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I'm a 20 yrold Kenyan student and have been in Malaysia for the past two years. In that time, I have had to deal with dirty looks, open stares and even outright rudeness just because of how I look. If I take a seat in a train, 1/2 the time, no one will take the seat next to me no matter how packed the train is and most of those who do will be hghly uncomfortable and face away from me. If I walk into a shop, I'll get startled looks and the salespeople will look at each other (i can just hear them thinking "you serve him!") before one approaches hesitantly to assist me. When I actually make conversation with anyone, one of the first questions they ask me (doesn't matter if it's a salesperson, fellow commuter or a taxi driver) is "when are you going back to your country?" I had to perform an internship stint at a certain company and interns from Holland, Japan...were welcomed way more warmly and fit in better than I ever could. I deal with this every day and it hurts. Why Malaysians? Why?

2007-01-21 00:32:02 · 15 answers · asked by Liwah Farah 2 in Travel Asia Pacific Malaysia

Bicycle Repairman, to all your questions, all I can say is you should thank God that you're white. To answer your question about my being lying about my ethnicity, Liwah is actually a made up name and neither Kenyan nor Chinese.
PS. I'm chronologically 20 but mentally 22 :)

Lotuslove and Azayi; you're the people I'm talking about. Those who stereotype the many by the problems you see in the few. It's exactly like most Americans thinking that ALL Muslims MUST be terrorists or people. Your comments have done nothng but build my case.

Yogachait, if your friends had stayed here for a few months, they would have known what I was talking about.

Ris, Bin, Minimunde and Big Bike Biker, people like you are the ones in my opinion who are the TRUE Malaysians. Tolerant, goodhearted people who celebrate the variety of races and are welcoming to foreigners. You are the people that make Malaysia amazing and I wont judge the many by the few.

2007-01-22 00:59:31 · update #1

LotusLove, getting a visa to Malaysia does not mean that I am automatically sub-human and should keep mum about any mistreatment because, you know, I ACTUALLY got a visa.

Malaysia is promoting itself as an education hub worldwide and there are at least 60 nationalities in my school alone. Malaysia also profits tremendously and not just us foreign students. It's a mutually profitable arrangement.

My question still stands, why do a large percentage of Malaysians (not all) treat Africans this way. I'm curious.

2007-01-22 01:04:52 · update #2

15 answers

There were few cases few years ago involving Africans (near the area like Jalan Alor, Bukit Bintang and KLCC) doing illegal activities in Malaysia. There are cases including financial scam, drugs, rape, credit card fraud, prostitution and black money. They even involved in robbery in the small motels and ransacked tourist luggages in the room and the list goes on and on!
Africans who come to Malaysia not only overstayed in Malaysia but create social problems and could be found prancing in gangs or small groups.
Maybe you should also try to relocate where you wont be subjected to 'racism'. Try France or Germany. I am sure you will be appreciated that you got a visa in Malaysia. Finally, there is not point of staying if you feel out of place and misreable.

2007-01-21 03:31:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I am sorry you feel this way in Malaysia but not all people are like that really. I had international students in my college and everyone gets along just fine. Don't feel belittled or intimidated or offended by that matter. Their opinion of you should not matter.

Regarding your incidents with situations that you feel are relevant: I am Malaysian and usually people dont sit next to me either. Some are trying to respect your personal space and some just prefer to stand. Don't look too much into it. :) PS: I am pretty normal so i dont think they have a reason to avoid me. :)

Some salesperson can't speak proper english so when they see a foreigner approaching they become apprehensive and embarassed. Just thinking outside the box here.

When are you going back to your country? Now now there is nothing wrong with that question. Its like asking do you miss your country. People are trying to make small talk with you. I am overseas and people ask me that all the time, I am not offended.

Once again I am sorry if ever you felt that you were not welcomed in Malaysia but think of the friends you have made in Malaysia. Im sure there are many nice people out there. Dont count the people who put you down count the people who care. Their opinion matters not some people who dont even know you and pass judgement.
And my insight regarding your situations, just my insight I am not saying you were not treated unfairly. I hope you meet better malaysians that will make you feel more at home.

2007-01-22 02:56:51 · answer #2 · answered by Sue Ann Y 2 · 2 0

I think racism is just everywhere - encountered that myself when I was studying in UK. The school kids threw papers at us and the bus drivers do not care except for one..I sometimes wonder why. Not that they have not seen Asian before (I'm Malaysian). If the University can have twinning program with Malaysia, I'm sure there were lots of us in the Uni before us.

I know it would be hard to say 'Don't care what they say or think' but I don't think there's anything we can do about it. People are just afraid because of difference and what do they do when they are afraid? Intimidate people, be a bully and etc..this will make them feel superior and all.

You are a student so I supposed you have Malaysian classmates-I'm sure from there you know not all of us are that bad ;)

Anyway, I think a person should treat another person as how they like to be treated.

Hey, i even got the same question "When are you going back?" from my bf's neighbour (I'm currently in Canada). I doubt she had any ill meaning to the question but just use that as opening dialogue but psst..We sometimes plan to tell her "Hey I went back and I'm back again" just to see her reaction.

