Abd Al-Rahman [m] (r: 1880-1901) Afghani king (NF)
Abu Nuwas [m] (AD 756?-810) Arabian poet (AA)
Achilles [m] Greek mythological hero (GGG May 91)
Achtenberg, Roberta [f] San Francisco city supervisor (MH)
"Adult Children of Heterosexuals" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Agathon [m] (450?-400? BC) Athenian dramatist (AA)
Ai [m] (r: 6 BC-AD 1) Chinese emperor (NF)
Akhenaten [m] (1364-1334 BC) Egyptian pharoah (OOAT, AA, GGG Jun 90)
Albee, Edward [m] (1928- ) U.S. playwright "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" (AA, GGG Jan 92, TM, MH)
Alcibiades [m] (450-404 BC) Athenian general-statesman (GGG Jun 91, AA, OOAT)
Alexander I [m] (1777-1825) Russian czar (AA)
Alexander the Great [m] (356-323 BC) Macedonian king (AA, OOAT, BOL, NF, TM)
Alexander VI [m] (1431-1503) Pope (GGG Aug 92)
Alger, Horatio [m] (1832-1899) U.S. author (BOL, AA, GGG Jan 90, TM)
Al-Hakem II [m] (r: AD 961-976) Cordoban ruler (NF)
"Alive!" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Allen, Peter [m] (1944-1992) Australian entertainer (TM)
Almodovar, Pedro [m] (____- ) Spanish film-maker "Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down" (TM, MH)
Almond, Mark [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Al-Mutamid [m] (r: 1069-1090) Ruler of Seville (Spain) (NF)
Ammiano, Tom [m] schoolteacher, comedian, San Francisco School Board member (and first-place vote-getter) (MH)
Amos, Tori [ ] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Amunullah Kahn [m] (r: 1919-1929) Afghani king (NF)
Anacreon [m] (572?-488? BC) Greek poet (AA)
Andersen, Hans Christian [m] (1805-1875) Danish author (BOL, AA, GGG Jul 92, TM)
Anderson, Emily [f] photographer (MH)
Anderson, Laurie [f] performance artist (MH-not)
Anne [f] (1665-1714) British queen (OOAT, AA, NF)
Anne Ioannovna [f] (r: 1730-1740) Russian empress (NF)
Anthony, Susan B. [f] (1820-1906) U.S. activist (OOAT, AA, TM)
Antigonus II Gonatas [m] (r: 276-239 BC) Greek king (NF)
Antiochus I [m] (r: 280-261 BC) Greek king (NF)
Antoinette, Marie [f] (1755-1793) French queen (OOAT)
Apuzzo, Virginia [f] adviser to Governor Mario Cuomo; former head of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (MH)
Araki, Greg [m] filmmaker "The Living End" (MH)
Aristotle [m] (384-322 BC) Greek philosopher (BOL, TM)
Armatrading, Joan [f] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
"Army of Lovers" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Ash, Daniel [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Ash, John [m] poet and literary critic (MH)
Ashbery, John [m] Pulitzer Prize-winning poet (MH)
Ashikaga Yoshimitsu [m] (r: 1368-1394) Japanese shogun (NF)
Ashman, Howard [m] (1951-1991) U.S. playwright-lyricist (GGG Sep 91)
Auden, W.H. [m] (1907-1973) British poet (AA, GGG Dec 89, BOL, TM)
Augustine, Saint [m] (AD 354-430) Roman theologian (AA)
Augustus [m] (r: 31 BC-AD 14) Roman emperor (NF)
Azaa, Manuel [m] (r: 1931-1933, 1936-1939) Spanish president (NF)
Aznavour, Charles [m] (1924- ) French, more singer than actor (TM)
"B-52's" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Bachardy, Don [m] artist; life partner of the late novelist Christopher Isherwood (MH)
Bachmann, Guido [m] writer (MH)
Bacon, Sir Francis [m] (1561-1626) Br philosopher-statesman (BOL, GGG Jul 90, AA, GBOL-bro, TM)
Baez, Joan [f] (1941- ) U.S. folk singer-political activist (GBOL-once, MH "onetime")
Bagoas [m] (345?-after 323 BC) Persian slave (to Alex. Great) (GGG Oct 92)
"Bahaus" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Bakker, James [m] (1940- ) U.S. evangelist (AA)
Baldwin, James [m] (1924-1987) U.S. writer (AA, GGG Aug 88)
Bancroft, Ann [f] explorer and teacher (*not* the actress Anne) (MH)
Bankhead, Tallulah [f] (1903-1968) U.S. actress (GBOL-once)
Barber, Samuel [m] (1910-1981) U.S. composer (AA, GBOL-forces, LS)
Barnes, Djuna [f] (1892-1982) U.S. novelist (AA)
Barney, Natalie [f] (1876-1972) Parisian writer & salon hostess (AA)
Barnfield, Richard [m] (1574-1627) British poet (AA)
Barrie, James M. [m] (1860-1937) British author (GGG Sep 92)
Bartel, Paul [m] filmmaker (MH)
Bartlett, John [m] fashion designer (MH)
Basil II [m] (r: 976-1025) Byzantine emperor (NF)
Bates, Alan [m] (1934-1992) British-born U.S. actor (TM)
Bauman, Robert [m] (1937- ) U.S. politician (AA, MH)
Beach, Sylvia [f] (1887-1962) U.S. expatriate literary figure (AA)
Beard, James [m] (1903-1985) U.S. chef and author (TM)
Beardsley, Aubrey Vincent [m] (1872-1898) British artist (GGG May 90)
Beaton, Sir Cecil [m] (1904-1980) British photographer (GGG Sep 90)
"Beautiful South, The" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Beck, Pia [f] singer and pianist (MH)
Beckford, William [m] (1760-1844) British writer and politician (AA)
Beecher, Henry Ward [m] (1813-1887) U.S. lecturer and pastor (AA)
Beethoven, Ludwig von [m] (1770-1827) German composer (AA)
Behan, Brendan [m] (1923-1964) Irish author (BOL, TM)
Bell, Andy [m] (____- ) Musician of the group "Erasure" (various, LS, MH)
Benedict IX [m] (1020-1055?) Pope (AA, GBOL-popes, OOAT)
Bennett, Michael [m] (1943-1987) U.S. choreographer (GGG Aug 89)
Ben-Shalom, Miriam [f] sued military for reinstatement after expulsion for being lesbian (MH)
Bentley, Eric [m] critic, theatre director and translator (MH)
"Berlin" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Bernhard, Sandra [f] (1955- ) U.S. comedian-actress (TM, MH)
Bernstein, Leonard [m] (1918-1990) U.S. composer (GGG Nov 90, TM, LS)
Beyazid I [m] (r: 1389-1402) Ottoman sultan (NF)
Beza, Theodore [m] (1519-1605) French theologian (AA)
Birisima, George [f] actor and playwright (MH)
Blackwell, Mr. [m] fashion designer; creator of annual "Ten Worst Dressed" list (MH)
Blais, Marie-Claire [f] French-language novelist (MH)
Blake, Nayland [ ] artist (MH)
Blaser, Robin [ ] writer (MH)
Blitzstein, Marc [m] (1905-1964) U.S. composer (GGG Mar 91)
Bogarde, Dirk [m] (1920- ) British actor (GBOL-once, MH)
Bonheur, Rosa [f] (1822-1899) French artist (AA)
Bono, Chastity [f] daughter of Sonny Bono and Cher (MH)
Boswell, John [m] historian (MH)
Botticelli, Sandro [m] (1444?-1510) Italian painter (BOL, TM)
Bowie, Angela [f] poet and performance artist; ex-wife of David Bowie (MH)
Bowie, David [m] (1947- ) British rock singer (GBOL-once, BOL, TM, LS, MH "experimenting")
