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5 answers

be confident in yourself-it shows. curl your lashes and if you pin your hair in a bun, but leave hair around yourface on both sides and curl them and put mouse in them it looks gorgeous. i get many compliments on this. do situps and pushups, and do morning jogs-the basics will help you appear fit. take care of your blemishes with clinique products-people always ask how my skin is so even toned and free of zits-clinique.

have a comfortable yet stylish wardrobe. jeans are perfect-get a cute pair and some awesome shoes that you can wear anyday. dangling earings and a necklace look nice with that hair too. if you're short them have the shoes give you a heel or thick bottom. choose a dull colored comfortable tanktop and pull it tight over yourself. then place a bright color over the tank and you will be shining all day long.

use a light lip gloss after you apply petroleum jelly. black mascara over top and bottom lashes after curling-then sometimes i curl them again after applying mascara. a pinkish blush on the 'apples' of your cheeks make you look darling! leave out the foundation,eyeliner, and eye color to achieve a more natural look.

perfumes like real by American Eagle outfitters and lucky you by lucky brand are great.

eat healthy-most important try not to eat out, stay home and have a stir fry with whole grain rice-it is great for you.

just try it-i know it will work wonders!!!

2007-01-21 06:02:27 · answer #1 · answered by FrancetichSketch 3 · 0 0

Beauty is on the inside. . the thing not to do is over make-up yourself or dress slutty. That only gets you attention that you don't want.

The biggest thing for me is eyes and smiles. If you have rotten looking teeth, get them fixed, and if your eyebrows look like a freaking bush. . .trim them up. .that is the worst thing. Also facial hair on women. . .its a no-go. Check yourself out. . .if you cant take care of what everyone sees. . .how do you take care of the stuff people cant see. . . .

Hope this helps! =]

2007-01-21 13:51:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe a little makeup... A flattering hairstyle and clothes... But mostly I think it can be confidence that makes you prettier. But that's just me.

2007-01-21 13:50:07 · answer #3 · answered by ♥Tex 3 · 0 0

try differnt shades of makeup that are not so bright . natural colours bring out natural beauty, do something different with your hair and treat yourself to a new outfit . if you feel good then you look good

2007-01-21 13:55:04 · answer #4 · answered by mum of 2 3 · 0 0

attitude is everything if you have a great style about you in all you do you will be the most attractive person to everybody else i mean it it works!

2007-01-21 13:58:54 · answer #5 · answered by pa625 5 · 0 0

makeup cute hairstyle and wardrobe.

2007-01-21 13:49:45 · answer #6 · answered by Carcinnamonster 3 · 0 0

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