Walk and have LOTS of sex! Good luck!
2007-01-20 13:31:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There are a few things that you could try but alot of times they don't work, walk alot, eat spicy food, and have lots of sex. With my first son I went a week past my due date then they induced me because the baby just didn't want to come out on his own. Good Luck and Congratulations.
2007-01-20 21:32:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I did alot of walking and went into labor. Today was supposed to be my due date as well but I went 5 weeks early. Have sex, I hear breast stimulation is a good one also. Don't know how true it is, but can't hurt to try. Good luck and congrats!
2007-01-20 21:46:33
answer #3
answered by shorty 3
Congrats first of all! I would walk around more to induce labor
2007-01-20 21:31:13
answer #4
answered by Samantha 3
Have sex, do some walking, ask your doctor about stripping membranes (they basically do an exam and srip membranes around the cervix). Keeping active and staying positive is the best way to get things moving! Good luck & congratulations!
2007-01-20 21:33:15
answer #5
answered by Stephanie B 5
Eating pineapple!!
Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which is thought to help to soften the cervix and so bring on labour. .
Balloon Blowing!!
Blowing up balloons: the theory is that the build up of abdominal pressure encourages labour to start.
Sex is good!!
Sex as means of getting labour started is thought to work in three ways: firstly the movement may help to stimulate the uterus into action; secondly, sex can trigger the release of oxytocin, the 'contraction' hormone; thirdly, semen contains a high concentration of prostaglandins which help to ripen, or soften, the neck of the womb (cervix) ready for it to dilate when labour starts.
Nipple stimulation
Nipple stimulation is the gentle rubbing or rolling of the nipple to encourage the start of contractions. The theory is that oxytocin, a hormone that causes contractions, is released in the body when the breasts are stimulated.
The study mentioned above was thought to be too small to draw concrete conclusions from, but did show a significant benefit from nipple stimulation: 37.3 per cent of women who had tried it went into labour within 72 hours as compared to just 6.4 per cent of those who had not.
Castor oil
There are reports of castor oil being used to bring on labour as far back as the Egyptians, though how it works is poorly understood. The most commonly given explanation is that it acts as a powerful laxative, and when it stimulates the gut it also stimulates the uterus and so "kick starts" labour
NOW CASTOR OIL WORKED FOR ME TWICE, But remember everyone is different, and it will give u a pain in the tummy, and u will need to go to the toilet ALOT..
This is one we would NOT recommend but, according to a survey of midwives, 4 fl oz of castor oil mixed with orange juice is the usual dose. It is revolting (very oily) to drink though some suggest that making it fizzy by adding ½ teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda helps. A second dose can be given 12 hours later.
2007-01-20 21:46:37
answer #6
answered by eolhc860 1
The reason sex works is because of movement (similar to the advice of walking) and nipple stimulation. In fact, nipple stimulation is dirextly linked to the uterus which is why woman that breast feed have theirs return to normal size more quickly than not. Hey, I'm not a doctor, but this is what my doctor told me. Of course, consult your doctor.
2007-01-20 21:36:59
answer #7
answered by Green Booger 3
Nohing, a normal pregnancy is from 32 to 42 weeks...so until you're about 44 weeks along you're right on time.
2007-01-20 21:35:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Walking can help. but baby will come when the baby is ready. Best of Luck
2007-01-20 21:44:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Walk or have sex. Both are known to bring on labor.
2007-01-20 21:36:14
answer #10
answered by Les E 1
Walk and have sex and Im sure there are other things that you can do.... I had my first son two weeks late and that was by Csection because he wouldnt come out for nothin. Good luck
2007-01-20 21:34:50
answer #11
answered by Anonymous