2007-01-22 09:26:50 · answer #3 · answered by zirconiag 5 · 2 0

your statement is simply unJUST. RACISM only goes well with politician in Malaysia. as for general public, it's never an issue. from your statement, i think....probably you are that person with problem. don't be a cry baby and complaint bout how people look at you, look at yourself and find the problem. if you are stinking and wearing some really weird clothing, you surely will attract some attention( no matter which country you are in)

Malaysia is a multiracial country and there are plenty of foreign tourist visiting Malaysia each year, i don't see and i never see such situation as mention by you. probably you are really weird in someway. i personally have a few friends from LESOTHO and even friends from Britain. all of us blend in well.

Anyway, there are really a lot of cases involving African doing illegal business in Malaysia and it's really an issue sometimes back. Some i came across are particularly rude too. if there are alot of MALAYSIAN creating crime in your country, i believe that some people from your country will sees malaysian as alien too.
SOME PEOPLE i mean. so....no big deal isn't it?

2007-01-22 18:01:05 · answer #4 · answered by KCL 3 · 1 0

i thinkk u r right..
i've survey his question & answer..
non of it seems tele with each other..

if u are not the person who u think u are..
stop it!!.. dont create stir in this excellent group..

if u r really nigerian... this is my answer..
1- we malaysian never treat african with racist.. but u cant help it if people stare u in buses or comuter.. well the arab also been having the same stare & looks.. we malaysian like to see other people especially ones that we less likely to encounter.. :)
2- yup, lots of crime happening involving african.. so some people especially malaysian women, girl quite afraid to be near to them.. can't blame them though.
3- i even encounter african selling stuff to me, i ask where u live & or study..
they even lie saying that they are student in some university.. when i ask what course? they just blank..

Last point is.. we always open our arms to any ppl outside malaysia to work or study here. just that malaysian were being careful for any foreign ppl that we're not use to.. cant blame them though

2007-01-21 14:49:43 · answer #5 · answered by azayi1 5 · 3 0

There is something not quite right with who you say you are. You have asked only 9 questions since you joined Yahoo and from reading them 9 questions you are either a very confused person or a damn right liar.

One minute you are 20 years old and the next minute you are 22, so which one is correct? Then your question from only 5 days ago asks which SE Asian country should you study in, then a few days later on in one of your questions you are telling people you have been studying in Malaysia for 2 years, so which is correct?

Remember the art of being a good liar is to remember what you have said in the past or in this case what you have written before.

I think you are a local Chinese person trying to stir up trouble, even your name is Chinese (Liwah)

Having lived in Malaysia for nearly ten years (Sarawak, East Malaysia) I can tell you from personal experience that one would be hard pushed to find a more friendlier people on planet Earth and I stuck out like a saw thumb being the only white man for miles around.

If you really are who you say you are (I dont believe you are) then you should thank your lucky stars that you are studying in Malaysia and not in one of your neighbouring countries in Africa such as Rwanda where over ONE MILLION Tutsi were butchered to death by their own race (The Hutu)

So if you are who you say you are would you rather feel a little bit awkward for not being served in a shop or hacked to death with a machete?

Liwah is not a made up name and it is in fact a Chinese name (Another lie from you?)


It is of Foo Chow origin and they have hotels in Kuching, Sibu and Bintulu.

And to address your other comment in your email to me, I do not hate the Malaysian Chinese as a matter of fact I will be flying to Sarawak Malaysia this year to marry a Malaysian Chinese lady (Sorry Sarah!) and my first wife and children are also Malaysian.

2007-01-21 03:47:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

I am a Malaysian and I feel ashamed to hear that. One of my good friends is Nigerian and I relish the differences that we have. Just like anywhere else in the world, there will always be such things happening for whatever reasons be it ignorance, prejudice, intolerance etc. Worse, these people are even prejudiced towards their own! I agree that it is annoying and hurtful. But then,we don't have to stoop down to their level and I hope you realize that there will always be people around (even Malaysians) who are not 'all those things'...

2007-01-21 01:17:46 · answer #7 · answered by Ris 1 · 4 0

well, all i can say is that as a Malaysian...i'm truly embarrest by how some other Malaysians treat you. But i hope you don't mind me saying this...i think the word "racist" is not too suitable in this case...but i'm not sure which word does though...probably they are uncomfortable with you guys without any acceptable reasons...i don't know...but i'm sorry for what you've been through...

2007-01-21 21:17:19 · answer #8 · answered by Big Bike Biker 4 · 0 0

It depends on which kinds of malaysians u are talking about...the chinese malaysians or the ones that look indian? lol i dont knoe how to describe...but u havent met all malaysiasn s o u cant exactly segregate them like that but maybe a majority are rasicist not only amongst africans but white people too so ur not alone...

2007-01-21 08:59:46 · answer #9 · answered by Daisy! 5 · 0 1

I got friends from Nigeria, Hawaii, and UK. Their whole family was here. We are playing volleyball together. That’s nothing wrong with our groups. What their comments are totally different from you. They say this is the best country they haven’t been. The people here are so nice, the foods are very delicious. They enjoy staying here.
I don't think your statement is correct. Either you are always a trouble maker or you don’t take your bath everyday

2007-01-21 14:16:51 · answer #10 · answered by yogachaitanya 2 · 2 0

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