I would keep it. This must be hard for you.
how did your daughter end up having sex? she needs to be on BC after this.
2007-01-21 06:28:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
This is a mom's worst nightmare, pregnant at 12. I am so sorry for all of the pain that your family must be in right now and for all of the worries that this has created.
As a mother of 4, 3 girls, I cannot imagine having to make the decision that you are faced with, but I can alos not imagine giving up a baby for adoption. I guess I would have to keep it. My children are 19 years apart, so if you kept the baby as your own people would easily believe that your daughter and new baby were siblings.
Children these days are so promiscuous, what in the world has changed since I was a young girl? I have no idea what they are thinking -- or not thinking. You can't tell me that a 12-year-old girl is enjoying sex? I think it is just no big deal to children these days, sex that is, and they don't care if they enjoy it or not. They are just all doing it.
I think we as a society really need to take a look at this problem, because it is a huge problem, and try to figure out what we can do about it as soon as possible. Let's face it, the children can't raise children, so that makes us start all over with babies. I know we will all love and cherish them, but it just isn't what we wanted for our lives and later life.
I wish you and your daughter all the luck in the world. Again, I am sorry for your pain.
2007-01-21 06:33:20
answer #2
answered by Vicki W 2
Oh my! The best advice I can offer is that if you are able to care for this baby...then do. Your daughter certainly is not in any position to do so but this baby does deserve any and every chance at a good life as it can possibly get. You can offer her support, but the sad truth is that she is nowhere near ready or prepared for this task and probably will not be for a very long time. She needs to focus on her education and her childhood. If you are not prepared to raise this child, then you should consider adoption. This baby is going to have a hard enough time with the hand that it has been dealt....but if you are not prepared to be a parent again....there are thousands of people who are. After this baby is born, I would certainly suggest that you get some counseling for your daughter and that you do what you can to ensure that does not happen again. She may not realize the impact that this is going to have on your life...12 year olds have a very hard thinking outside of their own box...but that is just a part of being a child...but you don't want her to think that she can do this again. Just out of curiousity...where is the father and how okd is he?? He should be held responsible for this also. If he is a minor, then his parents should be held responsible also. If shee was 16 or 17, then I would suggest that support her in her quest of motherhood, but at 12....that is impossible. YOU WILL BE RAISING THIS CHILD.
Good luck.
2007-01-21 06:39:17
answer #3
answered by Sunshine 3
My stepdaughter did this about 4 yrs ago at 13 yrs old. When she went into labor 2 months early I thought the baby would die because it was so premature, but it didnt. An adoption was set up and she was prepared to hand the baby over and changed her mind. Well now, the little one has no life. Her mother drags her out partying in the car and she sees several different men and none are her father. Its a mess. Turn your daughters child over for adoption. There are people out there who will give her an excellent home and some will even allow her to see her once in awhile.
2007-01-21 07:56:37
answer #4
answered by happydawg 6
Sad isnt it. these babies dont have a clue what it takes to take care of a whole 'nother person. 12!?!??? She need that one last butt whoopin, that straightened all of us out, before we left home! But Ma, dig this, U are gonna have to provide for these children. I dont know if u are pro choice, but aint no way i would take care of someone elses responsibilty.PERIOD! This is all on You! You are the babies mama mama. so in the middle of the nite while the baby daddy and his family are sleepin peaceful, U up with the babby, and showing your daughter how to be a mother. Now, adoption is always an option, but find a family first, dont just put it in childcare services and let them deal with it. But, if your daughter is anything like My goddaughter(15 with a 1 monthold) She may think that this baby is gonna keep this boy, then she may turn on you. The only person that is really ready willing and able to step up to the plate. Plus, the hospital confidentiallity thing that they got going on?!?!? If your daughter dont want u to know whats going on, she dont have to let u in the room! Aint that some SPIT! At 15, my baby hadnt a clue what was goin on, at 12 I am sure she knows even less. Good luck, and put her li'l bad butt on some birth control. I dont want to see u back in my office in 11 months.lol (smile, it gets better. you will make the right choice.)