Bowles, Jane [f] (1917-1973) U.S. writer (AA)
Bowles, Paul [m] writer (MH)
Boy George (George O'Dowd) [m] (1961- ) British pop singer (LS, MH)
Boyd, Malcolm [m] (1923- ) U.S. Episc. priest & gay activist (AA, BOL, TM, MH)
Bradley, Dan [m] (1940-1988) U.S. political activist (AA)
Bradshaw, Terry [m] (____- ) U.S. football player (TM "wrestler")
Brainard, Joe [m] poet and artist (MH)
Brando, Marlon [m] (1924- ) U.S. actor (GBOL-once, MH)
Bray, Robert [m] spokesman for National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (MH)
Britt, Harry [m] former President of the San Francisco City Board of Supervisors (MH)
Britten, Benjamin [m] (1913-1976) British composer (AA, GGG Jul 90, TM, LS)
Broderick, Matthew [m] actor (MH-not)
"Bronski Beat" British gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Brooks, Romaine [f] (1874-1970) U.S. painter (AA)
Brossard, Nicole [f] novelist (MH)
Broughton, James [m] poet, filkmaker and playwright (MH)
Broumas, Olga [f] poet (MH)
Brown, Rita Mae [f] (____-____) U.S. novelist, author of "Rubyfruit Jungle" (TM, MH)
Brunner, John [m] writer (MH)
Buchanan, James [m] (1791-1868) U.S. president (AA "speculation")
Burke, Glenn [m] ex-Major League baseball player (MH)
Burns, John Horne [m] (1916-1953) U.S. novelist (GBOL-forces)
Burroughs, William S. [m] (1913- ) U.S. writer (GBOL-forces, GGG Jan 91, AA, TM, MH)
Burson, Scott [m] artist (MH)
Burton, Richard [m] (1925-1984) British actor (GBOL-once)
Burton, Sir Richard [m] (1821-1890) British explorer & scholar (AA, GGG Jan 91)
Busch, Charles [m] writer, director and actor (MH)
Bush, Kate [f] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Busi, Aldo [m] Italian novelist (MH)
Bussotti, Sylvano [m] (1931- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Butler, Samuel [m] (1835-1902) British author (BOL, TM)
Button, Dick [m] Olympic athlete (MH)
"Buzzcocks, The" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Cadmus, Paul [m] (____-____) painter (TM, MH)
Cage, John [m] (1912-1992) U.S. composer (TM, LS, MH)
Caja, Jerome [m] artist (MH)
Califia, Pat [ ] advice columnist (MH)
Caligula [m] (r: AD 37-41) Roman emperor (NF)
Callen, Michael [m] (1955-1993) singer, member of musical group "The Flirtations" (MH, LS)
Callow, Simon [m] (1949- ) British actor (GGG Apr 92, TM, MH)
Cambaceres, Jean Jaques Regis de [m] (1753-1824) Fr lawmaker (AA)
Campbell, Jack [m] millionaire Florida businessman and activist (MH)
Camus, Renaud [m] French novelist (MH)
Caravaggio (Michelangelo Amerighi) [m] (1571-1610) Ital painter (GGG Apr 92)
Carpenter, Edward [m] (1844-1929) English reformer (AA, GGG Nov 91, TM)
Carswell, G. Harold [m] (1920- ) U.S. jurist (AA)
Carver, Craig [m] artist (MH)
Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo [m] (1725-1798) Italian adventurer (GBOL-once)
Casement, Sir Roger [m] (1864-1916) Irish patriot (AA, OOAT, GGG Oct 91)
"Casselberry and Dupree" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Cather, Willa [f] (1873-1947) U.S. writer (OOAT, AA)
Catherine II (The Great) [f] (r: 1762-1796) Russian empress (NF)
Catullus Gaius Valerius [m] (c 84-45 BC) Roman poet (GGG Nov 91)
Cavafy, Constantine [m] (1863-1933) Greek poet (AA, GBOL-bro, GGG Jun 91)
Cellini, Benvenuto [m] (1500-1571) Italian goldsmith (BOL, TM)
Chamberlain, Richard [m] (1945- ) U.S. actor (GGG Oct 90, TM, MH)
Chambers, Jane [m] (1937-1983) U.S. writer (AA)
Chambers, Whittaker [m] (1901-1961) U.S. journalist (GBOL-once)
Channell, Carl "Spitz" [m] fundraiser for the Nicaraguan contras (MH)
Chapman, Graham [m] (1941-1989) British actor (GGG May 90)
Chapman, Tracey [f] African-American folksinger (TM, LS, MH-not)
Charles IX [m] (r: 1560-1574) French king (NF)
Charles XII [m] (r: 1697-1718) Swedish king (NF)
Charles XV [m] (r: 1859-1872) Swedish king (NF)
Cheever, John [m] (1912-1982) U.S. writer (AA, GGG May 91, GBOL-forces)
Cho, Margaret [f] comedian (MH)
Christian, Meg [f] (1946- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS, MH)
Christian VII [m] (r: 1766-1808) Danish king (NF)
Christina [f] (1626-1689) Swedish queen (AA, BOL, OOAT, NF, TM)
Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965) British statesman & author (AA "once", GBOL-once)
Ciccone, Christopher [m] artist and set designer; brother of Madonna (MH)
Claiborne, Craig [m] (1920- ) U.S. author and gourmet (GBOL-forces, MH, TM)
Clarke, Arthur C. [m] (1917- ) British writer (GBOL-once)
Claudius I [m] (r: AD 41-54) Roman emperor (NF)
Clift, Montgomery [m] (1920-1966) U.S. actor (AA, TM)
Clinton, Kate [f] comedian (MH)
Cocteau, Jean [m] (1889-1963) french author (BOL, AA, GGG Aug 89, TM)
Cohn, Roy [m] (1927-1986) U.S. attorney (AA, NSGGG Oct 89, TM)
"Coil" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Colette (Sidonie Colette Goudeket) [f] (1873-1954) Fr novelist (AA)
Commodus [m] (r: AD 180-192) Roman emperor (NF)
Connelly, Arch [m] artist (MH)
Conner, Bart [m] (1958- ) U.S. Olympic gymnast (TM)
Conners, Dave [m] (1945-1985) U.S. gay-porn star (GBOL-forces)
Conradin [m] (1252-1268) Titular king of Jerusalem and Sicily (AA)
"Consolidated" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Constantine IX [m] (r: 1042-1055) Byzantine emperor (NF)
Constantine VIII [m] (r: 1025-1028) Byzantine emperor (NF)
Cooling, Janet [f] artist (MH)
Copland, Aaron [m] (1900-1990) U.S. composer (GGG Aug 91, LS)
Corigliano, John [m] classical composer (MH)
Corll, Dean [m] (1939-1973) U.S. serial murderer (NSGGG Apr 91)
Corn, Alfred [m] poet (MH)
Corrine, Tee A. [ ] artist (MH)
Costanza, Midge [f] White House aide to President Carter (MH)
Coward, Sir Noel [m] (1899-1973) Br playwright, composer & actor (AA, GGG Oct 88)
Crane, Hart [m] (1899-1932) U.S. poet (AA)
Crew, Louie [m] professor, founder of Integrity (lesbigay Episcopal group) (MH)
Crisp, Quentin [m] (1908- ) British naked civil servant (GGG Jan 91, TM, MH)
Crowley, Mort [m] playwright "The Boys In The Band" (MH)
Cukor, George [m] (1899-1983) U.S. film director (AA, GGG Dec 88)
Curtis, Jamie Lee [f] (1958- ) U.S. actress (TM)
Curtis, Tony [m] (1925- ) U.S. actor (TM)
Cushman, Charlotte [f] (1816-1876) U.S. actress (BOL, GGG Jun 92, TM)
da Vinci, Leonardo [m] (1452-1519) Ital artist, scientist & painter (AA, GGG Oct 88, BOL, TM)
