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5 answers

Go bad? Wireless routers don't have a shelf life or an expiry date. Well, you can login on as administrator to the Router's IP with your browser, and (depending on the router's features) see who is accessing the router, and the bandwidth statistics.

2007-01-21 06:21:16 · answer #1 · answered by Tim 6 · 0 0

As answered above, you should log in to the router and see if there is someone else (may be your neighbours) who is connected to your wireless network and hence affecting your network's performance. Also, put router somewhere on top instead of on the floor.

2007-01-21 06:28:23 · answer #2 · answered by farhan 2 · 0 0

On your computer you have a file on you router it will tell you. Find the file for the bast router and the wireless router and run a check scan.

2007-01-21 06:28:13 · answer #3 · answered by LDJ 5 · 0 0

hiya, Your WRT120N router setup application is compatible with living house windows 7 (32 bit or sixty 4 bit), living house windows XP and Max OS X 10.4 or larger. If the appliance would not deploy the router and you get an inner errors you're able to call Cisco tech help and ask them for training. that's obtainable the router has stopped working. go into "Networking" and choose hook up with a instant sign. living house windows 7 could desire to "see" the instant sign and allow you to hook up with it utilising the acceptable password or bypass word. If it would not then probably the router is undesirable. wish this helps, Al

2016-11-26 00:20:54 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Could you be more specific on what the problem is you are having with the router?

Please post more here or email me

2007-01-21 06:54:30 · answer #5 · answered by Sam M 4 · 0 0

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