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Help!!!! I never ever get zits and i just got a big one under my nose.. (how i got one there, i don't know..) i tried to pop it, but now it's just red there!!!.. i know the redness will be gone tomorrow, but i have a date tonight. what can i buy right now that will stop the redness by tonight?!! (and it's not one of those things that only i notice, bc a coworker just pointed it out..)

2007-01-21 04:58:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

17 answers

To cover it up you want to use a base color that is opposite of the color it is. That is usually green. Then use a concealer over it and then a powder.

2007-01-21 05:09:37 · answer #1 · answered by FaerieWhings 7 · 0 0

I know that this will be hard to do, but once you get it popped, stop picking at it. With the yuck out of it and not picking at it, it will start to heal. Tonight you might need to put some concealer over it to cover the redness, but after the date, keep the make up off of it so that it can heal. It is ok. You can bet, your date for tonight has had a zit before and he probably has something going on right now that he hopes you won't notice. You'll be ok. Just relax and enjoy your date. Don't let a zit get you too edgy to be happy. CHEERS!

2007-01-21 05:06:56 · answer #2 · answered by Sabrina 6 · 0 0

I found this solution in a magazine. I was skeptical at first, but it really works!

Get yourself some regular white toothpaste, and put a dab onto the zit. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then wipe it off. You will find that the redness will be gone!

Hope it works>Good luck

2007-01-21 05:04:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

do not pay interest to that woman. Im a cosmetologist...and each and each fool is conscious now to not squeeze or %. at it. it is going to purely make the pimple more suitable glaring and threat an infection and scarring. Wash your fingers thoroughly previously you commence to the contact your face.Wash your face gently yet thoroughly with a fragile, medicated cleansing soap and warmth water (no longer warm WATER). Lemon Juice rubbed on the pimple also enables it dry out speedier.also, get a washcloth and lay it lower than warm/ very warmth water and placed it on your face, to open pores, then rub an ice dice throughout your face to close the pores, this helps in case you awaken in the course of the nighttime and also you hit upon your face to be oily, attempt this although cases you want. * do no longer use a washcloth, because the scrubbing action ought to %. up and distribute micro organism to different parts of your face. that is optimal to apply your fingers. * Wash for type of 30 seconds. Pat your pores and skin dry with a towel. follow a benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid topical cream on the pimple. If the spot is lower than the exterior of the exterior and hurts to the contact, use benzoyl peroxide. Salicylic Acid ought to artwork properly for all different pimples spots.After topical medical care is dry, follow an person-friendly face moisturizer (ideally hypersensitivity-examined, heady heady scent loose, and oil loose). with out moisturizing, the exterior round the pimple can dry and aggravate your pores and skin, likely making the pimple more suitable infected and substantial. some include a fragile sunscreen, it particularly is often suggested with some pimples washes and drugs. conceal the pimple with medicated concealer once you should placed on makeup.

2016-10-15 21:35:29 · answer #4 · answered by cohan 4 · 0 0

I heard that if you put that red eye stuff on your zit it looks a lot less red..you know..the difference is clear..clear eyes. You get the one that takes redness out of your eyes. I've never tried it though. I usually wach my face, put a little bit of lotion on it, and put on cover up. To make the cover up look less make-upy, I try and dab it on instead of smear it. My brother has told me you can use toothpaste to dry it up or he is known to walk around with soap on his face until his zit clears up. I hope that helps =)

2007-01-21 05:03:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Visine eye drops gets the red out of eyes and zits too I have heard.

2007-01-21 05:01:20 · answer #6 · answered by D 3 · 0 0

Tea Tree Oil...just keep putting it on the zit. It should stop the swelling.

2007-01-21 05:00:53 · answer #7 · answered by noodles 3 · 0 0

Try hot compresses followed by one last cold one. Then lightly cover it up with make-up. Don't worry I'm sure it's not as bad as it seems - and that coworker that mentioned it is an idiot.
Good luck on your date, have fun!

2007-01-21 05:02:04 · answer #8 · answered by LionessB 3 · 1 0

grind some aspirin, then add a little water to turn it into a paste. apply that to the red spot and leave it on for a while

2007-01-21 05:01:17 · answer #9 · answered by poopy 1 · 0 0

uhhhh u could get some cover up! or you could try to gat a bar of soap wet then rub your index finger on the bar of soap and put your finger on the zit, DON'T WASH IT OFF!!!!(till later, much later)

2007-01-21 05:02:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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