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This is serious and if someone in here says stupid crap or doesn't back up their answer with a source then they will be deleted! So, now, if there isn't such gene that has homosexual encoding, how are you born gay? It is simply unnatural. Isn't the sole purpose of sex to have kids? Homosexuals would atleast get a little more respect if they admit it is a lifestyle choice, a perversion or they were molested as a child and stop using crutches such as nature.

2007-01-21 06:52:59 · 27 answers · asked by That Guy 5 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

As I expected, there are only maybe two answers that even make sense without putting in 100% opinion. What is "wrong" with you Justine? I don't make judgements like that. I am not a phsychiatrist, so don't ask me those types of questions to try to sort out your problems for you. However, I assume you were married (or atleast had a b/f since you have a child) at one point in your life. So, how did he scar you so bad to make you want to be lesbian? Did you just finally say "I'm done with men" like so many other women do, but actually mean it? Well, atleast you chose that lifestyle and wasn't born that way huh? So, does anyone have anything serious to say on the matter or are all of you going to spin your own wheels in trying to justify your choices to your peers?

2007-01-21 07:19:10 · update #1

Oh, and, God doesn't make mistakes. Humans do! Humans fall into temptation and sins. However, there is good news! There is redemption, but it is up to you. You must accept Jesus Christ into your heart and soul and ask for forgiveness and guidance. In return you will be washed clean with the blood of the lamb of all of your sins. We all have sin in our heart and we all are sinners by nature. I will never judge anyone, but only express the truth I feel in my heart. Don't worry, I will post a pornography question too and tell them it is an addiction and a sin.

2007-01-21 07:25:04 · update #2

27 answers

They're not - this is an excuse for gaining special rights and an elite minority status based upon a chosen behavior.

2007-01-21 07:05:10 · answer #1 · answered by Joseph C 5 · 4 7

There are so many wonderful replies here, I hesitate to add mine.
Nevertheless, I will because I have a perspective that hasn't been presented. I won't repeat the sources given by "Anonymous", nor the great information given by "Anonymous girl". I echo the sentiments expressed by "How many questions can there be" and especially those of "mtnfriend69"!!! Also wonderful answers & sources given by "bulghod", "goldenbrowngod", "χριστοφερως", and "Mayor McKim".

Anyway, here's my 2 cents:

> Explain how gays are "born" that way?
There may be an as yet undiscovered "gay gene", but there is already very clear evidence that chemical or hormonal disturbance during gestation produces gay offspring. The etiology is more complicated however. It appears as if one is born with a predisposition that environmental influences can trigger. It is also recognized that early sexual experiences can be imprinting. Not all boys who are molested grow up gay. You have to be born with the predisposition.

I have two daughters, 22 and 24 years old. Since I was a lesbian at the time, they tried emulating me for a while during their middle school years. They really love me and thought whatever I did must be best, right and good. When they got a little older, they both gave it up because they were straight and were really attracted to the opposite sex. You see, they really tried to choose to be gay, but couldn't. IT'S NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN CHOOSE!!!! OMG, in Iraq, they execute people for being gay. You sanctimonious idiot!!! How could anyone CHOOSE that? And why? What would be the motivation?

> It is simply unnatural.
No. Check out the ram studies and the penguins. It occurs in over 1500 species (references already provided by others).

> Isn't the sole purpose of sex to have kids?
No. If that were so, sexual arousal wouldn't be possible during pregancy; we would go into heat like other animals. God put us here to enjoy sex.

> God doesn't make mistakes.
Explain people born intersexed, please. And exactly which gender should they love, marry and have sex with?

Go ahead, delete my answer if you think you can.

2007-01-21 18:46:55 · answer #2 · answered by ftm_poolshark 4 · 0 1

It isn't unnatural.
Infamous examples of homosexuality in animals are gay rams, where it is estimated that up to 1 in 10 rams have sex with other rams, as well as the American Bison, and the infamous lesbian seagull. Other animals don't seem to have a problem with it. I know I'm not good at researching, but I've yet to see an instance of other animals harassing or killing another animal based on sexuality.
It's also worth mentioning that whether or not homosexuality is natural or unnatural is irrelevant to the topic. You're using a computer, you're wearing clothing, you live in a house. Many things we depend on are unnatural and man-made. If you're saying that homosexuality is unnatural, then you would need to go the whole nine yards and find other stuff in your life that is unnatural and remove them.

