Your best argument (this coming from a parent myself) is that the profiles can be set up so that they're not available to the public but only to friends that you allow. Also, reassure them that you put no personal information up there. Maybe only your first name but certainly not where you live, or anything like that. I let my kids have accounts but they have to abide by these rules and I have to be allowed as a "friend" on their accounts so that I can monitor the content. Also, at any time that I demand, they have to be willing to show me their "Inbox" or Message Center so that I can inspect their messages.
2007-01-21 06:22:37
answer #1
answered by bogus_dude 6
Being born in the Century before the WWW, we tend to feel sorry for those born in the Digital Age. Peer pressures and keeping up with the trends, being fashionable and in touch with the latest, all give exposures to unhealthy lifestyles, undesirable habits, activities; and vulnerability to ill-intentioned persons. Guess the only way your parents will allow you a myspace account or any other activity that they deem requires self discipline and control is to show them your ability to do just that.... be self controlled and disciplined.
2007-01-21 06:35:23
answer #2
answered by t4capricorn 2
As a parent of a teenage daughter, I have to agree with your parents, unless you agree to allow them full access to your account so they can monitor what you are doing and posting. Your parents love you and want to protect you, this is why they are against it. If you want one that bad, just go to them and agree to let them monitor your site, that way they know what is being said and done on there. If you aren't doing anything bad or being naughty or posting naughty pictures, or giving out personal information, I think it should be ok. GOOD LUCK!!!!!
2007-01-21 06:29:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If I were them, I wouldn't let you get a myspace account either.
Perverts and stalkers go to that website. All they want is to check out profiles and see who they're gonna get.
That website is pretty much just a dating site with naked pictures.
I suggest not giving in to this "myspace fad."
Oh... and it doesn't matter if your profile is private.
Myspace is EASILY hacked.
Go with your parents on this one.
2007-01-21 06:24:41
answer #4
answered by ( Kelly ) 7
well im 22 and i have a yahoo 360 and a myspace account but my mum and dad dont know i have one at the end of the day its my choice what i put on my web-site, they dont even know about computers,
how old are you? cant you have one in secret?
2007-01-21 06:24:07
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Tell your parents that you will give them your password so they can check what you have been up too,and after awhile when they are comfortable with what they see they will probably be okay with their decision.
2007-01-21 06:24:24
answer #6
answered by feel/the/need/to/fly 4
Just have them read this article It will do all the talking for you,2933,245222,00.html
but make sure you read the article too
so you're not caught off gaurd
2007-01-21 06:31:36
answer #7
answered by Çlïgér4™ ♂ 6
I agree with your parents. If you were my wouldn't even be allowed online without supervision. Sorry hon.
2007-01-21 06:21:58
answer #8
answered by ? 7