It's not true, I recently saw something about this,this is what I've found on the Internet:
If you look closely as they are skipping down the road away from the camera, among the trees deep in the background to the left of the road, something moves in the shadows. This is the supposed "hanging" and I'll admit that when you see the film on television and someone suggests to you that a munchkin or crew member is hanging themselves, the movement is pretty convincing.
However, it's because the image in the background is so small when you see it on TV that it looks like someone's hanging. If you see it on the big screen it's obvious what it really is--a big bird (a crane, I think) spreading and flapping its wings. There's no hanging munchkin or crew member or anyone else. It's just a bird. But why the bird? Well, MGM though it would make "over the rainbow" more exotic if there were random birds just wandering around, so they rented several different types from the Los Angeles Zoo (including peacocks and turkeys) and let them loose on the set. If you pay attention throughout the sequences when Dorothy is meeting everyone, you'll notice a lot of random birds around.
2007-01-20 13:23:50
answer #1
answered by C. J. 5
instructor helper is right. in case you watch the scene immediately until eventually now the "putting", you will discover this massive chicken putting out on the backyard in front of a house. that's the scene the place they %. apples from the speaking trees, then they detect the Tin guy, then dance off. As they dance off, look contained in the historic past by way of the trees. as quickly as you comprehend that that's a extensive chicken, the flow will look extra like a chicken lowering its head and much less like a Munchkin leaping from a tree.
2016-10-07 11:40:32
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Supposed to have been one of those midgets, the Munchkins. There is a show on TVLand that is on this wednesday that is looking into this & other "myths & legends" & such. it is on at 10 P.M. & yeah I am gonna watch it. There is also that "rumor" about the dead kid on the set of # Men & A Baby. Yeah there IS a kid there but there has been so many different rumors do not know which to believe.
2007-01-20 13:26:09
answer #3
answered by Don, '80's Connoisseur 4
if you watch the wizard of oz fast forward to the part of the movie where they meet the tinman after the witch leaves and they start singing we're off to see the wizard and they start dancing down the road,look at the back of the woods seen and you will see the shadow of someone hanging was one of the little people that hgung themselves from some scalfling.just watch that part of the movie and look at the woods background...
2007-01-20 13:29:39
answer #4
answered by nancy w 2
Yes I am sure I saw someone hanging themselves, it is rumored that is was one of the little people.
2007-01-20 14:36:38
answer #5
answered by Jeremy© ® ™ 5
You can see it on the movie. When they are in the woods after the Tin Woodsman decides to go with them, look at the trees in the back. Look closely. I don't think it was a real person.
2007-01-20 14:25:37
answer #6
answered by robee 7
I thought that was in the original Willy Wonka movie...One of the Oompa-Loompas hung up right before they sang their first song.
2007-01-20 13:26:21
answer #7
answered by RoninShonen 5
It is definitely true. I saw it in the original release.
2007-01-20 13:55:18
answer #8
answered by Cloey 2
Last i heard it was a stage hand on a ladder.
2007-01-20 14:08:53
answer #9
answered by lw3 1
I heard that too but never saw it
2007-01-20 13:20:49
answer #10
answered by stm06 2