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I think I have a problem. I shave, brush my teeth, comb my hair, etc... in the dark. I usually turn on the light in the other room for minimal sight so I can see where I'm shaving or whatever, but I can't bare to look at myself with the light on. This problem started about four years ago when I started college. Now I'm 23 and the problem has gotten worse. I have so many flaws! My complection isn' clear, my receding hairline shows, I can see bags under my eyes. All these ugly things about me can be "fixed" by just turning off the light. I just keep telling myself that if I'm just so much better looking in the dark, why do I need to turn on the light?

Is this problem common? I mean, I don't think I'm really ugly or anything. You guys tell me. Thank you so much for your help! (notice the darkness of the pictures)



2007-01-21 06:03:14 · 30 answers · asked by strykerz28 1 in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

30 answers

Honey, you are HOT. You definitely do NOT have a problem on the outside, but as for your self-esteem, just remind yourself the beautiful features you have, such as your lovely green eyes that everyone adores. :-) Read all these encouraging comments we have for you..perhaps this is your first step in realizing how amazing you really are? If the problem still persists, then I agreee with the other Yahoo! members: seek a professional psychiatrist for help. A few years back, I went to a peer support group where we compliment each other and diminish our flaws. It was really helpful, because you share thoughts with other people just like yourself. Try whatever is suitable for you and be comfortable with yourself. If you have a girlfreind, tell her about this "problem" you have and really, I don't think you have a problem. Maybe just a lack of self-esteem. Smile whenever you can and when you wake up first thing in the morning, look in the mirror and tell yourself "watch out girls, cause this hottie will make you wanting more." If someone insults you or tries to bring you down, just tell yourself they are jealous of you. If you need someone to talk to, remember I am always here. Good luck and I am sure you will appreciate yourself more each day.

2007-01-21 06:48:21 · answer #1 · answered by angelkiss 2 · 0 0

each and every mirror is fairly incorrect. It relies upon on the thickness of the glass, the age of the mirror, and how that's fastened. The thicker the glass, and the greater contemporary the mirror, the cleanser the mirrored image would be. while you're taking a decrease priced door mirror from aim and mount it on the wall with a reasonable bump interior the middle in the back of it, you have a fat mirror, using fact the image is pulled to the middle. in case you place the bumps on each and every end, it will be a skinny mirror. in case you choose for to look your superb, regardless of the certainty, I frequently propose utilising an older mirror it relatively is reasonably thick. the colour isn't so silver - that's greater champaign, so which you have a astounding tone. Tone down the lights slightly - and - voila!

2016-10-31 22:20:23 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I've heard of a mental disorder called body dismorphic disorder. It's when a person's view of their physical appearance is distorted, and it's related to Depression and O.C.D. One of the symptoms is mirror avoidance. The disorder is not that uncommon, but their are many other things that could explain your problem.


I have allergy shiners big time, (dark rings under the eyes), my complexion isn't clear, and I'm overweight. I'm pretty tall, have an unusually long torso in relation to my average sized lets, and I always felt sort of oaf-ish. But then some people say I'm an attractive guy, so I don't know. I sometimes avoid looking in the mirror, especially in public, it freaks me out to see myself in a mirror in a public setting. I dislike being photographed and video taped as well.
But then if I can find a way to be comfortable, and I chill out, I realize that I don't look half bad. I got a camera, where the lcd screen pivots around so I can take pictures of myself. I can take them and then erase them right away if I want. I think it's helping me to be more comfortable in front of a camera, and I'm doing okay in front of mirrors too. (working out lately has helped).

I don't think that it's really uncommon for guy's to have body image issues. In fact it's probably normal. I don't think that feeling the way you do necessarily means body dismorphic disorder either.
IPeople with eating disorders often have an unrealistic body image too. I've met many girls who are really attractive, yet extremely sensitive about their bodies. But I think females are more likely to express feelings like that then guys are. Really, I think it's almost a societal problem at this point. There's a real pressure to be unrealistically good looking. It's harmful to us.

2007-01-21 06:29:50 · answer #3 · answered by no mas 2 · 0 0

First of all i think you look perfectly normal....and let me do add that you have beautiful green eyes!!! There is no need for you to do what you're doing. I think that you should try really hard to not do this to yourself anymore. Maybe change the lighting--like yellow light always makes us look better than those white fluorescent lights. If you don't think you can do this on your own then maybe you should consult w/ a professional (psychologist).