As far as to how gays are "born" that way, There is ongoing research into that, there's are studies going to determine how homosexuality is found in rams, as well as a recent neurological study that found straight men are around at the scent of a woman, and that gay men are aroused by men and not women. While the second study doesn't confirm or deny the cause of sexuality, it does show that there is a deep neurological response, something that, decided upon or not, is deep rooted and has been basically burned into the mind.
So if gay people choose to be gay, they're working as hard as hell to be gay. So, when people have and continue to hate homosexuality, gays have been burned alive, murdered, sent to Nazi death camps (pink triangle), and so much more of this crap, it makes no sense for someone to choose, and work hard on being gay.
Other evidence supporting sexuality to be biological is that has existed throughout the evolutionary process. If it was a problem, or did stop a species from continuing to have offspring, something would have happened. yet, here are humans at a population of over 6 billion, and there are many homosexuals. The big reasoning behind homosexuality in evolution is that it is a social thing, aiding in communities or groups of animals, and help increase fertility and reproduction in "straight" animals.

Given that, homosexuality seems to be created either genetically or neurologically. With genetics, the possibility of a "gay gene" isn't that likely, but more of a combination of the genes that create sexual desire.

Wow, that was long, but hopefully it made sense. references follow

2007-01-21 15:42:42 · answer #3 · answered by bulghod 2 · 0 1

Perhaps your time spent trying to do God's will would be better spent serving food to the homeless. There are lots of ways to be a good Christian besides telling other people that they are sinning. If you want to make Jesus happy, try living your life in a non-judgemental, caring way. Help someone that's down on his/her luck. Tell a gay person that you love him/her unconditionally instead of spewing hate.

I will tell you though that there is lots of credible evidence to prove that gay people are born the way they are. Some theories suggest that hormone levels in the mother's womb can make the baby's gender identity be altered in some way (I'm not a scientist, so I can't give you a complete analysis). When studies have been done on identical twins that were raised separately from each other, almost 99 percent of the time the kids either both grew up gay or both grew up straight (few had a mix). We can't explain everything in the world, after all.

I'm sure that God has a plan for everyone. Keep in mind that on the surface it seems harsh that God would create people born blind, deaf, mentally handicapped, diabetic, deformed, etc., but no one disputes the fact that they didn't choose to be different. Being gay is a natural part of who a person is. Think about it. Did you choose to be straight by deciding one day that it was wrong to date someone of the same sex because the bible told you so? Or did you just naturally get attracted to someone of the opposite sex? If only the godless choose to be gay, why are there so many heterosexual athiests?

I'm going to pray for you tonight because I think you mean well, but you've been misguided somehow. God bless you.

2007-01-21 15:41:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Since when did 'nature' become a crutch? Also, according to Science Magazine, there *is* evidence of a homosexuality gene. As a matter of fact that have had several articles over the years. There even seems to be a minor link with being left-handed. Are you left-handed? Better watch out you might be a raging homosexual.

Since it is in your genes... yes you can be *born* with it. The only reason the whole world wants to consider it a 'lifestyle choice' is because you can't *see* gay like you can blue eyes or dark skin. This makes it harder to prove and easier for people like you to judge. Why would someone choose such a lifestyle if they have to put up with ignorant people like you?

2007-01-21 15:28:56 · answer #5 · answered by Greske 3 · 0 1

A study done by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm reported that gay men reposnded to male pheromones the same way that women do. This article was reported in the NY Times and stated that "Using a brain imaging technique, Swedish researchers have shown that homosexual and heterosexual men respond differently to two odors that may be involved in sexual arousal, and that the gay men respond in the same way as women."

This could be legitimate proof that gay men do not choose to be gay, but instead are born that way. Also men that are born with an extra x chromosome (known as Kleinfelters Syndome) are usually gay.

But you dont care do you? You will read this and ignore it because you are stuck in your belief that homosexuality is wrong. You will read this and say "No, this is not true because that is not the answer I was looking for." and you will delete it. Or report it. I dont care what you do but I know that you will not take this info seriously.

So you ask questions here just to tell people they are wrong when they do not give you the answer you want. The bad news is homosexuality exists and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You can stop them from getting married, adopting kids and deny their existence, but the fact remains that homosexuality is a part of life.

Also you should stop answering questions in the homosexuality part of yahoo answers. its not a nice thing to do, especially when you have such a stong belief that homosexuality is wrong. They dont want you there.

Heres the NY times article if you dont believe me.