Dallesandro, Joe [m] actor in Andy Warhol films (MH)
Daly, Mary [f] feminist writer (MH)
Damata, Gasparino [m] Brazilian writer (MH)
Damon, Betsy [f] artist (MH)
Damron, Bob [m] (1928-1989) U.S. travel-book publisher (GGG Nov 90)
David [m] (1035?-960? BC) Israeli king (AA, OOAT)
Davila, Juan [m] writer (MH)
Dean, Craig (and Patrick Gill) [m] male couple suing D.C. government for a marriage license (MH)
Dean, James [m] (1931-1955) U.S. actor (AA, GBOL-once, OOAT, TM)
Deee-lite [ ] Musician (LS)
Deitch, Donna [f] filmmaker (Desert Hearts) (MH)
Delany, Samuel [m] (1942- ) U.S. writer (AA, TM, MH)
Demetrius Poliorcetes [m] (336-288 BC) Macedonian king (NF, GGG Dec 91)
D'Emilio, John [m] historian (MH)
Demosthenes [m] (384-322 BC) Athenian orator (AA)
Demuth, Charles [m] (1883-1935) U.S. painter (AA, GGG Aug 91)
Dennis, Patrick [m] novelist (MH)
"Depeche Mode" Musical group (LS, MH)
Diaghilev, Sergei [m] (1872-1929) Russian impresario (AA, GGG Dec 89)
Diamond, David [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS, MH)
Dickinson, Emily [f] (1830-1886) U.S. poet (OOAT, TM)
Diller, Barry [m] entertainment executive (MH-not)
DiMaria-Kuiper, Rev. Johannes Willem [m] minister (MH)
Disch, Thomas M. [m] poet and science-fiction writer (MH)
Divine (Harris Glenn Milstead) [m] (1945-1988) U.S. actor (GGG Feb 90)
Dobkin, Alix [ ] folksinger (MH)
Dolan, Terry [m] (1950-1986) U.S. conservative activist (AA, NSGGG Apr 91)
Domitian [m] (r: AD 81-96) Roman emperor (NF)
Donovan, Rick [m] (1963- ) U.S. gay-porn star (GBOL-forces)
Douglas, Alfred Lord [m] (1870-1945) British socialite(?) (OOAT, GGG Oct 92)
Dressler, Marie [f] (1869-1934) U.S. actress (TM)
Dreva, Jerry "Jerri Bonbon" [m] writer (MH)
Duane, Tom [m] New York City Council member (MH)
Duberman, Martin [m] historian and writer (Cures) (MH)
Duggan, Hacksaw Jim [m] (____- ) U.S. wrestler (TM)
Duncan, Robert Edward [m] poet (MH)
Duquesnoy, Francois [m] (1597-1643) Flemish sculptor (GBOL-bro)
Duquesnoy, Jerome [m] (1602-1654) Flemish sculptor (AA)
Dureau, George [m] (____- ) U.S? photographer (TM)
Dworkin, Andrea [f] feminist writer and anti-pornography activist (MH)
Earhart, Amelia [f] (1898-1937?) U.S. aviator (AA "speculation")
Edward II [m] (1284-1327) English king (AA, GGG Jun 89, OOAT, NF)
Edwards, Sally [f] athlete and businesswoman (MH)
Eisenstein, Sergei [m] (1898-1948) Russian film pioneer (TM)
Elagabalus (aka Heliogabalus) [m] (AD 204-222) Roman emperor (OOAT, NF)
"Electronic" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Ellis, Havelock [m] (1859-1939) Br essayist & physician (AA)
Ellis, Perry [m] (1940-1986) U.S. fashion designer (GGG Jan 91, TM)
Elmslie, Kenward [m] writer and librettist (MH)
Enrique IV [m] (r: 1454-1474) Castilian (Spanish) king (NF)
Epstein, Brian [m] (1934-1967) British businessman, "Beatles" promoter (AA)
Erasmus, Desiderius [m] (1466?-1536) Dutch theologian & scholar (AA, GGG Aug 88)
Eshius, Evelien [ ] member of Dutch parliament (MH)
Estrada, Erik [m] (1949- ) U.S. actor (TM)
Etheridge, Melissa [f] (____- ) musician (LS)
Euripides [m] (480?-406? BC) Greek dramatist (BOL, TM)
Everett, Rupert [m] British actor (Another Country) (MH)
Farrell, Perry [m] lead singer of Jane's Addiction (MH)
Fashanu, Justin [m] (____- ) English footballer (TM, MH)
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner [m] (1946-1982) German film maker (GGG Jun 89)
Feinberg, David F. [m] novelist (Eighty-Sixed; Spontaneous Combustion) (MH)
Ferdinand I [m] (r: 1908-1918) Bulgarian king (NF)
Fernandez, Dominique [f] French novelist (MH)
Ferron, [ ] folksinger (MH, LS)
Field, Edward [m] poet (MH)
Fierstein, Harvey [m] (1954- ) U.S. playwright-actor (GGG Aug 91, TM, MH)
Finley, Karen [f] One of the "NEA Four", performance artists whose federal grants were cut off because of "homoerotic" content in their work (MH)
Finn, William [m] Tony-winning Broadway actor (Falsettos) (MH)
Fleck, John [m] One of the "NEA Four", performance artists whose federal grants were cut off because of "homoerotic" content in their work (MH)
Flipper [dolphin] (____-____) dolphins are polymorphously perverse (TM)
Flowers, Wayland [m] (1939-1988) U.S. entertainer (GGG Jun 90)
Floyd, Gary [m] leader of Sister Double Happiness (MH)
Flynn, Errol [m] (1909-1959) U.S. actor (AA)
Forbes, Malcolm [m] (1919-1990) U.S. publisher (GGG Oct 91)
Forster, E.M. [m] (1879-1970) British author (BOL, AA, GGG Dec 88, TM)
Foster, Jodie [f] (1962- ) U.S. actress (TM, MH-not)
Foster, Stephen [m] (1826-1864) U.S. composer (AA)
Foucault, Michel [m] (1926-1984) French philosopher (AA)
Frank, Anne [f] (1929-1945) German diarist (AA)
Frank, Barney [m] (1940- ) U.S. congressman (GGG Jun 90, AA, TM, MH)
Frederick II (The Great) [m] (1712-1786) Prussian king (AA, BOL, GBOL-bro, GGG Dec 89, OOAT, NF, TM)
Fredrick II [m] (r: 1212-1250) Holy Roman Emperor (NF)
Freelove, Laurie of "Two Nice Girls" [f] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Fricke, Aaron [m] (1962- ) U.S. author (GGG Dec 92)
"Frogs, The" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Fry, Stephen [m] (____- ) British actor (Melchett in "Blackadder") (TM)
Gacy, John [m] (1942-1994) U.S. serial killer (NSGGG Oct 89)
Gaozu [m] (r: 206-194 BC) Chinese emperor (NF)
Garbo, Greta [f] (1905-____) U.S. actress (TM)
Garet, Jedd [m] artist (MH)
Gearhart, Sally [f] professor, writer and activist (MH)
Geffen, David [m] (____- ) U.S. head of the Geffen Corporation (TM, MH)
Genet, Jean [m] (1910-1986) French author (GGG Jul 90, BOL, AA, TM)
Germino, Dante [m] professor and political theorist (MH)
Getty, Gordon [m] classical composer (MH)
Gide, Andre [m] (1869-1951) French author (BOL, AA, OOAT, TM)
Gielgud, John [m] (1904- ) British actor (GGG Feb 89, TM, MH)
Gilbert and George, visual artists (MH)
Gilbert, Ronnie [ ] folksinger, member of The Weavers (MH)
Gill, Patrick (and Craig Dean) [m] male couple suing D.C. government for a marriage license (MH)
Gilles de Rais [m] (1404-1440) French general (AA)
Gilmore, Gary [m] (1941-1977) U.S. murderer (GBOL-once)
Ginsberg, Allan [m] (1926- ) U.S. poet (BOL, GGG Sep 90, TM, MH)
Glanville-Hicks, Peggy [f] classical composer (MH)
Gless, Sharon [f] (1943- ) U.S. actress (TM)
Glick, Deborah [f] New York state legislator (MH)
Glines, John [m] Broadway producer (MH)