Oh yea and don't let some stupid INSECURE people (ie: Chris Brown Gurl) get you down. They are already feeling down on themselves and need to put other people down to make themselves feel better.

You are a good looking guy and just have some issues to work out (like the rest of us do) No one is perfect ;-)

2007-01-21 06:19:07 · answer #4 · answered by gaby c 2 · 0 0

ooh! You're so cute! You just don't look happy at all! I believe your problem will best be addressed with a therapist. That isn't a bad thing!!! They just have the expertise to convince you that you are a handsom person. Its a confidence issue and there are so many things you could do to increase your confidence. Doing more public activites, emersing yourself with POSITIVE people, and going out more to enjoy nature and life in general is just some of them. You HAVE to look in the mirror sometimes. Tell youself you are a great person with nice looks daily. Its corny and you'll feel silly doing it but it WORKS. Wake up and say how wonderful you are...write down your good qualities...start a journal....whatever feels right to you. A daily rutine of such activities will brighten your outlook on life and in so doing brighten your outlook on yourself. It'll be slow but by being more confident and liking who you are AS you are you'll see those "bad" qualities dissapear. They never existed in the first place. You're wonderful!

2007-01-21 06:13:26 · answer #5 · answered by Gwenith O 3 · 0 0

i think ur pics are great. very saxy. as for the mirror - well i dont think that its completely obnormal. little strange yes, but krazy no. ( i grew up on a ranch with chickens - terrified of chickens - but id do any thing else - literly) if you want to get over this stage, try slowly adding more light day by day. i really dont understand the whole situtaion, but have you had family problems/abuse as a child, yuoung man? it might be the trigger for this problem. hope i helped somewhat. anther thing thtat i dont understrand is you won't look at urself in a mirror, but you go in public? if you cant look at urself you think others can? sorry dont mean to be harsh, just a question that i had!

and yes ur pics are hot!

2007-01-21 06:12:37 · answer #6 · answered by bananananana 3 · 0 0

Yes there is something wrong with you. If you can't see what beautiful eyes you have and a really sexy face then you have a form of self hate.
what a waste - get some help
My husband says he can't stand looking at himself or says he doesn't understand what I find so attarctive about him and it just shows what a lack of self confidence - obviously your mother never told you how handsome you are.
I tell my husband how hot he is all the time and now he has started prancing around in his knickers in front of me which is lots of fun.
Women love confident men - go get help so you can see the really hot person you are outside as well as inside.

2007-01-21 06:12:21 · answer #7 · answered by prettymama 5 · 0 0

you look very nice.i think u have a compulsive behaviour and that is time u see someone about this. No, it's not normal not being able to see yr self in the mirror-i think u r hiding from other things that have to do with yr self. u have to see a therapist cause this will grow.u don't havemany flaws, u just think u have,,and even if u have--u r no different than any of us.

2007-01-21 06:14:00 · answer #8 · answered by disco ball 4 · 0 0

as weird as i think that is, and that i think you may be fishing for compliments, I am gonna be honest with you. i think you are a nice looking fella. why are you so afraid? we are our worst critisizer, but you shouldn't feel that way about yourself. I saw your pics and i think you have nice eyes, i like your hair and you seem like a good guy. some people have larger foreheads (lol, you shoukd see my bfs ...he complains about a receding). Anyway, I love him and i think he is beautiful. Don't be so hard on yourself. There are some things you can do to mprove what you see. Stop shaving and try just trimming, shaving discolorates the skin. And try nuetragena toner products, that shyts not just for women like me. Oh, and try placing cucumbers on your eyes to reduce puffiness. Who said these things were restricted to women? Just have confidence, you have NO reason to feel like this because I SEE YOU! Try those things and believe me, you will be looking at yourself in that mirror in no time!

Good Luck!

2007-01-21 06:11:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

oh my gosh hun you look FINE. everyone has insecurities but you CAN NOT let it take over your life! If you really want to fix things then do things like drink water, face creams, concealer for dark areas, etc. I really wouldn't worry about it though, sometimes it's better to FAKE being confident even if you really aren't then to be down on yourself all the time..just eats away at you

2007-01-21 06:09:15 · answer #10 · answered by Sarah 4 · 1 0

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