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2007-01-20 17:06:28 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

19 answers

Hate that closet racist.

2007-01-20 17:09:50 · answer #1 · answered by INDRAG? 6 · 2 8

mixed feelings on Oprah. I respect her for where she has gotten herself . there is no denying that she has worked very hard to get there and deserves the praise.
However, her humanitarian side is a little on the vain side. It kinda turns me off because although she gives away lots of money and stuff she has to be in the front of the camera to do so. you have to wonder about the alterior motive for some of these celebrities doing all this humanitarian work. do they just have to get rid of an excess of money? do they want the publicity? does it make them feel good to justify making outrageous amounts of money? whatever it is ... i think Oprah has to work hard at being a humanitarian.. it does not come easy for her.. what does come easy is making lots of money cuz she is a capitalist at heart... which is not all bad.
now, to answer someone else's pondering on why it took so long to build that school in Africa? well, I think she put it on the back burner and then when all the other celebs started their little campaigns - she had to "one them up" on it all and go in there and do her thing... the good thing is- those girls are really lucky so who cares!!

2007-01-21 02:15:13 · answer #2 · answered by Wild Honey 4 · 0 1

I think she's great. Didn't know she was until I saw some episodes. I challenge the @ssholes above to actually WATCH a show or two before you mouth off on something you have NO IDEA about. She helps a LOT of individual people and a LOT of groups of people as well, not to mention charities, etc. You people that hate her: How many people have you helped like she has? Get an effin life.

2007-01-21 01:13:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I'm just wondering why it took her so long to build a school for the girls in Ethiopia? I think that is what she promised Nelson Mandela. I do not understand why she waited 6 yrs 2 do so. With all of that money and a good head on her shoulders, I wonder what her reasoning was for waiting in VAIN. + The Color Purple is one of my all- time favorite movies though. I hope her diamonds didn't come from all the blood shed in AFRICA> BLOOD DIAMOND best movie aside from Amistad and Braveheart. Diamonds+ Slavery= greed and War. I'm so very sorry Africa++++++++enough is enough one luv+++

2007-01-21 01:28:37 · answer #4 · answered by Mermangel+720 2 · 0 2

first of all, to the person who answered twice i feel pity for your ignorance. but saying that I respect her. I think that she like the rest of us has the right to her opinion. if she doesn't want to have rappers on that's her show she shouldn't have to. ITS HER SHOW ! she owens it. I respect the work she dose in south Africa for the young girls there. and thank god somebody told America's youth to turn off the video games and pick up a book.

2007-01-21 01:34:41 · answer #5 · answered by jjp 2 · 2 0

I'm surprised Oprah can get thru a doorway; her head is way too big !

2007-01-21 01:30:24 · answer #6 · answered by Irene G 3 · 0 2

First let me say she's not perfect....she's human and she has her faults.

Now let me say....I think she's terrific and I think she's a very good person. The world is a better place because she's in it.

I could care less about her weight.

2007-01-21 01:18:55 · answer #7 · answered by daljack -a girl 7 · 3 0

People Love to hate her.

But I like the lady.

She has done so much for so many people.
Yes, she has made millions if not a Billionaire by now.

In my Opinion she is truly trying to help people, our world.

2007-01-21 01:13:29 · answer #8 · answered by faith♥missouri 7 · 5 1

Oprah is amazing, she helps out people with HER MONEY. People just hate her because they don't understand her.

2007-01-21 01:11:30 · answer #9 · answered by Danni_T 1 · 7 1

i Love Oprah..she is so smart, and she came from compete poverty and made herself the richest woman in America!!!! She is the true definition of an American

2007-01-21 01:11:17 · answer #10 · answered by kristina43 5 · 6 1

Thumbs down, definitely. She's full of herself, talks about poverty and oppression and then throws herself multi-million dollar birthday parties. Her hypocracy is hard to ignore and is multi-faceted. Honestly, I'm sick of her and so are most people I talk to....I don't understand why they keep giving her a platform with that TV show....it's still on, right? We are just waiting for her to get out of the way, so the public has a chance to hear what others have to say.

2007-01-21 01:13:24 · answer #11 · answered by XOXOXOXO 5 · 1 5

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