Gomes, Rev. John [m] chaplain of Harvard University (MH)
Gomez, Jewelle [f] writer (MH)
Goodman, Paul [m] (1911-1972) U.S. writer (AA)
Gordon, George, Lord Byron [m] (1788-1824) British poet (AA, BOL, GGG Feb 89, TM)
Goytisolo, Juan [m] Spanish novelist (MH)
Grace, Nicholas [m] (____- ) U.S? actor (TM)
Grainger, Percy [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Grant, Cary [m] (1904-1986) U.S. actor (GGG Dec 89, TM)
Graves, Michael [m] (1934- ) U.S. architect and interior designer (TM)
Grewel, Annemarie [f] Dutch politician and scholar (MH)
Grieg, Edvard [m] (1843-1907) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Grier, Barbara [f] writer and publisher (MH)
Griffin, Merv [m] singer, talk-show host and entertainment executive (MH-not)
Grimke, Angelina Weld [f] (1880-1958) U.S. writer (AA)
Grumbach, Doris [f] writer and critic (MH)
Guerin, Daniel [m] French journalist (MH)
Gunn, Thom [m] poet (MH)
Gurganus, Allan [m] novelist (Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All) (MH)
Gustavus III [m] (1746-1792) Swedish king (BOL, TM)
Gustavus V [m] (r: 1907-1950) Swedish king (NF)
Hacker, Marilyn [f] poet (MH)
Hadrian [m] (AD 76-138) Roman emperor (AA, BOL, OOAT, NF, TM)
Hafiz (Shams-ud-din Mohammed) [m] (1320-1388) Persian poet (GGG Aug 91)
Halford, Rob, of "Judas Priest" [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Hall, Daryl [m] (1948- ) U.S. pop singer (GBOL-once)
Halloran, Andrew [m] novelist (MH)
Halsted, Fred [m] (1941-1989) U.S. erotic-film maker (GGG May 90)
Hammarskjold, Dag [m] (1905-1961) Swedish UN secretary general (BOL, AA, TM)
Hampton, Christopher [m] playwright (MH)
Hansberry, Lorraine [f] (1930-1965) U.S. playwright (AA)
Hardwicke, Michael [m] challenged Georgia's sodomy law; the U.S. Supreme Court, on a 5-4 vote, upheld the law in 1986 (MH)
Haring, Keith [m] (1958-1990) U.S. artist (TM)
Harjo, Joy [f] Native American poet (recently visited U.Va.) (MH)
Harmodius [m] (532?-514 BC) Athenian patriot (AA)
Harris, Sherry [f] Seattle City Council member; first African-American lesbian elected official in U.S. (MH)
Harrison, Lou [m] classical composer (MH)
Hattoy, Bob [m] adviser to Bill Clinton; spoke at Democratic convention (MH)
Hawkins, Sophie B. [f] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Hay, Harry [m] founder of the modern gay-rights movement (MH)
Hayes, Bruce [m] Olympic gold medallist in swimming (MH)
Hemphill, Essex [m] (____-____) U.S. writer (TM, MH)
Henri III [m] (1554-1589) French king (OOAT, NF, GGG Dec 92)
Henry, Prince of Prussia [m] (1726-1802) Prussian general (AA)
Henze, Hans Werner [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Herzenberg, Joseph [m] mayor pro-tem of Chapel Hill, N.C. (MH)
Higgins, Colin [m] (1941-1988) U.S. film writer, producer & director (AA)
Hinson, Jon [m] (1942- ) U.S. congressman (AA, MH)
Hirschfeld, Magnus [m] (1868-1935) German sexologist (AA, GGG May 91)
Hisham II [m] (r: 965-1013) Cordoban ruler (NF)
Hockney, David [m] (1937- ) British/U.S. artist (TM, MH)
Hoffman, William S. [m] (____- ) U.S? writer "As Is" (TM, MH)
Holleran, Andrew [m] (1946- ) U.S. writer (GBOL-forces)
Hoover, J. Edgar [m] (1895-1972) U.S. criminologist (AA, NSGGG Apr 91)
Hopkins, Gerard Manley [m] (1844-1889) British poet (GGG Aug 92)
Horton, Jeff [m] member of Los Angeles School Board (MH)
Housman, A.E. [m] (1859-1936) British poet & educator (AA, GBOL-bro)
Houston, Whitney [f] (____- ) U.S. gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Howard, Richard [m] poet, translator and editor (MH)
Hudson, Rock (ne Roy Scherer) [m] (1925-1985) U.S. actor (AA, GBOL-forces, TM)
Hughes, Langston [m] (1902-1967) U.S. poet & writer (AA)
Hulce, Tom [m] (1953- ) U.S. actor (TM, MH)
"Human League" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Hunter, Alberta [f] (1895-1984) U.S. vocalist (AA)
Hunter, Holly [f] One of the "NEA Four", performance artists whose federal grants were cut off because of "homoerotic" content in their work (MH)
Hunter, Tab [m] (1931- ) U.S. actor (TM)
Hutter, David [m] painter (MH)
Hutton, Kate [m] seismologist (MH)
Hyde, Edward (Lord Cornbury) [m] (1661-1724) Br colonial governor (AA)
Hyde, Sue [f] (____- ) U.S. activist (TM)
Ian, Janis [f] singer (MH)
Indiana, Robert [m] artist (MH)
"Indigo Girls" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Inge, William [m] (1913-1973) U.S. playwright (GGG Nov 91)
Ireland, Patricia [f] president of the National Organization for Women (NOW) (MH)
Isherwood, Christopher [m] (1904-1986) U.S. writer (b. England) (AA, BOL, OOAT, TM)
Ivory, James [m] British film producer (MH)
Jackson, Joe [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Jackson-Paris, Rod [m] pro model/bodybuilder (MH)
Jacobs, Marc [m] fashion designer (MH)
Jahangir [m] (r: 1605-1627) Indian emperor (NF)
James IV/I [m] (1566-1625) Scottish/English king (NF, BOL, GGG Feb 90. OOAT, AA, TM)
James, Sheila [f] (____- ) U.S. actress (Zelda on "Dobie Gillis") (TM)
Jarman, Derek [m] (1942-1994) British filmmaker "Edward II" (TM, MH)
Jenkins, Walter [m] (1918-1985) U.S. political aide (AA)
Jesus of Nazareth [m] (4 BC-AD 28) Jewish rabbi (OOAT)
Jewett, Sarah Orne [f] (1849-1909) U.S. writer (OOAT)
Jin Diyi [m] (r: AD 336-371) Chinese emperor (NF)
John, Elton [m] (1947- ) British singer (BOL, TM, LS, MH)
John XII [m] (AD 937-964) Catholic pope (GBOL-popes, OOAT)
Johns, Jasper [m] artist (MH)
Johnson, Holly [f] lead singer of "Frankie Goes to Hollywood" (MH, LS)
Johnson, Philip [m] (____-____) U.S? architect (TM, MH)
Johnson, Sonia [f] feminist, minor-party presidential candidate (MH)
Jonathan [m] (1045?-1013 BC) Israeli crown prince (AA, GGG Apr 92, OOAT)
Jones, Bill T. [m] African-American dancer (MH)
Jones, Cleve [m] initiator of the AIDS Memorial Quilt, now running for San Francisco city supervisor (MH)
Jones, Grace [f] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Jones, Howard [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Joplin, Janis [f] (1943-1970) U.S. rock singer (GBOL-once, BOL, TM)
Juan II [m] (r: 1406-1454) King of Castile & Leon (Spain) (NF)
Julius Caesar [m] (100?-44 BC) Roman statesman (AA, GGG Apr 92, NF, BOL, TM)
Julius II [m] (1443-1513) Pope (GGG May 92)
Julius III [m] (1487-1555) Pope (AA, BOL, OOAT, GBOL-popes, TM)