2007-01-21 16:38:58 · answer #6 · answered by Mayor McKim 5 · 1 1

We don't know what makes someone gay, lesbian, bisexual, OR STRAIGHT. There is scientific evidence to suggest it's at least biological in some part, but so far it's correlational. It's very hard to pin down a gene for any one cause, let alone sexuality. If it is biological, it's most likely a complex interaction between many factors, but we just don't have all the evidence yet. We're starting to see some studies (twin studies, examkining the number of male children in a family, etc - I'll include sources) that show some correlational evidence for the "cause" of sexual orientation. But we're a long way off.

As far as choice, there's no evidence at all to suggest that sexual orientation is a choice. Gay and lesbian people come from every religion, region/country, socio-economic background, race, etc. Even in cultures that want to kill gay and lesbian people, they exist. Would they really choose to be gay in a culture that wants to kill them? I doubt it.

There is NO evidence to suggest that all gay and lesbian people were molested as children. There is, however, evidence that the vast majority of child molesters are heterosexual men.

A simple Google search can give you all this info, so there's no need to keep harping on about 'nurture' being the primary influence on sexual orientation, or that gay and lesbian people were all victims of abuse.

2007-01-21 15:06:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I cannot answer for homosexuality, but I can answer for TSism. While I believe there may be undiscovered genes for TSism, gene sequences have been found, and the more transgendered the person is, the more those sequences repeat. There is also the notion of hormone disruption. We are all female for the first 8-12 weeks of gestation before a few genes on the Y chromosome take over. Now if this cascade is somehow disrupted, a person could end up with the body of one sex and the brain wired for someone of the other sex.

For TSism, prenatal use of medications seems to be connected. There are newsgroups for DES sons, and the majority of them are transsexuals. That fits the hypothesis that prenatal exposure to hormones or endocrine disruptors can cause TSism. There are also warnings on medications like finasteride which speak of prenatal exposure causing birth defects in male fetuses. Theoretically, birth control pills could probably cause this if a woman managed to get pregnant while taking them.

Even prenatal herbicide exposure has been implicated with higher incidences of autism, Aspergers, and TSism. Similar can be said for exposure to certain industrial chemicals, with more TSs and autism spectrum patients living around Silicon Valley.

So there are probably multiple etiologies for TSism. I suspect that there are multiple etiologies for homosexuality as well. A lot of pseudo-TSism may just be behavioral, but there has to be a reason to make them want to attempt to immitate TSs.

2007-01-21 15:03:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

it is not a choice. that has been proven.

the brains of straight men develop differently than gay men.

some are speculating that there is a gay gene and have found homosexuality to run on the mothers side (thus it will probally be a X-chromosome gene). it is yet to be found

others believe hormonal development in the womb determines sexuality. one doctor thinks that stress during pregnancy cause hormones to develop in a different way than they normally would. this was once conducted with rats and the results were positive (they stressed the rats and more gay rats were born).

right now with science we are solving an algebra problem. all animals have homosexuality in their species. humans do to.
we know what it is, how the brain looks, but we can't solve for X- the why the how.

2007-01-21 18:28:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

They are born that way and many scientists believe that there is a gay gene (because you have gay animals) and being gay sometimes runs in families.

I think of sexuality as being a spectrum from 0% gay to 100% some people are born through and through and could not bring themselves to even consider sex with the opposite sex, others could force themselves to live a lie and others still are bisexual.

If you want a simple answer, I'm afraid there isn't one because it's not black and white.

You feel that it's unnatural but what evidence do you have (except the bible which states alot of other things that you probably choose to ignore cos it suits you e.g. drinking or masturbating etc) that it's unnatural - why do many animals choose a mate for life that is the same sex? Why are there sooo many intelligent, good, kind, caring gay people in the world?

I think that God would be disappointed in your arrogance that you presume that he makes mistakes, that you presume to do his work of hating his children when he has always professed love for all mankind including so called 'sinners'.

I think most of all he would be disappointed in your desire to cause misery and pain to your fellow neighbors. When he has worked so hard to make the world a beautiful place.

2007-01-21 15:14:48 · answer #10 · answered by How many questions can there be? 3 · 1 2

Just because a gene hasn't been found yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Even if it doesn't, being gay could just be a natural 'mistake' (please- no one take offense- it's just the only word that fits). When you are 'attracted' to people there's no thought process, it is just a biological reaction and gay people are naturally attracted to their same sex. If it is a lifestyle choice (and for some it may be), why would so many people who want to make their families happy, have a normal marriage, have kids, etc "choose" to be gay? I certainly wouldn't choose to put myself or family through that. It would have to be so much a part of me that I had no choice.

2007-01-21 15:05:35 · answer #11 · answered by kxf23us 2 · 4 1

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