i find it wrong a man can join the army and die for our country but cant have a beer
2007-01-20 11:29:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It all depends on where you live.
In Belgium, the LEGAL drinking age is 16. Yes, you read it right -- 16! The "kids" can legally order and drink alcohol in cafes and pubs (with or without food) but cannot legally buy alcohol in the supermarket until they are 18.
The driving age, however, is 18 and you must take an expensive (theoretical and practical) driving course which can cost close to $600-$800 BEFORE doing the actual driving test (with NO guarantee of passing the first time, in which case you have to do more driving lessons and pay even more money).
(At 18 in Belgium you are also considered an adult and obligated to vote, are legally responsible for any contracts you may sign, can marry without parental permission.)
Male drivers between the ages of 18 and 25 statistically remain the highest risk (car accident prone) group. But alcohol-related accidents are not significantly higher here than elsewhere. Excessive speeding is more of a problem.
The government makes money from alcohol, but also from cigarettes, gasoline and income taxes in general.
2007-01-20 20:01:32
answer #2
answered by pat z 7
Why would they lower it one or two years? I think they should make it higher actually, it is way too easy and too much of a responsibility for someone who doesn't even know what they want to do with the rest of their lives. And yes they want money but they will not risk public safety and advocate groups coming down on them to get some money. This is a touchy subject and they are scared of it, which they should be.
2007-01-21 00:48:33
answer #3
answered by Rhode Island Red 5
It used to be lower and I am sure there was a dang good reason for raising it. I really dont want 18 year old high school kids drinking legally with me at the bar.
2007-01-20 19:31:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There not going to lower the drinking age. If it's going to be changed, the age requirement would only go up as young people show their immaturity by drinking and driving (most).
2007-01-20 19:31:01
answer #5
answered by JayCe 2
In Canada, depending on what province you are in, the drinking age is either 19 or 18! I find that yes, they should lower the drinking age in the US since a lot of people this age ARE drinking anyway and are doing it illegally, or coming to Canada or going to Mexico to do it.
2007-01-20 19:30:04
answer #6
answered by mellybee4321 3
Its a tough one, the younger drinkers where more likely to drink and drive, ect........however if you can send an 18yo to war they should be able to legally drink. Maybe if there was a way to set up program that you have to pay for and go through in order to receive your liquor ID prior to 21 (kind of like a scared straight / drivers ed for responsible drinkers) maybe it would be easier for states to may exceptions.
2007-01-20 19:37:46
answer #7
answered by irish eyes 5
Bradster! Think back, just a few years ago. Remember all of the stupid things you were doing. Remember how unbalanced you were. Do you want those kind of idiots, on our Highway, after they chugged enough brew to brag to the "Homey's". No Kid is old enough to know what it's all about. At that age.
2007-01-20 19:33:28
answer #8
answered by Goggles 7
if they lower the age you will have more young people getting DUI in a wheelchair for life not to mention lose family.look at the age it is now and see how many death as accurt.
2007-01-20 19:38:03
answer #9
answered by double R 1
Not going to happen. It has been firmly established with research that, the younger you start drinking, the greater the rate of addiction.
2007-01-20 19:31:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
the would get more money but more deaths from alcohol overdose and car wrecks..the alchohol deaths are astronomical and they would only get worse..i pray that they will raise the alcohol drinking age
2007-01-20 19:31:55
answer #11
answered by Prissyp 2