Jung, Carl [m] (1875-1961) Swiss founder analytical psychology (GBOL-once)
Kameny, Frank [m] longtime activist; first openly gay person to run for Congress (1971) (MH)
Kamran [m] (r: early 19th C) Afghani emir (NF)
Kantrowitz, Arnie [m] writer, teacher and activist (MH)
Katz, Jonathan Ned [m] historian (MH)
Kaye, Danny (ne David Daniel Kaminsky) [m] (1913-1987) U.S. actor (GGG Oct 92, Spoto)
Kelly, Dennis [m] poet (MH)
Kemp, Jack [m] (1935- ) U.S. politician (AA "rumors")
Kenny, Maurice [m] poet (MH)
Kert, Larry [m] (1930-1991) U.S. stage actor (GGG Apr 92)
Keynes, John Maynard [m] (1883-1946) British economist (AA, BOL, TM)
King, Billie Jean [f] (1943- ) U.S. tennis pro (GBOL-once, AA, TM, MH)
"King Missile" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
King, William Rufus de Vane [m] (1786-1853) U.S. politician (AA)
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert [m] (1850-1916) English general (AA, GGG Dec 92)
"Kitchens of Distinction" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Klein, Calvin [m] (1942- ) U.S. fashion designer (TM)
Kopay, David [m] (1942- ) U.S. athlete (NFL football) (AA, TM, MH)
Kramer, Larry [m] (____- ) U.S. writer-activist (TM, MH)
Kray, Ronald [m] (1933- ) English gangster (TM)
Krohnke, Friedrich [m] German writer (MH)
Krupp, Friederich [m] (1854-1902) German industrialist (AA)
Kureishi, Hanif [m] novelist and screenwriter (My Beautiful Laundrette; Sammy and Rosie Get Laid) (MH)
Kuzmin, Mikhail [m] (1875-1936) Russian poet (AA)
La Fosse, Robert [m] (1959- ) U.S. ballet dancer (GGG Sep 92)
Laaksonen, Touko "Tom of Finland" [m] (1920-1991) Finnish artist (GGG May 92)
Laettner, Christian [m] Duke U basketball star (MH-not)
Lakich, Lili [f] artist (MH)
lang, k.d. [f] (1961- ) Canadian singer (Advocate 1992, TM, LS, MH)
Laughton, Charles [m] (1899-1962) British actor (AA, TM)
Lavner, Lynn [f] comedian (MH)
Lawrence, Thomas Edward "of Arabia" [m] (1888-1935) Br adventurer (OOAT, AA, BOL, TM)
Leavitt, David [m] (1961- ) U.S. author "The Lost Language of Cranes" (TM, MH)
Lebowitz, Fran [f] writer and satirist (MH)
LeGuin, Ursula [f] novelist (MH)
Lekakis, Paul [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Lennox, Annie [f] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Leo X [m] (1475-1521) Catholic pope (GBOL-popes, OOAT)
Leopold, Nathan [m] (1906-1971) U.S. murder (with Loeb, Ric.) (NSGGG Oct 89)
Leppard, Raymond [m] classical composer (MH)
LeVay, Simon [m] medical researcher; found physiological differences between brains of gay and straight men (MH)
Levertov, Denise [f] poet (MH)
Levi, Jeffrey [m] (____- ) U.S. activist NGLTF (TM, MH)
Lian Jianwen [m] (r: AD 550-551) Chinese emperor (NF)
Liberace, Wladziu Valentino [m] (1919-1987) U.S. showman (AA, GGG Jul 90, LS)
Liebman, Marvin [m] conservative activist, top aide to William F. Buckley (MH)
Lindsay, Vachel [m] (1879-1931) U.S. poet (GGG Jun 90)
Little Richard, [m] rock singer (*but* claims a Christian conversion expelled his homosexuality) (MH)
Livingston, Jenny [f] filmmaker (Paris Is Burning) (MH)
Locke, Alain [m] (1886-1954) U.S. writer (AA)
Locke, Richard [m] (1941- ) U.S. gay-porn star (GBOL-bro, GBOL-forces)
Loeb, Richard [m] (1907-1936) U.S. murder (with Leopold, Nat.) (NSGGG Oct 89)
Lorde, Audre [f] (1934- ) U.S. writer-activist (AA, TM, MH)
Loud, Lance [m] columnist; came out to his family on TV during 1973 PBS documentary series "An American Family" (MH)
Louganis, Greg [m] (1960- ) U.S. olympic diver (TM, MH)
Louis XIII [m] (1601-1643) French king (AA, NF)
Louise, Tina [f] (1934- ) U.S. actress (TM)
"Love and Rockets" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
"Love Tractor" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Lovett, Lyle [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Lowell, Amy [f] (1874-1925) U.S. poet (AA)
Lucius Cornelius Sulla [m] (138-78 BC) Roman Emperor (GGG Aug 92)
Ludwig II [m] (1845-1886) Bavarian king (AA, OOAT, NF)
Lully, Jean-Baptiste [m] (1632-1687) French composer (BOL, TM)
Lynde, Paul [m] (1926-1982) U.S. actor (TM)
Lyon, Phyllis [f] co-founder of the Daughters of Bilitis, first lesbian organization in the U.S. (MH)
MacDowell, Malcolm [m] Br. actor. an endless rumor about the gay droog panther (TM)
MacKaye, Ian, of "Minor Threat" [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Mackintosh, Cameron [m] (1946- ) British theatrical producer (GGG Dec 91)
Maclean, Donald [m] British spy (MH)
Madonna [f] (1958- ) U.S. gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Magnus VII [m] (1316-1373) Swedish king of Norway (GGG Jul 92)
Mahmud [m] (r: 997-1030) Ghazni (Afghani) emperor (NF)
Mapplethorpe, Robert [m] (1947-1989) U.S. photographer (GGG Feb 90)
Marais, Jean [m] French actor (MH)
Margoyles, Miriam [f] actress (MH)
Marlowe, Christopher [m] (1564-1593) British playwright (BOL, AA, OOAT, GGG Nov 90, TM)
Martin, Del [f] co-founder of the Daughters of Bilitis, first lesbian organization in the U.S. (MH)
Mass, Lawrence [m] (1946- ) U.S. doctor and writer (GGG Apr 92)
Mastroianni, Marcello [m] (1924- ) Italian actor (GBOL-once)
Mathis, Johnny [m] (1935- ) U.S. singer-composer (GGG Dec 88, MH)
Matlovich, Leonard [m] (1942- ) U.S. gay rights activist (GBOL-forces, GGG Jun 89)
Matusak, John [m] (____- ) U.S. wrestler (TM)
Maugham, W. Somerset [m] (1874-1965) British author (GGG Jun 89, AA)
Maupin, Armistead [m] (____- ) U.S. writer of "Tales of the City" serials (TM, MH)
Maxey, Glen [m] Texas state legislator (MH)
Mayes, Bernard [m] Episcopal priest, journalist, founding chairman of National Public Radio, now Asst. Dean of U.Va. College of Arts and Sciences (MH)
McCarthy, Joseph [m] (____-1957) U.S. congressman (OOAT, TM)
McCoy, Rev. Renee [f] African-American minister and activist (MH)
McCullers, Carson [m] (1917-1967) U.S. writer (GBOL-once)
McDermott, David [m] artist (MH)
McDowell, Roddy [m] (1928- ) British actor and ape (TM)
McFeeley, Tim [m] head of the Human Rights Campaign Fund (MH)
McFerrin, Bobby [m] (____- ) U.S. gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
McGillis, Kelly [f] (____- ) U.S. actor (TM)
McGough, Peter [m] artist (MH)
McKellen, Ian [m] (1939- ) British actor (GGG Sep 91, MH)
McKuen, Rod [m] (1933- ) U.S. poet (AA, GBOL-once, MH)
McNaught, Brian [m] writer (MH)
