Stop allowing business to take lawmakers and administrators out for lunch and dinner. These friendships inevitably lead to people in departments giving friends favors. We pay for those favors every day in our paycheck deductions.
2007-01-21 00:51:06
answer #1
answered by mrstockwatcherguy 2
File a complaint if you encounter any instance of corruption. We always talk of corruption, and complain amoung ourselves, but hardly any one has the courage to initiate action. By complaint I mean that a letter be sent to the senior authority explaining the incident where you have got to believe that the concerned official was involved in an instance of graft. Practically, this is very difficult to prove as corruption is a very secretive action. So at least what are the circumstances which have led you to believe that the official had got money dishonestly, will have to be explained in clear detail. There will be repurcussions against you, as no one will admit, and will try to clear their name, but by then the ball is set in motion. The official, if he is corrupt, and is able to cover his tracks, will never again take another chance. It is wiser to get any others who are also effected by the officials corruption to join with you while filing the complaint. It is mandatory for any department to inquire into any allegation of corruption, and you can be sure an inquiry will be conducted.
These complaints raised by political parties, against the opposite party, which find headlines in the newspapers are just coercive means for gaining an edge over their opposition. Most of them need not be believed till proved in a court of law, where also you may find the same state of affairs. So you always concern with yourself and what directly affects you only. Do not try to correct the world. The world has all types of people, some corrupt and some exceedingly corrupt, and you can't correct all.
2007-01-21 01:32:56
answer #2
answered by Kool-kat 4
the govt should impose severe punishment on the culprits. workshops should be conducted to teach moral values for the govt servants. regular salary hike should be given simillar to private sector.separate complaint cell should be there in every govt offiuce. enquiry followed by strict action should be taken on people's complaints without much delay
2007-01-21 01:03:57
answer #3
answered by sri ram m 1