Well? Whether she personally beleives in it or not, whether she personally views it as horrific or not, she is such a powerhouse in her party, that she will be required to uphold & stand behind the democratic view on abortion, which by the way is PRO-CHOICE. The issue of abortion, along with the right to own a firearm (R), and affimative action (D). are among three of the top issues that will never change. One of the most heated issues so far during The Bush (George Dub-Yah) administration is that there have already been two seats on the United States Supreme Court that had to be filled. You see, a U.S. Supreme court Justice is appointed by the president (must then be confirmed by the house & Senate), which ordinarily is not that big of a deal (not as bad as we saw this past appointment), and THEY ARE APPOINTED FOR LIFE. So when a republican is in office (presient) he wants to load the court with as many conservative Justices as possible. Once you become a justice of the Supreme Court-you are there until you die or retire, (many people will agree that we often have justices on the bench who are so old & in the early sages of dementia) that it is as if they are ruling our land while they are dead.) The Supreme Court ultimately decides almost every important issue in our country and of ultimate significance is the hot topic of abortion. Currently one justice away from (we may already be there) from having a Republican loaded conservative, far right court, the issue of Roe v Wade will once again be before the court, and the right for a woman to chose IE: have an abortion will be abolished, or the power to do so will be reserved for each individual state to decide, hence we will have numerous states either outright banning abortion or doing so without actually calling it a ban on abortion. How do they do that? Easy, they never fully ban a woman's right to choose, but they place so many restrictions and requirements on that right that it is in essence the same as a ban (has virtually the same effect).
One way of doing this is making it illegal for a minor to have an abortion without the consent of both parents, well logic tells us that many underage girls will never get such permission, even with the restriction requring the consent of one parent will prevent numerous girls from obtianing legal abortions. Not only do you have to contend with the over protective, strict parent, the catholic who would rather die than consent to an abortion, what about the case of incest, where the chid cannot go to the parent b/c the parent is the one who impregnated her.
States make other restrictions as well, you may not have an abortion after the first trimester, or you may up until 12 weeks, then during the second trimester you must weight the the right of the fetus(now believed to be viable perhaps depending on how far into 2nd trimester, weigh the rights of the unborn fetus against the rights of the mother, is the mother's life in danger etc. & in the 3rd trimester ABSOLUTELY no abortion (which would be consider partial-birth abortion) as the feus is a living breathing viable baby at this age, capable of life outside the woumb.
A state cannot be said to have placed a ban on abortion so long as they leave an out if absolutely necessary, ie : abortion is probited EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF THE MOTHER'S LIFE BEING IN DANGER SHOULD THE PREGNANCY CONTINUE, OR NO ABORTION UNLESS THE UNBORN CHILD IS THE PRODUCT OF RAPE OR INCEST. ETC, ETC. ETC...
To answer you original question , abortion is probably the hottest topic now as it has been and will continue to be forever , between the Conservative Republicans & the Liberal Democrats. The liberal view, the democratic view is that a woman has an absolute right to choose. It is her body and Nobody, not the father, not a doctor, not a court of law can invade her body or tell her what she can or cannot do with it and since a fetus is just that a fetus---....NOT A CHILD, NOT A BABY, A MERE EMBYRO, IT HAS NO RIGHTS. then begins the other heated argument that I will not even go into DEFINE BABY VS FETUS, AT WHAT POINT DOES A FETUS OR AN EMBRYO BEOCME A CHILD OR POTENTIAL HUMAN BEING, CONSERVATIVE VIEW: AT THE OINT OF CONCEPTION, LIBERAL VIEW EITHER AT POINT IS BECOMES VIABLE OR BIRTH. SO..
SEEING as Hilary is one of the most popluar woman, person etc in her party and that she is one of the most outspoken Democrats our country has ever met (Hell she was the president, when Clinton (HUBBIE) was in office, odds are even if not this next time around SHE WILL BE OUR FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT. JUST LOOK AT HOW WELL SHE HANDLED THE WHITE HOUSE SCANDLE, she not only avoided a prison term for her participation (alleged) in corruption, she bought a mansion -with other peoples money , where did she buy--New york of course, why?>> DUH, best chance at winning a seat in the U.S. Senate and she did win, impressively so. I am not giving you my personal opinion of this woman, these are facts. so YES, YES, YES, AS A DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL BIGWIG HILARY CLINTON WILL ALWAYS PUBLICLY BELIEVE (NOT SO MUCH IN ABORTION, THAT IS POLITICALLY INCORRECT) BUT SHE WILL HAVE TO BELIEVE IN A WOMAN'S ABSOLUTE CONSTITUTIAL, GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO CHOOSE. Should she ever falter or waiver or vascilate on this issue , she would lose too many of her constituents, so she is forever locked into her belief. Now what she holds as true and right personally in own heart, that is between her & God, as I am sure she is smart enought that if her view is any different she would not share it with anyone, not even, most especially not even BILL CLINTON
2007-01-21 04:18:18
answer #2
answered by dreamwhip 4
abortion exists, so she probably believes in it...does she support it? Most people don't...dopes she support a woman's right to choose, and does she support settled law of the land? Undoubtedly yes. Does it matter? No way....6 years of republican cotrolled house and senate, executive branch, and 2 justices being appointed, one of them replcaing the only somewhat liberal judge, and still did nothing. It's here to dstay, and using it as a guage for who to vote for is just ridiculous.
2007-01-21 03:38:58
answer #5
answered by hichefheidi 6