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I've got three old MasterLocks i found and i can't figure out the combinations on them..it would be cheaper to buy new ones rather than to send them in to be figured out and i've used my stethoscope but haven't had any luck..if anyone knows of how to figure this out i would appreicate it, especially if i don't have to start the dialer at 0-0-0 and work my way up...

2007-01-20 20:39:49 · 1 answers · asked by ronin4099 1 in Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

1 answers

I think you'll have to do a lot of turning, but it is not as bad as it might seem. The last digit will be easy to determine if you pull on the shackle while turning the dial. That leaves the first two digits to be determined. Since they range from 0 to 39 each, you've only got 1600 combinations to try. You might get lucky and find that there is a ±1 digit tolerance in the dialing mechanism, meaning you'd have to try only every third digit, for 196 combinations, but that is probably wishful thinking.

Are you sure you want to do this? Unless you are snowed in with this weather we've been having in some parts of the country, you should have better things to do with your time.

2007-01-20 23:07:22 · answer #1 · answered by Tech Dude 5 · 0 0

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