McNeill, Rev. John J. [m] Jesuit priest, scholar and writer (MH)
McNichol, Kristy [f] (1962- ) U.S. actress (TM, MH-not)
Mead, Margaret [f] (1901-1978) U.S. anthropologist (AA)
Mead, Taylor [m] poet and actor (MH)
Medley, Robert [m] painter (MH)
Mehmed (Muhammad) II [m] (r: 1451-1481) Ottoman sultan (NF)
Meigs, Mary [f] painter (MH)
Melchior, Lauritz [m] (1890-1973) Danish opera singer (GGG Oct 91)
Meldrum, Ian "Molly" [m] (____- ) Australian media personality (TM)
Melville, Herman [m] (1819-1891) U.S. author (GGG Aug 89, AA, OOAT)
Menotti, Gian Carlo [m] opera composer (MH)
Merchant, Ismail [m] British film producer (MH)
Mercury, Freddie [m] (____-1992) British singer from "Queen" (TM, LS)
Meredith, William [m] poet (MH)
Merrick, Gordon [m] (1916-1988) U.S. author (GGG Feb 89)
Merrill, James Ingram [m] poet (MH)
Michael II [m] (r: AD 741-775) Byzantine emperor (NF)
Michaels, Duane [m] photographer (MH)
Michelangelo Buonarroti [m] (1475-1564) Italian artist (AA)
Migden, Carole [f] San Francisco city supervisor (MH)
Milk, Harvey [m] (1930-1978) U.S. politician (AA, GBOL-forces, TM)
Millay, Edna St. Vincent [f] (1892-1950) U.S. poet (AA)
Miller, Merle [m] (1919-1986) U.S. writer (AA, BOL, GBOL-forces, TM)
Miller, Tim [m] One of the "NEA Four", performance artists whose federal grants were cut off because of "homoerotic" content in their work (MH)
Millet, Kate [f] (1934- ) U.S. author (BOL, TM, MH)
Millington, June [f] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Milton, John [m] (1608-1674) British author (BOL, TM)
Minkowitz, Donna [f] (____- ) U.S. Pulitzer nominee (TM, MH)
Mishima, Yukio [m] (1925-1970) Japanese writer (AA, GGG Jan 90)
Moliere [m] (1622-1673) French dramatist (AA)
Monette, Paul [m] novelist (MH)
Moorehead, Agnes [m] (1906-1974) U.S. actress (TM)
Moraga, Cherrie [f] writer (MH)
Morris, Mark [m] dancer and choreographer (MH)
Morrissey [m] (____- ) Musician, of "The Smiths" (LS, MH)
Mosbacher, Dee [f] activist; daughter of President Bush's campaign chairman and Secretary of Commerce (MH)
Mould, Bob /Husker Du/Sugar [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Moyet, Alison [f] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Murphy, Peter [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Mwanga [m] (r: 1884-1897) Bugandan (Ugandan) king (NF)
Nabors, Jim [m] (1933- ) U.S. actor (TM)
Navarre, Yves [m] French novelist (MH)
Navratilova, Martina [f] (1956- ) tennis player (various, TM, MH)
Near, Holly [f] (1949- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS, MH)
Nero [m] (r: AD 54-68) Roman emperor (NF)
Nerva [m] (r: Ad 96-98) Roman emperor (NF)
Nestle, Joan [f] writer (MH)
Newman, John Henry Cardinal [m] (1801-1890) Br religious leader (GGG Jan 92)
Nicholson, Harold [m] (1886-1968) British author-diplomat (BOL, TM)
Nicomedes IV [m] (r: early first century BC) Bithynian king (NF)
Nightingale, Florence [f] (1820-1910) British nurse (AA)
Nijinsky, Vaslav [m] (1890-1950) Polish ballet dancer (GGG Jan 92, AA, BOL, TM)
Nkoli, Simon [m] South African anti-apartheid activist (MH)
Noble, Elaine [f] first openly lesbian or gay person elected to a state legislature (Massachusetts, 1974) (MH)
Norse, Harold [m] poet (MH)
Novak, Kim [f] (1933- ) U.S. actress (TM)
Novarro, Ramon [m] (1899-1968) Mexican-U.S. silent movie actor (GGG Oct 88, TM)
Nugent, Richard Bruce [m] writer and artist (MH)
Nureyev, Rudolf [m] (____-1993) ballet star (MH)
Ochs, Robyn [ ] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Oda Nobunaga [m] (r: 1568-1582) Japanese military dictator (NF)
O'Dowd, Frank [m] (1951-1988) U.S. skater and tv producer (GGG Apr 92)
O'Hara, Frank [m] (1926-1966) U.S. poet (GBOL-forces)
Oliver, Mary [f] Pulitzer Prize-winning poet (MH)
Oliveros, Pauline [f] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Olivier, Lord Lawrence [m] (1907-1989) British actor (Spoto, GGG Dec 92)
Olson, Donald [m] writer (MH)
Orlovsky, Peter [m] (1933- ) U.S. poet (GBOL-forces)
Orton, Joe [m] (1933-1967) British playwright (AA, GGG Jan 90)
Ostertag, Bob [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Otho [m] (r: January-April AD 69) Roman emperor (NF)
Otto III [m] (AD 980-1002) German Holy Roman Emperor (GGG Jul 92)
Paglia, Camille [f] (1947- ) U.S. writer "Sexual Personae" (TM, MH)
Pallone, David [m] (____- ) U.S. ex-baseball umpire (TM, MH)
Palomo, Juan [m] newspaper columnist (MH)
-Paris, Bob Jackson- [m] (1960- ) U.S. pro model/bodybuilder (GGG Sep 91, TM, MH)
Parker, Al (Andrew Robert Okun) [m] (1952-1992) U.S. erotic-film maker (GGG Nov 91)
Pasolini, Pier Paolo [m] (1922-1975) Italian film director (AA, BOL, GGG Mar 91, TM)
Patrick, Robert [m] (1937- ) U.S? playwright "Kennedy's Children" (TM, MH)
Paul II [m] (1417-1471) Catholic pope (GBOL-popes, OOAT)
Paxton, Ross [m] artist (MH)
Pears, Peter [m] (1910-1986) British tenor (AA, TM)
Penteado, Darcy [m] Brazilian writer (MH)
Perkins, Anthony [m] (1932-1992) U.S. actor (GBOL-once)
Perry, Rev. Troy [m] (1940- ) U.S. M.C.C. founder (GBOL-forces, GGG Dec 91, MH)
"Pet Shop Boys, The" British musical group (LS, MH-not)
Peter the Great [m] (1672-1725) Russian czar (BOL, TM)
Peters, Robert [m] poet, critic and teacher (MH)
Peyrefitte, Roger [m] French writer (MH)
Phillips, Paul [m] of "Romanofsky and Phillips," folksinger (MH, LS)
Phranc [m] (____- ) Folksinger (LS, MH)
Pierce, Charles [m] female impersonator (MH)
Pindar [m] (518-438 BC) Greek lyric poet (GGG Mar 91)
Pinto, Jody [ ] artist (MH)
Plato [m] (427?-347 BC) Athenian philosopher (AA, GGG Oct 90)
Platt, Minnie Bruce [ ] poet and teacher (MH)
Pop, Iggy [m] rock star (MH)
Porter, Cole [m] (1891-1964) U.S. songwriter (GGG Aug 88, TM, LS)
Posner, Jill [f] photographer (MH)
Power, Tyrone [m] (1913-1958) U.S. actor (GBOL-forces)
Praunheim, Rosa von [m] German filmmaker (MH)
"Pretenders" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Price, Deb [f] Gannett newspapers columnist (MH)
Price, Edward Reynolds [m] novelist (MH)
Proust, Marcel [m] (1871-1922) French author (BOL, AA, GGG Oct 90, TM)
Pruitt, Dusty [f] sued military for reinstatement after expulsion for being gay (MH)
Przhevalsky, Nikolai [m] (1839-1888) Russian explorer (AA)
Ptolemy IV [m] (r: 145-144 BC) Greek king (NF)
Ptolemy VII [m] (r: 221-205 BC) Greek king (NF)
