It's been blown out of proportion. Racism Has nothing to do with it. It's xenophobic, and not racism. Bullying is a very common thing in big brother series.Calling a human being a Dog and pig is very perverse.
2007-01-20 16:54:43
answer #1
answered by Agentj100 4
It was not jade who called shilpa a dog it was another contestant.
How ever jade was pretty insecure with the presence of shilpa in the manner. Jade was more over kind of person who cannot help speak out what ever weird thoughts comes in her mind. So its more over insecurity n jelousy that were the problems of jade. But other girls Jo and daniel were definitely racist bcoz even though they didnt harass shilpa, they ware supporting and fuelling jades anger towards shilpa and laughing at her whenever she was being bullied. They were also abusing her behind her back and back stabbing her by telling false things about her to jade. These things clearly mean that they enjoyed the division and what shilpa was going through and they wanted it to continue so that they could enjoy watching it.
Shilpa on the other hand i think was born n brought up like a princess hence was really new to this bullying thing. But what ever it is, i really appreciate her charactor and the way she handled the situation. She was just great.
And about jade, it doesnt matter what the papers called her. But she has got what she deserved. A perfume in her name has been pulled of the shelf. And celebrity is all about the appreciation of public. Now that she doesnt have any, shes gonna have a tough time remaking her career. She really is gonna feel sorry for what she said to shilpa.
2007-01-21 02:57:19
answer #2
answered by Lord Of Lust 5
I'm not in Canada and didn't really understand what all the commotion was about on that Celebrity Big Brother until U.S. news started getting involved but I can see how Jade Goody is annoying. I think she hated the Indian woman because she was way prettier than her.
2007-01-21 00:49:00
answer #3
answered by Dimples 6
Absolutely right....
Jade is really sick....
nd i respect Shilpa for the way she handled the whole thing....
As for the other grls.....they r no less.....
2007-01-21 06:36:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
definetely yes !! it was not right on her part . racial abuse is a highly sensitive matter and she has got the right treatment now,being out of the show .
2007-01-21 01:53:58
answer #5
answered by sid 1
I don't know details, just know that is sick.
2007-01-21 00:50:54
answer #6
answered by Cister 7