Freudian slip
Function: noun
: a slip of the tongue that is motivated by and reveals some unconscious aspect of the mind
2007-01-20 14:47:18
answer #1
answered by sknymnie 6
A fruedian slip is where you say something thats in your sub-conscious, that you didn't mean to say.
For example.If you think someone has, say a receeding hair line and looks bald, but you are trying to impress them, you could slip up in talking to them by saying something like, "hair today gone tomorrow", instead of "here today, gone tomorrow".
Your subconsious want to tell the truth, but you want to spin a line.
2007-01-20 22:47:48
answer #2
answered by sylvia a 3
A Fruedian slip is when you say something risque but meant it to be a serious statement or answer. Ex- "I've never played golf before" "You've never played a round?"
2007-01-20 22:44:26
answer #3
answered by jjc92787 6
A Freudian slip, or parapraxia, is an error in speech or memory that is believed to be caused by the unconscious mind. Some errors, such as a woman accidentally calling her husband by the name of the other man with whom she is having an affair, seem to represent relatively clear cases of Freudian slips. In other cases, the error might appear to be trivial or bizarre, but may show some deeper meaning on analysis. A Freudian slip is not limited to a slip of the tongue, or to sexual desires. It can extend to our word perception where we might read a word incorrectly because of our fixations.
2007-01-20 22:49:06
answer #4
answered by karina 3
A Freudian slip usually refers to the accidental spoken substitution of a a word or phrase for another similar sounding word or phrase. It is attributed to be something that comes from a true thought or opinion that is hidden in the unconscious.
Example: an accountant says to a client, "I'm working on these figures to determine how to get you into the sack," when he meant to say "I'm working on these figures to determine how to get you into the black."
2007-01-20 23:12:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's when you say a word in a sentence (usually sexually oriented) instead of another word.
a common example is someone says sex instead of success, i've heard that one a fair bit.
2007-01-20 22:47:13
answer #6
answered by jo 5
Is is a subconcious faux pas.
2007-01-20 22:42:17
answer #7
answered by blah 1
it's when you say one thing but meant to say a mother.
that was a joke.
actually, funny example: i once said, "i want chips and dick" instead of "i want chips and dip."
2007-01-20 22:43:43
answer #8
answered by Answer 2