.
2007-01-21 08:55:37
answer #10
answered by c_macneal 1