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I got a Creative Zen V Plus mp3 player as a late present.. & I downloaded songs onto it earlier.. & i left it plugged in to charge.. & now it won't come on!!!! Does anyone know why it's doing this? & Do I have to take it back & get a new one? HELP PLEASEEEEE!

2007-01-20 17:06:21 · 3 answers · asked by lilpricey2008 1 in Consumer Electronics Music & Music Players

It's not because of my carelessness... I told my brother to unplug it when it was done because I had to go to work & he didn't.... So basically I have to get another one?

2007-01-21 03:24:56 · update #1

3 answers

return it for another one. It gets crappy sometimes.

2007-01-20 17:27:57 · answer #1 · answered by AlvaDaGansta 4 · 0 0

Why don't you people read the manual that is written and comes for you???????

When you plug in the Zen V Plus to your computer to charge it, it'd docked and you can't use it directly, but you can play the songs from the Creative Media Player from your computer. So don't get it back for your own carelessness if this was the problem.

But, if it's frozen, and nothing happens to it, there's a small pin hole below the power/lock key, use a pin to reset it.

2007-01-20 23:43:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

U might of over charge it, or simply return it for a new one

2007-01-20 18:32:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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