Sounds like an emotion. The sign of concern and or caring. This is only a building block to a relationship. Is this a fearful feeling? Maybe a concern from a past love? Maybe a feeling of uncertainty? Not sure where to go next with the friendship? Sounds like an emotion, one of love and that's a great emotion to be feeling if this person is the one you love. Best wishes and good luck.
2007-01-21 12:43:15
answer #1
answered by Gary M 3
Hard to tell. If the feeling is warm and comforting, maybe you love this person. If the feeling is negative or 'icky' then perhaps you should run away. Never ignore your instincts, especially if you're female. Try a bit to figure out what exactly it is about him, because maybe he's hiding something, and the hiding it is giving off the bad vibe, when it might not be something bad to you. But don't push yourself past the comfort zone; you don't know what you're dealing with.
2007-01-28 13:20:54
answer #2
answered by theobviousanswerman 1
ought to say it sounds extra like you're about to start up your era than pregnant. maximum human beings do not start up feeling ill till eventually about 6 weeks. notwithstanding you'd be in which case i might want to start up getting used to the icky bloating feeling because it will be with you for a lengthy time period now. The bloating feeling continues to be till eventually the end and when you're fortunate the ill feeling will very last till eventually about 3-4 months into being pregnant. maximum acceptable desires both way
2016-12-02 19:53:32
answer #3
answered by nastasi 4
Depends on what icky means? Maybe you are falling for him and it scares you a little. Ickly can be really unpleasant but for all the right reasons. Ever heard the saying “lovesick”, this is literally what it means.
2007-01-27 23:34:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It could definitely mean something. If icky is not meant in a negative way, you should see where it goes. Good luck.
2007-01-27 18:50:36
answer #5
answered by ? 7
Yes. See if he feels the same way. What is the worst thing that can happen? I mean, in the words of Rachel Green (Friends reference)-- "It is always nice to hear that someone loves you." Good luck!
2007-01-26 13:59:23
answer #6
answered by MissTx 2
If U have an icky feeling now,then its probably want be right;
2007-01-28 13:56:18
answer #7
answered by jody 1
it does mean something describe the feeling of icky being bad
keep in ming warning comes before destruction always keep inner feelings in mind
2007-01-28 13:07:09
answer #8
answered by ? 2
Is it a good feeling or a bad feeling. Does it make you sick or does it make you feel dizzy? I definitely think it means something. Your gut is talking to you. Your instincts are telling you something. But without knowing what the feeling is I have no idea what they are telling you.
2007-01-28 01:03:41
answer #9
answered by sageivyberyl 2
I am assuming that icky means bad...right??
2007-01-20 15:07:52
answer #10
answered by susan q 4