Quaintance, George [m] (1915-1957) U.S. artist (GGG Aug 88)
Quantz, J.J. [ ] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Radice, Anne-Imelda [f] acting head of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), appointed by President Bush (MH)
Rainey, Ma (Gertrude Pridgett) [f] (1886-1939) U.S. vocalist (AA, LS)
Rama VI [m] (r: 1910-1925) Thai king (NF)
Rasputin [m] (____-1916) Russian monk (OOAT)
Rechy, John [m] (1934- ) U.S. writer (GBOL-forces, MH)
Reed, Lou [m] rock star, of "Velvet Underground" (*but* now says he was just experimenting) (MH, LS)
"REM" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Renault, Mary [f] (1905-1983) British writer (AA)
Reno, [ ] comedian (MH)
"Rhiannon" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Rich, Adrienne [f] novelist (MH)
Richard I, the Lion Hearted [m] (1157-1199) English king (GGG Jan 92, BOL, NF, AA, TM)
Richard II [m] (1367-1400) English king (BOL, GGG Sep 92, TM)
Rickter, Sviatoslav [m] Russian pianist (MH)
Riggs, Marlon [m] (1957-1994) U.S. film-maker ("Tongues Untied") (TM, MH)
Rimbaud, Arthur [m] (1854-1891) French poet (AA, BOL, TM)
Ritts, Herb [m] (1952- ) U.S. photographer (TM, MH)
Rivers, Larry [m] painter and sculptor (MH)
Robbins, Harold [m] (1916- ) U.S. writer (GBOL-once)
Robespierre, Maximilien de [m] (1758-1794) French statesman (AA)
Robinson, Svend [m] (____- ) Canadian member of parliament (various, MH)
Robinson, Tom [m] singer/songwriter (MH)
Roditi, Edouard Herbert [m] writer (MH)
Rohm, Ernst [m] (1887-1934) German militarist (AA, BOL, OOAT, NSGGG Oct 89, TM)
Rolfe, Frederick, Baron Corvo [m] (1860-1913) British author (BOL, TM)
Romanofsky, Ron [m] of "Romanofsky and Phillips", folksinger (MH, LS)
Roosevelt, Eleanor [f] (1884-1962) U.S. first lady (OOAT, AA, GGG Jun 92)
Rorem, Ned [m] (1923- ) U.S. composer (AA, TM, MH)
Rowse, A. L. [ ] historian (MH)
Roy [m] of "Siegfried and Roy," comedian (MH, TM)
Rubinstein, William [m] gay-rights lawyer (MH)
Rudolf II [m] (r:1572/5/6-1608/11/12) Hungarian k/Bohemian k/H.R.Emperor (NF)
Rule, Jane [f] writer (MH)
Rumi, Jalal-Ud Din [m] (1207-1273) Persian poet (GGG Sep 91)
Russ, Joanna [f] feminist and science-fiction writer (MH)
Russo, Vito [m] (1946-1990) U.S. writer (GGG Apr 92)
Rustin, Bayard (1910-1987) U.S. civil rights activist (AA)
Rutherford, Paul [m] singer, "Frankie Goes to Hollywood" (MH, LS)
Sabato, Larry [m] political analyst and professor (MH-not)
Sackville-West, Victoria [f] (1892-1962) British author (BOL, TM)
Sade, Count Donatien Alphonse Francois de (Marquis de Sade) [m] (1740-1814) French writer (AA, NSGGG Apr 91)
"Saffire the Uppity Blues Women" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Saint-Laurent, Yves [m] fashion designer (MH)
Saint-Saens [m] (1835-1921) French composer (GGG Jun 91)
Sappho [f] (613?-565? BC) Greek poet (OOAT, AA, BOL, TM)
Sargent, Dick [m] (1933-1994) U.S. actor (various, TM, MH)
Sarria, Jose [m] drag entertainer; first openly gay candidate for public office in U.S. history (San Francisco, 1961) (MH)
Sarton, May [f] writer (MH)
Saslow, James M. [m] (1947- ) U.S. author (GGG Apr 92)
Satie, Erik [m] (1866-1925) French composer (TM)
Schatz, Ben [m] gay-rights lawyer (MH)
Scheinberg, Sidney [m] entertainment executive (MH-not)
Schlafly, John [m] son of anti-gay conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly and lawyer for her Eagle Forum organization (MH)
Schlesinger, John [m] (1926- ) British film director (GGG Oct 91, MH)
Schneider, Maria [f] actress (Last Tango in Paris) (MH)
Schubert, Franz [m] (1797-1828) Austrian composer (GGG May 91, LS)
Schulman, Sarah [f] (1958- ) U.S. novelist (GGG Jun 92)
Schulte, Steve [m] (1946- ) U.S. politician (AA)
Schuyler, James [m] poet (MH)
Scondras, David [m] Boston City Council member (MH)
Sebastian, Saint [m] (____-____) catholic Saint (TM)
Sebktigin [m] (10th Cen.) Ghaznavid Empire (Afghanistan) founder (NF)
Selleck, Tom [m] actor (MH-not)
Serrault, Michael [m] (1928- ) French actor (GBOL-once)
Shakespeare, William [m] (1564-1616) English playwright (AA "no proof")
Sher, Antony [m] actor (MH)
Shilts, Randy [m] journalist (The Mayor of Castro Street; And the Band Played On) (MH)
Shipp, John Wesley [m] (____- ) U.S. actor ("The Flash") (TM)
Shocked, Michelle [f] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS "maybe")
Siegfried [m] of "Siegfried and Roy," comedian (MH, TM)
Signorile, Michelangelo [m] U.S. journalist-activist, co-founder of Queer Nation (MH)
Silva, Aguinaldo [m] Brazilian writer (MH)
Sischy, Ingrid [f] (____- ) U.S. editor, INTERVIEW (TM, MH)
Sixtus IV (Francisco della Rovere) [m] (1414-1484) pope (OOAT, GBOL-popes)
Small, Fred [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Small, Judy [f] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Smith, Bessie [f] (1898?-1937) U.S. vocalist (AA, BOL, TM)
Smith, Christopher [m] member of the British Parliament (MH)
Socrates [m] (469?-399 BC) Athenian philosopher (AA, BOL, GGG Aug 89, TM)
Sodoma, Il (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi) [m] (1477-1549) Ital painter (GGG Apr 92)
"Soft Cell" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Sommerville, Jimmy [m] pop singer (Bronski Beat, The Communards) (MH, LS)
Sophocles [m] (496-406 BC) Greek tragedian (GGG May 90, BOL, TM)
Southerland, Lori [f] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Spada, James [m] writer (MH)
Spear, Allan [m] Minnesota state senator (MH)
Spender, Stephen [m] poet and critic (MH)
Sperr, Martin [m] German writer (MH)
Stael, Madame de [f] (1766-1817) French author (BOL, TM)
Stambolian, George [m] (1937-1991) U.S. writer/editor (GGG Jul 92)
Steffan, Joe [m] top Naval Academy cadet expelled for being gay, now suing for reinstatement (MH)
Stein, Gertrude [f] (1864-1946) U.S. writer (AA, OOAT, BOL, GGG Jun 92, TM)
Steward, Samuel "Phil Andros", writer (MH)
Stipe, Michael [m] lead singer of R.E.M. (MH-not)
Stoddard, Tom [m] gay-rights lawyer (MH)
Strachey, Lytton [m] (1880-1932) British biographer and critic (AA)
Stryker, Jeff [m] star of gay, straight and bi porno films (MH)
Studds, Gerry E. [m] (1937- ) U.S. politician (AA, TM, MH)
Suleiman the Magnificent [m] (1495?-1566) Ottoman emperor (OOAT)
Sullivan, Andrew [m] (____- ) U.S. editor: The New Republic (TM, MH)
Sullivan, Sir Arthur [m] (1842-1900) British composer (AA, GGG Jan 90)
