Your not a very good friend now are you. I think it's fine whatever age she chooses to have a baby. There are risks involved however, both to the baby and the mother. My great aunt is the same age as my mom because my great grandmother had her son young... she has terrible lasting effects of "maternal age effect" that she ended up having a stroke (due to circulation problems) at the age of 35! Scary isn't it. In any case though you should be supportive of your friend regardless of her decisions.
2007-01-20 15:24:46
answer #1
answered by Gig 5
I think that if you are her best friend, and are truly happy for her, why question others about her decision to have a baby?
Don't you think parenting is a HUGE responsibility? I do, I have 4 kids, ages 20, 18, 16 and 12.
I had my first child at 25. I am now 45. I couldn't imagine starting over and having another child at my age, but, I do miss having my fun before I had kids. For example, I never really had the opportunity to travel and it's something I regret. So, maybe your friend wanted to enjoy her life and have the freedom and fun before having one. Also is it a possibility that she was infertile for those years? Just a thought.
Either way, your friend won't be that old. When her child is 20, she'll be 60. Not exactly in the grave yet. So, like I said, everyone is entitled to choose when they have kids.
I wish your friend a healthy baby. :)
2007-01-20 23:34:46
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I am 20. My Mum is 61 and my Dad is 75 - so they had kids pretty late! They didn't fall in love and get married until a bit later than many couples though.
Personally, I have really appreciated the extra life-experience my parents already had by the time they chose to have children - it meant they were in an incredibly could position to educate me - in morals as well as general education. Their age has not prevented them in any way from being incredibly involved in my life.
It is your friend and her partner's life, their child - stop being so judgemental in calling it 'ridiculous' and making presumptions such as that 'nobody waits that long when married to have a baby' - it's their choice, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it (so WHAT if their child grows up with 'old parents'?!) - and if she's really your best friend, then maybe you should actually start being that friend you call yourself.
2007-01-21 00:28:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
well sweetie, maybe they wanted to wait until the right time, until they thought they were ready.. Whats it matter to you anyways? if you were a REAL friend, you would support her and her husband in their desision to have a baby 18 years into their marriage. & as a matter of fact, a lot of married couples wait a long time to have kids, many wait longer. just because they waited doesnt make the situation rediculous. and their is nothing wrong with older parents and being an older parent to a young child, nothing wrong with it at all..
you need to get a grip over yourself. your not a true friend at all and i hope your friend realizes it, they made the desision when they thought the time was right and its now, back off!! you're a pathetic excuse for a friend. really.
2007-01-20 23:36:41
answer #4
answered by Michila Noell 2
I'm 38 and pregnant with my first child. I went to college, attained the position of editorial director with my company. I have been to Europe nine times. I've traveled all over the U.S. I've had my dance club days, my bar days...eaten in nice restaurants. I own my own house. I've gotten the partying and roaming off my chest. Now I'm ready to settle down. I'm older, wiser and less likely to think I missed out on life than younger mothers. I'm mature, patient and have some of the wisdom that comes with age. Maybe I won't have as much energy as a 22-year-old, but what I lack in that I can make up for with wisdom. Get used to it...older mothers are becoming the norm, not the exception.
2007-01-21 13:34:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
They prolly wanted to live life to the fullest and wait to have children, I wanted to have my children young so when they are older I could go out and have my fun. Its all personal preference. and now 40 isnt considered old to have children so much anymore. More and more people are doing it, thanks to modern technology. And its nice so there is a balance a 14 year old mother and a 40 year old mother. Society is going nuts, but the 40 year old mother knows alot more about life and how to raise a child than im sure a 14 year old does. Good luck to your friend.
2007-01-20 23:40:08
answer #6
answered by natalie rose 3
People are leaving children and marriage later and later, we are now having children almost 20 years later than we used to only 10 years ago most people are now having children around the age of 38 so now its not very uncommon, they're happy and I'm sure the child will love their parents how ever they may be, be happy for your friends and don't burst their bubble
2007-01-21 00:06:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It shouldn't matter the age, who cares?! You should be happy for your friend instead of looking down on the fact that shes 40
2007-01-20 23:27:53
answer #8
answered by CO mommy 2
yeah your rude
im 13 and my mom had me at 48 so what if they are having a baby a little older, its none of your bisness and no i dont agree with you, so get a life and stop worrying about other peoples
2007-01-20 23:39:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I dont think it is ridculus but it is risky plus they will be old parnets. But I dont think they shouldn't have a baby. It's better than being to young.
2007-01-20 23:35:53
answer #10
answered by Sheilah b 2