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2 answers

They know she's a person whose is devisive & many despise her.

2007-01-20 12:53:27 · answer #1 · answered by infidel-louie 5 · 0 0

reaction to her saying she's running?

I don't have a problem so much with her...

my biggest problem with her is one simple rule of winning anything:

Don't pick a player you know will lose

and frankly, I don't think she stands a chance... too many people who don't want a woman, too many people who don't like Clinton, too many people who think she's an extremist...

in short, too many strikes against her before she even steps into the batter's box....

we've had a lot of conservative leadership and many people are clearly displeased with it... so I think there is an opening for a win...

and after the past 6 years, I think we need someone that will really give us a chance... not someone who already has a lot of enemies...

someone who can pull the voters in the middle in... because that's who wins... and I don't think Hillary can...

2007-01-20 20:56:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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