Swann, Glenn [m] (1959- ) U.S. gay-porn star (GBOL-forces)
Sweeney, Terry [m] comedian (Saturday Night Live's Nancy Reagan) (MH)
"Sweet Honey in the Rock" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Swinburne, Algernon [m] (1837-1909) British poet (BOL, AA, TM)
Sylvester [m] (1946-1988) U.S. entertainer (GGG Sep 90, LS)
Symonds, John Addington [m] (1840-1893) British essayist & critic (AA, GGG Feb 90)
Takahashi, Mutsuo [m] Japanese poet (MH)
Takei, George [m] (____- ) U.S. actor (Mr Sulu in "Star Trek") (TM)
Tardi, Carla [f] artist (MH)
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich (1840-1893) Russian composer (OOAT, AA, GBOL-bro, BOL, TM, LS)
Teasdale, Sara [f] (1884-1933) U.S. poet (AA)
Tesla, Nikola [m] (1856-1943) Croatian scientist (GGG Apr 92)
Thomas, Betty [f] (1947- ) U.S. actress (TM)
Thompson, Dorothy [f] (1893-1961) U.S. journalist (AA)
Thompson, Karen [f] obtained custody of her disabled lover Sharon Kowalski after six-year court battle (MH)
Thompson, Scott [m] Canadian comedian (The Kids in the Hall) (MH)
"Thompson Twins" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Thorne, Lt. j.g. Tracy [f] U.S. Navy officer who came out on Nightline, now fighting expulsion (MH)
"Thrill Kill Kult" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Tiberius [m] (r: AD 14-37) Roman emperor (NF)
Tikaram, Tanita [ ] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS "maybe")
Tilden, William "Big Bill" [m] (1893-1953) U.S. tennis player (GGG Oct 88, BOL, AA, TM)
Tiny Tim [m] (1925- ) U.S. performer (GBOL-once)
Tippett, Mickael [m] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Toklas, Alice B. [f] (1877-1967) U.S. author-cook (BOL, TM)
Tokugawa Iemitsu [m] (r: 1622-1651) Japanese shogun (NF)
Tokugawa Tsunayoshi [m] (r: 1680-1709) Japanese shogun (NF)
Tolstoy, Leo [m] (1828-1910) Russian author (TM)
Tomlin, Lilly [f] (1939- ) U.S. entertainer (TM, MH-not)
Tournier, Michel [m] French writer (MH)
Townshend, Pete [m] (____- ) British musician, "The Who" (LS, MH)
Trajan [m] (r: AD 98-117) Roman emperor (NF)
Travanti, Daniel J. [m] (1940- ) U.S. actor (TM)
Travolta, John [m] (1954- ) U.S. actor and Scientologist (TM, MH-not)
Tress, Arthur [m] photographer (MH)
Tripp, C. A. [m] psychologist (author, The Homosexual Matrix) (MH)
Tryon, Tom [m] (1926-1991) U.S. actor-author (GGG Oct 92)
Tune, Tommy [m] Tony-winning Broadway singer/actor (MH)
Turing, Alan M. [m] (1912-1954) British mathematician (AA, GGG Sep 90, TM)
Tyler, Robin [f] comedian, producer and activist (MH)
"U2" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich [m] (1825-1895) German lawyer & gay right activist (AA, GGG Dec 88)
Vaid, Urvashi [ ] head of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (MH)
Valentian III [m] (r: AD 425-455) Roman emperor (NF)
Valentino, Rudolph [m] (1895-1926) Italian-U.S. actor (AA)
Van Sant, Gus [m] (____- ) U.S. filmmaker (TM, MH)
Vega, Suzanne [f] (____- ) Gay/gay-positive musician (LS)
Verlaine, Paul [m] (1844-1896) French poet (BOL, TM)
Vidal, Gore [m] (1925- ) U.S. writer (TM, MH)
"Village People, The" [m,m,m,m] The members of the band (MH)
Visconti, Luchino [m] (1906-1976) Italian film director (AA)
Vivien, Renee [f] (1877-1909) French writer (AA)
"Voice Farm" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Voltaire [m] (1694-1778) French philosopher (GBOL-once)
von Humboldt, Alexander [m] (1769-1859) German naturalist (BOL, TM)
von Praunheim, Rosa [m] (1942- ) German filmmaker (GGG Aug 92)
von Romer, Lucien S.A.M. [m] (1873-1965) Dutch Sexologist (GGG May 92)
Waddell, Thomas [m] (1938-1987) U.S. athlete (AA, GGG Jun 91, GBOL-forces)
Wagner, Jane [f] playwright, life partner of Lily Tomlin (MH-not)
Walker, Alice [f] African-American novelist (MH-not)
Walpole, Horace [m] (1717-1797) British writer (AA)
Warhol, Andy [m] (1927-1987) U.S. artist (AA, GGG Oct 90, TM)
Washington, George [m] (1732-1799) U.S. president (AA "speculation")
"Washington Sisters, The" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Waters, John [m] filmmaker (Pink Flamingos; Polyester; Hairspray) (MH)
Watkins, Sgt. Perry (ret.), won Supreme Court case for reinstate-ment to Army after expulsion for being gay; African-American (MH)
Watney, Simon [m] (____- ) U.S? AIDS academic (TM)
Webb, Clifton [m] (1893-1966) U.S. actor (GGG Sep 92)
Weber, Bruce [m] (1942- ) U.S. photographer (TM)
Wei Wen [m] (r: AD 220-227) Chinese emperor (NF)
Weinberg, George [m] psychologist; coined the term "homophobia" in his book "Society and the Healthy Homosexual" (MH)
Welty, Eudora [f] (1909- ) U.S. writer (TM, MH)
Whale, James [m] (1896-1957) British-U.S. film director (GGG Feb 89, AA)
White, Edmund [m] (1940- ) U.S. author (GGG Dec 91, TM, MH)
Whitman, Walt [m] (1819-1892) U.S. poet (AA, BOL, GGG Nov 90, OOAT, TM)
Wieners, John [m] poet (MH)
Wilde, Dolly [f] (1899-1941) British wit (Oscar's niece) (AA)
Wilde, Oscar [m] (1854-1900) Irish dramatist & wit (AA, BOL, GGG Mar 91, TM)
Wilder, Thornton [m] (1897-1975) U.S. novelist (AA)
Wilhelm, Gale [f] novelist (MH)
William II Rufus [m] (1056-1100) English king (OOAT, AA, NF)
William III [m] (r: 1689-1702) British king (NF)
Williams, Jonathan [m] poet and teacher (MH)
Williams, Pete [m] Pentagon spokesman (MH-not)
Williams, Tennessee [m] (1911-1983) U.S. playwright (AA, BOL, TM)
Williamson, Chris [ ] (____- ) Folksinger (LS, MH)
Wilmer, Val [f] photographer and writer (MH)
Wilson, Millie [f] artist (MH)
Winant, Fran [f] artist (MH)
Winterson, Jeanette [f] novelist (MH)
Wittgenstein, Ludwig [m] (1889-1951) Austrian philosopher (AA)
Wittig, Monique [f] writer (MH)
Wollstonecraft, Mary [f] (1759-1797) British writer (AA)
Wong, B. D. [m] Tony-winning Broadway actor (M. Butterfly) (MH)
Woodlawn, Holly [f] actor in Andy Warhol films (MH)
Woolf, Virginia Stephens [f] (1882-1941) British writer (OOAT, BOL, AA. TM)
Woollcott, Alexander [m] (1887-1943) U.S. journalist & critic (AA)
Wu [m] (r: 140-86 BC) Chinese emperor (NF)
"XTC" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
"Yaz" Gay-positive/gay-membership musical group (LS)
Yourcenar, Marguerite [f] (1903-1987) French writer (AA, TM)
Zeno of Elea [m] (5th century BC) Greek philosopher (BOL, TM)
2007-01-20 20:21:21
answer #1
answered by Czech_Mark 3