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I'm interested in doing some modeling, I've got a cute face, thin waist, good figure, and an outgoing personality. I've been told that it takes a lot of money to persue a modeling career. Any advice on what I should do to get started? How much it usually cost and how I go about getting a portfolio started and any available agencies.

2007-01-21 04:28:40 · 4 answers · asked by Y.a.S.L 3 in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

I also love to take photos (take them all the time), and have even been told that I'm pretty good at it. But I was told that you can get batter with time too, especially if you have a coach.

2007-01-21 05:29:17 · update #1

4 answers

You can google 'how to be a model' to start but here's my friends site on myspace..check it out and request to be her friend. She has a lot of helpful advice.


2007-01-21 04:38:54 · answer #1 · answered by Bonita Applebaum 5 · 0 1

i'm pretty young right now but i do want to go into modeling too. i tried going to this preselection for modeling and it went pretty well, but they told me i didnt have "the figure"
anyways, if you've got the talent, the looks and stuff, try searching online for a modeling angency near you and try calling for an audition or something.
good luck with everything! =]

2007-01-21 04:40:29 · answer #2 · answered by [carina] 2 · 0 0

It takes more than a cute face and some cash.
You need to be good at it! some of the prettiest people in the world cant model worth a crap! It's alot harder than it looks.

2007-01-21 04:37:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

try www.commercialkids.com; it's got acting/ modeling/ and more

They're not accepting right now. But I'd definitely check it out.
It's supposibly not a scam. You'll read about it.

2007-01-21 04:38:25 · answer #4 · answered by oopsgoesmeeh 3 · 0 0

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