2007-01-21 06:42:36
answer #5
answered by steelababi 2
Back in the day during the early time of the pregnancy the parent would of sent the daughter away to a relative home or away to home for young mother until she had the baby and the baby would of been given up for adoption. But, now it's to late and everyone knows about the baby it's really up to you but if it's possible could you move to another place,town,city and raise the baby as your own or legal guardian. But, I would make her help you out with the baby an after school job and don't let her stay home from school. Make sure she pays for things diapers, milk clothing and spend time with the child. GOOD LUCK!!!AND I HOPE EVERY THING WORKS OUT 4 YOU. OH make sure she uses protection so this doesn't happen again..BYE!!
2007-01-21 06:42:24
answer #6
answered by starlily 1
If you have the means to raise and care for the child, and if the pregnancy would not adversely affect the health of your daughter, I would keep the baby at home with you and your daughter. True, you will have to shoulder the brunt of the responsibility for raising the child, as your daughter is still a child herself, but I believe that it would be in the best interests of your daughter and her baby overall. I think it would also benefit her to take an increasing role in her baby's care, and teach her a very valuable lesson concerning responsibility for her actions.
Is the pregnancy the product of consentual sex, or a rape or incest? This would have an impact on your decision as well, taking your daughter's emotional well-being into account. If the latter is the case, I would put more emphasis on her decision in the matter. If the pregnancy is the result of a consentual sex act, I would not give her as much latitude, as she must be aware that actions have consequences.
If this is a situation that you feel you would like to discuss further, please feel free to e-mail me: ajs_daddy_48131@yahoo.com.
2007-01-21 06:38:13
answer #7
answered by James L 2
I say Good for you! You are saving 2 people already, your daughter and your grandchild! Your daughter is too young to wrap her head around the fact that she is now a mom, and what that entails. But you've been doing it for at least 12 years, so I applaud you. I have four daughters myself, so my chances for going through something similar are greater, I always told myself I would do the same thing. I think it is very important that you keep it open, and give your daughter time to bond with the baby, and learn to be a parent in some way shape or form. You are an awesome woman.
2007-01-21 08:06:47
answer #8
answered by Heather m 2
2 reasons you are a bad parent:
1. You raised an 11-year-old who thinks it's okay to be sexually active.
2. You can't make your own important decision, so you ask complete strangers on YA.
I think the last thing you need is to screw up someone else's life. If you keep this baby, do a better job! Do a better job anyway! You already have a child who needs her mother. I recommend parenting classes if you want your child or grandchild to have a chance in life. Learn to be mature and a good role model, if you don't know how look at people whose kids do what they're supposed to and see how those people act.
2007-01-21 07:45:43
answer #9
answered by sarcastro1976 5
Why are you asking strangers if you should keep the baby or let someone adopt it???????
Children do things we can't always control, but I have reservations about you keeping her baby when you aren't even keeping an eye on your own daughter.
If you can't be an involved mom, who sets limits on your kid and expects them to follow those limits (we're talking about a 12 year old, not a 16 year old who can drive off and get in trouble out of your eye), it might be better for you to give the baby to someone who has been longing for one and is unable to have one.
Whatever you decide, you have a lot of work to do with your 12 year old to prevent this from happening again.
2007-01-21 06:46:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
kids are having sex younger and younger these days, and i cant say much as im only 16 and 4 mnths pregnant. if ur daughter is old enough to hav sex and it his her baby u should talk 2 her and ask if she wants her baby around and then u takin gurdianship of the baby is a very good idea as she will not be able 2 cope! then u should definetly put her on the injection as the pill may not work at such a young age in way she may forget 2 take it!
anyway goodluck!
2007-01-21 06:38:18
answer #11
answered by xjoesyx 1