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4 answers

I'm not sure what most people you're talking about. Everyone I know who has seen it thinks it's the best one since the first. I defintitely agree. It's been reviewed a lot better then the other 4 as well. And did anyone like Rocky 5? I don;t even remember Rocky 5. Rocky 2,3, and 4 were fun....stupid but fun.

2007-01-20 14:40:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think it is better than 3, 4, and 5. I would rank'em as follows..


I think that Rocky Balboa was well thought out and well written. It's Stallone acting so you knew what you were getting from that perspective going in. How anybody could say it was worse than 5 is beyond me.

2007-01-20 15:36:15 · answer #2 · answered by BAM 7 · 0 0

all of them!! why?? Rocky a million reason it provides individuals that desire which you would be able to alter into "a somebody" in case you truly need it. Rocky 2 reason he comes lower back to win against Creed Rocky 3 reason he misplaced his coach and he have been given to plenty trauma so he has to start from the begining yet nonetheless wins. Rocky 4 reason i admire the determination he places in, to kick Drago's a** and the song " coronary heart on hearth" consistently receives me pumped up Rocky 5 reason the guy proves that hes somewhat gradual and have been given somewhat suggestions injury yet hes nonetheless greater proper than that lozer Gunn. ROCKY Balboa sucked. the only section i cherished became the final 5 min whilst he leaves the hoop. (we are going to forget that one.) Rocky is like hollywood historic past guy, the scenes, the songs and the costs. each and every person one runs up those stairs and thinks of ROCKY human beings pay attention "eye of the tiger" and that they think of of ROCKY. "YO ADRIAN" who mentioned that? ROCKY DID. who doesnt awaken and dream of being ROCKY????

2016-12-14 07:54:01 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Probably because he should stop. He's a little too old to be doing those kind of films anymore. Every person who saw that movie were exstatic fans of the Rocky movies and when they went to see it, they all were very disappointed and were upset about seeing it. They said that his performance was not what they expected and they thought he shouldn't have made that film at all.

2007-01-20 14:44:59 · answer #4 · answered by V.V.C. 3 · 0 0

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