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Does it hurt to peirce the cartilage of your ear? I'm thinking about getting one. I've wanted to since I was in 5th grade!!! Everybody has them. Even in 4th grade! I either want one for my 13th b - day in June, or before then, like for easter or Valentines day! Can you give me a lot of info about it, possibly including personal expirences or just what you've heard! Thanx!

2007-01-21 04:54:15 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

I already have two in each earlobe

2007-01-21 05:01:02 · update #1

24 answers

Do yourself a favor and get a rook piercing. Just do a search and you'll see where on your ear that is. I have 2 cartiage piecings the regular ol' towards the top of my ear(the one everyone and their uncle has) and the rook one. I have yet to meet anyone else who has te rook piercing and everyone compliments me on it. It didn't hurt honestly. You get yourself so psyched up about the pain, and it is for nothing. Make sure the person that does it is good at what they do, and you'll be fine. It did take 4 months to totally heal. (Not hurt when it is touched) Definitely get it on the ear you don't answer the phone on. It will be worth it!!! and you'll love it.

2007-01-29 03:39:31 · answer #1 · answered by Happy Bunny to the rescue! 4 · 0 0

No not really. It hurts at first but it passes quickly. I got my ears pierced a couple ears ago and they got infected because they told me that I can't take them off, at all. But that is wrong. You can take them off to clean them but they need to go immediately back on. So, that is kinda wrong. I have wanted my ears pierced for along time but then that happened and I am not sure. It just wasn't a little infection it took a while for it to heal. So, yep. And you're right. Everyone, or a lot of people, have their ears pierced at your age. But, you might want to think it over a little bit and you're smart to ask this on here. But, anyway talk to your parents about what you're thinking and see what they think about it. Maybe they have a reason for you not to or maybe they'll be okay with it but make sure you talk to them about it before you to anything. I know that I didn't have to do much convincing for my mom to give me permission to do it. I got them for my birthday and it was a good gift in my opinion. And it does hurt worst the higher you go. Have you had your earlobes pierced? Did you think that that hurt? So, anyway, good luck!

2007-01-21 13:34:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It really does not hurt any more than a regular piercing, but it just takes FOREVER to heal. Cartilage is not as vascular as skin, so it heals much slower and gets infected easier. I dealt with mine for several years (it really was cute), but I just got so tired of the hassle of frequent infections and how sore it stayed most of the time, that I finally just pulled the earring out and let mine grow up. Good luck if you decide to do it.

2007-01-21 13:01:37 · answer #3 · answered by Sabrina 6 · 0 0

For pain it really depends where on your ear your cartillage is pierced. Another thing to keep in mind too-- the cartillage takes LONGER to heal and is more sensitive-- this is why, too, it's more painful.
Do not have your cartillage pierced at a mall shop- go to a piercing studio because the shops at the mall really don't know what they're doing when it comes to piercing. THere are veins in your ears (cartillage, too) and other things that may be harmed if pierced the wrong way.

2007-01-21 12:59:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well,they hurt some people.They do get infected and you will have to wear a band-aid over your piercing

Whenever you sleep,it will bother you the most because your ear will be sore.

Good Luck!

2007-01-21 12:59:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it only hurts a tiny bit i got mine when i was 10
my mom took me to this one doctors office where they do it.its alot better to do it there than at claires or something because there is alot less chance of geting an infection but if you go to claires or something just get a normal gold stud or sliver stud cause the other ones give you a better chance of invection...trust me i know what im talking about it my mom is a nurse and dad is a doctor.

2007-01-28 17:52:39 · answer #6 · answered by kultzz 1 · 0 0

not at all i had it done recently in august for my 13th birthday..kinda late but no it didn't hurt i thought it would but it didn't at all...even w/ people watching it get done gettin it done on the bottom hurts more than the top so get it done but follow all percausions..clean it cuz it can be dangerous..but the thing is it looks good so do it

ps good luck!!

2007-01-26 20:45:30 · answer #7 · answered by Sierra P 2 · 0 0

My friend had it done a little while back and she said it was less painful than piercing your earlobe because there's less to go through and trust me, if there's anyone that feels pain, it's her!!

Here's a website that might help:

Good luck!

2007-01-21 12:59:46 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

it doesnt hurt that much as long as you dont bumb your ear against something,like this one time i was bending down to pick something up and so was someone else and we banged heads and my ear hurt so much,but after a while you cant even tell it is in there

2007-01-21 13:01:47 · answer #9 · answered by Micheala 4 · 0 0

Yeah it will hurt. It will hurt for weeks/months

I'm not trying to scare you because I think you should get it done- It looks pretty cool. Just don't get it done on the side that you sleep on and don't worry about which side is the gay/straight side. Noone cares anymore.

2007-01-21 12:59:44 · answer #10 · answered by I'm Just A Girl 2 · 0 1

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