I believe it is 18 and it helps if you have a job. I know you didn't ask but may I offer some sage advice given from experience?
I couldn't wait to get a credit card. The credit card companies prey on young people just entering the market place. They love
to destroy credit and rake in the money from people who can not afford to pay. If you MUST have a card then get a debit card.
There is no interest added to an unpaid balance and you can
not charge your way into debt since you determine your own
balance. I use a debit card to do my on-line shopping. It is
the only safe plastic to own. Forget the other plastic..please.
It will only ruin your credit and your life.
2007-01-21 04:33:26
answer #1
answered by Precious Gem 7
For an actual credit card you would have to be 18 years old, but if you could get a debit card at 16.
2007-01-21 12:35:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
how old are you? usually you have to be 18. if your mom has a credit card she can get one with your name on it when youre younger and you can build credit, that way when you turn 18 you will be able to get one easily. You can also go to a bank and get a debit card, you can sometimes get one when you're 16. and shop online with that. If that doesnt work, you can get a VISA giftcard it works like a credit card and you can shop online with that. hope that helped
2007-01-21 12:36:38
answer #3
answered by hallie 5
The legal age to enter into a contract is 18 years old. That means any contract with a minor is not binding upon the minor.
A credit card company would be foolish to issue a card to an 18 year old unless co-sign by an adult, it's an unenforceable contract.
If your less than 18 years old you will need an adult to co-sign for you.
2007-01-21 12:36:28
answer #4
answered by Sgt 524 5
18 for credit but if your just using your own earnings u can get a chip and pin debit card at 16
2007-01-21 14:51:51
answer #5
answered by moose 2
You can get a Visabuxx debit card when you're 15.
2007-01-21 12:31:51
answer #6
answered by shadow_dots 2
but you can get a debit card around sixteen as long as you have a parent with you.
2007-01-21 12:23:47
answer #7
answered by shortgirl888 2
16 years old :) or at least at bank of america.
2007-01-21 12:23:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous