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A few weeks ago, I dropped off a Blockbuster DVD I rented back to the store, but they still claim that it's not returned. I might have handed it to the clerk instead of putting it in the return bin as usual, so they might have forgotten to scan it. It's an old release that has 1 or 2 copies at the most in the store. I asked them if they can check to see if the DVD that's there matches the one I had, but they said that does work. Is that true? Can't they just match it up a serial number or something from the computer? Maybe they can find out how many copies they have and if there's only 1, then I must have returned it. Too bad they don't give you proof that you returned a DVD like the library does, then it would be easier. What are my options now to avoid paying for a movie I don't have and didn't even lose?

2007-01-20 14:47:27 · 4 answers · asked by moviebuff411 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

The DVD was from the Blockbuster store itself, not from Blockbuster online.

2007-01-20 15:55:50 · update #1

4 answers

Contact corporate headquarters because oftentimes the corporate office will take care of the situation when the local store refuses to. The following link will take you to their "complaint" page where you can detail all the information. They need to be able to check into the store and see if this is a repeated problem with a shady employee.


2007-01-20 15:02:09 · answer #1 · answered by dragonwing 4 · 0 0

I worked at a video store a couple of years ago, and let me tell you that stuff does happen, and it is because some people are lazy or not careful. What probably happened is that whoever emptied the drop box either missed scanning the movie into the computer, or thought they scanned it. What I mean by this is that when a movie is scanned in, sometimes for certain ones a pop-up box will appear on the screen (for various reasons which I will not even attempt to list right now). If the person scanning is too lazy to pay attention to the screen, they will miss this and continue scanning movies. However, you must exit out of the pop-up in order to actually scan any more movies. So it never made it into the system as "checked-in."

I don't know if this was what happened to you, as the video store I worked for was not a Blockbuster, but it's just a possibility. The best thing you can do is go in and talk to the manager, stick to your story, and be persistant. If nothing else, a mention of never wanting to return to that store again might help (it certainly worked at the one I was at!).

2007-01-20 15:31:19 · answer #2 · answered by RogueGirl19 2 · 0 0

I would talk to the store manager and explain that you know that when you took the dvd into the store or put it in their dropbox the movie was in there, and that you will not pay for it. For all they know, a store employee could have pulled the movie out and said you returned an empty case. If they still insist on charging you for the movie, just dont go there anymore. They will bill you for the dvd and if you dont pay it, eventually they will send it to collections. Blockbuster sent my ex's late fees to collections, which must cost them about $10-20 to pay a collections agency to handle....he owed $3 in late fees! So it cost them more to send it to collections than he even owed. I would also contact the corporate office for Blockbuster if the manager wont believe you. I am sure they must have a special department for this exact situation.

2016-03-29 06:58:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah they can look it up if they weren't so lazy, My brother had that happen to him, Never trust drop boxes, although you can't trust handing it either, that happend to me with a library book and I pulled it off the shelf to show them that I brought it back lol, But yeah they can look it up...that stinks that they're jerking you around like that....good luck

2007-01-20 14:56:21 · answer #4 · answered by ?only?me? 6 · 0 0

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