Nothing can travel at the speed of light, proven by Einstein using the Lorentz - FitxGerald equatsions.
Your mass becomes undefined (you wind up dividing by zero), you have no size, and time stops.
2007-01-20 16:22:45
answer #1
answered by Walking Man 6
For a body travelling at the speed of light the mass of the moving body is given by m=m0/(1-v^2/c^2)^1/2. Thus if a body moves at the speed of light its mass becomes infinite which needs infinite energy to be overcome which is impossible.
2007-01-21 02:40:02
answer #2
answered by Pritam 1
According to me, there will be no change in ur image as u are travelling with the speed of light with respect to everyone else but u urself are the same person travelling and will be the same if u enter another world (future or past)
2007-01-21 01:13:05
answer #3
answered by shailendra s 3
No material object can travel AT the speed of light, to say nothing of faster than the speed of light. In order to attain light speed, a material object would have to be accelerated to that speed by infinite energy and of course that's not possible (..infinite energy would be all the energy in our universe..)
The second part of your question is therefore moot.
2007-01-21 00:52:36
answer #4
answered by Chug-a-Lug 7
Only massless objects can travel at the speed of light. Therefore we cannot travel at the speed of light.
But if we could travel at the speed of light while holding mirror, you would never see your reflection because the light would never get to the mirrow.
2007-01-21 00:24:22
answer #5
answered by A.R 2
If you travel at the speed of light; 1,86,000 miles per second, the G effect will be so great that you will disintegrate. Neither you or your mirror will exist, having been transformed into energy. E=MC^2
Energy = Mass X Square of the speed of light.
2007-01-21 00:23:11
answer #6
answered by Kool-kat 4
Hi. As far as we know only massless objects can travel at the speed of light. If you were traveling NEAR the speed of light and looked at a mirror, you would simple see your reflection.
2007-01-21 00:21:42
answer #7
answered by Cirric 7
As any particle moves its mass increases. Yes, theoretically, when you jogging your weight (mass* gravity) is higher than when you are sitting. But this is so much negligible that in non-relativistic speeds it is ignored.
But when speeds approach the speed of light this increase in mass can no longer be ignored. when an object moves at the speed of light (or relativistic speeds) its mass would be infinite. Hence no object, whose rest mass is not equal to zero, can move at the speed of light.
when you move at speed of light, you will image will be undetermined, since the light packets will be at rest relative to you. Good chance you will not see yourself, but no one knows this for sure what will it be.
rest Mass = Mass of object when it is stationary. Like Photon, the packets of the light or EM radiation.
relativistic speed = speeds close to speed of light when effects of relativity are measurable.
2007-01-21 00:25:41
answer #8
answered by nikonf105 2