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After my Java alerted me that I needed an update, I have not been able to get into the Yahoo!Spades rooms. I have tried all the "fixes" listed on the Help site, but to no avail. I can get in to play gin and canasta but not spades. Anybody else have this problem? what did you do about it??

2007-01-20 15:47:58 · 4 answers · asked by cheapsweater 1 in Games & Recreation Card Games

4 answers

I too am having the same problem but to no avail I am not getting spades action either. I think we've been yahooed!

2007-01-21 01:01:26 · answer #1 · answered by Celeste P 7 · 0 1

I have no problem getting into” ANY” game using these settings. make the changes then log onto mail, minimize it then go to game.
Yahoo games and sun java have conflicts. Rather then trying to work around them. Here is the easy and fastest way to cure them. These simple setting changes will fix 95% of all Yahoo messenger and yahoo game problems.
go to Tools, open Internet options, advance tab. Scroll down the list and see if you have Microsoft Virtual Machine listed, if so unclick the 2 java’s listed. Make sure JIT is checked, click apply then ok. Close. This lets msn virtual machine launch yahoo messenger and games. If MSN VM is not listed you can download it here. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserversystem/virtualserver/default.mspx
This only takes 2 minutes and is very easy to do..

2007-01-23 06:10:14 · answer #2 · answered by Star R 7 · 0 0

I have the same problem on both of my computers how do we fix this problem

2007-01-21 11:51:32 · answer #3 · answered by mountain_peaches 1 · 0 0

ok ill inform you the huge secret... your a @#$%^&* fool i could chortle my *** off if anti-piracy job stress kinda element knocked down your door and btw its cd-rom or dvd-rom i could desire to comprehend oone typo yet 2, one remarkable after yet another lol

2016-11-25 23:19:05 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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