Ah, but can we blame God for the nuclear bomb, the oil industry or making GW president? Those were all mistakes, but they were made by us. Let's start taking some responsibility, shall we?
The fact is that we are responsible for the "mistake" that causes people to be gay or transsexual. By polluting the world, we've put an overload of artificial estrogens and other glorious compounds into our environment.
According to the religious, God guarenteed us free will. Would that not also include making our own mistakes and living with the consequences of these? If God intervened by preventing human embryos from not reacting properly to the hormone spray that causes gender to develop in the womb, he'd be breaking guarantee, wouldn't he?
2007-01-21 07:19:30
answer #1
answered by dead_elves 3
Since when did we say we are 'mistakes'?
How about we look at this question from another perspective?
"Are u people saying that GOD made a mistake?"
Are you straight people claiming that God made a mistake creating u this way. And creating some of us gay/bi.He basically decided u were going to be born straight even before u were born. If being straight is so normal and u were born this way should ur birth parents be straight themselve's. You were born straight according to your self believe story. Im sorry i doubt the lord was play tricks here.
Does this question sound abit offensive to you?
Maybe we should let God judge instead of judging eachother?
"Judge not lest ye be judged?" I think is found in the bible?
2007-01-21 07:19:27
answer #2
answered by Anonymous 4
Some people created heterosexual? Try most people. I'm getting really sick of the "not normal = bad" argument being used by so many people. So based on the argument that if you're born gay that your parents should be gay, that means every child is suppose to have every single trait of their parents? What if their hair color or skin color doesn't turn out exactly like their parents? Should I been born with bad eye sight because my parents had it?
Wait a minute, how is being born gay a mistake? Since when did every homosexual said being gay was a mistake?
2007-01-21 07:28:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Did you ever stop to think maybe God has a plan and that gay people are SUPPOSED to be on the planet, just like blind people, mute people, handicapped people, etc. are here.
Gay people are born gay. There's lots of evidence to prove it. Churches across the nation need to quit living in the dark ages and start changing with the times. The anti-gay parts of the bible were written in a time when procreation was a necessity for the Jews. Stop using God as a way to justify your discrimination against others. It's just like when people used to say the bible said people of different races shouldn't get married or that black people should be made into slaves!
I worry that all of the "good Christian people" that try to put down gays and lesbians are going to be pretty shocked on Judgement Day when God tells you that you got it all wrong. I also worry that all of these fundamentalists are doing nothing other than pollute a beautiful religion with their hate and ignorance.
2007-01-21 07:26:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
be apologetic about and mistake at the prompt are not a similar element. you'd be the finest of oldsters and elevate your toddler in each and each of the right thoughts. He will change right into a assassin besides. Do you be apologetic about it? become it YOUR mistake? What God regretted become what had change into of his human introduction. That fact become no longer an admission that he had made a mistate. if truth be told.... (Deuteronomy 32:4-5) The Rock, appropriate is his pastime, For all his thoughts are justice. A God of faithfulness, with whom there is not any injustice; Righteous and upright is he. 5 they have acted ruinously on their personal section; they don't look to be his children, the illness is their personal. A era crooked and twisted!
2016-10-15 21:46:26
answer #5
answered by jakiela 4
No, I don't think ANY of us would say that God has made a mistake by making us this way. But since He HAS made us this way, I guess YOU are the one claiming that He has made a mistake. It's a simple syllogism of logic:
1) God made us this way
2) God doesn't make mistakes
3)Gays are not a mistake!!!!!
Maybe sometime you will accept some logic and reason!
2007-01-21 11:00:53
answer #6
answered by Tikhacoffee/MisterMoo 6
I'm saying God doesn't exist, therefore I don't care about "sinning" against your non-existant deity. Or at least not the one you seem to be following so devoutly, since you're here judging other people on behalf of your God. Glad you decided to take the word of God into your own hands and mete out prejudice for those you see fit.
Who died and made you Jesus?
2007-01-21 07:15:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
no. God created and loves us all...and He makes no mistakes (nor plays any "tricks"). If God didn't create homosexuals, there wouldn't be any. and being gay/lesbian doesn't mean your parents were gay...my parents were straight...as the majority of our parents are. do you actually know any gays/lesbians? why can't you just accept the diversity of this world? don't like us? fine! why do you need to come to this forum and insult us?
2007-01-21 13:00:48
answer #8
answered by redcatt63 6
hello julia, nice to see you in full monotonous boring flow as usual!!!!!!
Still coming out with the same old boring c**p?
I'll humour you on the first part of this one but i think you lost it a bit on the parents being gay part although i do know you like to pluck concepts from thin air!
IF god exists then he did not make a mistake when he made me, he made my cute little queer *** just the way it is thankyou very much and i wouldn't change it for the world!
I don't think anyone is falling for any of your alter ego cover up's anymore we can all spot you from 300 miles on our well tuned gaydars.
Can't wait to see you at the big mardi gras in the sky!!
2007-01-21 07:24:17
answer #9
answered by Atlanta 3
God didn't make any mistakes. This is how God wanted us. He created us as we are. If you are trying to go off of the Bible... keep in mind that the Bible was written by men, not God. God doesn't make mistakes. He is about outstanding love of everyone. The image of the vengeful God is just something you as man created to scare eachother into mindless heathen.
2007-01-21 07:17:51
answer #10
answered by Greske 3