Here's a little fact you didn't include. Practically every terrorist act being committed "currently" is being done so by Islamo-facist.
2007-01-20 11:09:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Other public information that is never discussed regarding Kuwait. They had obtained horizontal drilling technology prior to Iraq invading and you can guess which way they were drilling. Another interesting tid bit after the Iran - Iraq war what muslim nation gave Iraq 60 billion to rebuild? Kuwait. I think the issue with Islam is we need a bad guy. We beat the Russians, we can't call China bad since they are the ones who make all the clothes and trinkets we have. Its a better enemy because the Islamofascists are basically everywhere and it gives a great excuse for random bombings on countries that arent cooperating with american foreign policy. Saudi Arabia gives money to any suicide bomber from palestine. Correct me if I am wrong Bin Ladin and the majority of hijackers were Saudi's. We never recommended an invasion there!!! Why have we abandoned the search for Bin Ladin??? He went back home and hes protected there.
2007-01-20 11:16:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
As much as I would like to blame the current administration on the problems in the middle east. It was Muslims who did the 9/11 attack. They previously bombed the World trade center on another occasion. They bombed in Africa and they took over in Africa Sudan and killed millions in the worst genocide the world has ever seen. They took over the land in Isreal and it was only given back to them. They were under genocide.
They have invaded on one occassion or another just about every country in the world. Afganistan has fought with Russia until they finally conceeded. They virtually ruined the whole country the war broke them. It is going to be really hard to convince people the muslims are the good guys. You ought to go over there.
They don't even like each other. More muslims are killed by other muslims then by any other way.
2007-01-20 11:11:03
answer #3
answered by Steven 6
The Inquisition had Christians killing Christians; The numerous incidents of medieval Christian kings and noblemen slaughtering Christians of other lands, sometimes at the instance of the pope; The civil wars in England and America; The French Revolution; The I.R.A; The Mafia in Italy and America; The Second World War; Christian cult slayings like the branch Davidians. Need I go on about Christian on Christian acts of genocide?
If you check your figures, I'm sure you would find it points to the fact that Christians hate themselves more than Moslems do!
But you can keep on fooling yourself with blind and selective reasoning. That is your prerogative until the day you will be called for reckoning.
Whenever it comes to Islam, fickle-minded people forget that acts of violence can be motivated by reasons which are only shrouded in religion as an excuse. But it seems only Christianity has the privilege of sacrosanct tenets untainted by the vile actions of her adherents..
As for the position that Jews are the chosen ones of God because 'the Bible told me so', Does the word 'subjectivity' ring a bell? When ignorance mutates into arrogance, pity is all one can feel.
And to respond to another view, Islam does mean peace. But it is no ordinary peace, it is a sublime and cosmic peace that comes from submission to the will of the Almighty. It is not the ephemeral feeling of peace that comes from submission to man or mammon. So peace and submission are both correct definitions when viewed in its proper context.
2007-01-20 12:16:23
answer #4
answered by Namialus 1
What has your being a Christian got to do with it? Who cares who invented terrorism, we're not fighting against those who created it but those practicing it!!! As a Christian what is your view concerning the Christian Bible and their Koran?? I am a Christian and I love the Muslims, so does God but He doesn't love whats being taught from the Koran, nor terrorism in any form.
2007-01-20 11:22:40
answer #5
answered by Brianne 7
They suffer from the same problem you christians do "ARROGANCE". Didn't your group od wierdo's execute women for witchcraft just a few 100 years ago? I only say this because a group of lieing 'christians came to my sons funeral and not only started a fist fight but the other ones just showed themselves as arrogant buttheads with NO class whatso ever. Nothing personal but I wouldn't p-i-s-s on a christian if they caught fire in my car. Take your islam and your 'christian and go kill each other please we intellegent people will never miss you!
2007-01-20 11:20:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Trust me , muslims one day could have conquered the whole world < see history books to see how strong muslims were one day > but they didnt kill every one like crusaders did , they were merciful that is why thousands of people declare being muslims every day , islam means peace in arabic , and whoever kills isnt a muslim , if you killed a human you arent a muslim , so , count how many Palestinans' kids are being killed everyday by isreali army , and how many iraqis are being killed by the american army to see who is really terrorist, and bin laden works for the CIA , so yeah he is in the conspiracy too , see how much Oil bush and blair got , to know the whole truth , see how powerful is your army , but you cant see that 4 big planes are missing , and hitting the highest towers in your country , funny isnt it ?
2007-01-20 11:07:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i agree with you all the way. our country needs someone to blame and its just easier to blame a certain group, i am Armenian and i also get treated the way many Muslims do and its not right, i understand that a lot of terrorists are Middle Eastern but that gives no one the right to mistreat Muslims for another mans actions. our country needs to realize that all Muslims are not terrorists, sadly there are many Americans who are more dangerous than any Muslim.
2007-01-20 11:19:06
answer #8
answered by Haikouhi A 1
The issue is that muslims have control over most of the oil producing nations.
2007-01-20 11:07:39
answer #9
answered by Kush 2
War 101. Demonize your intended target. Make them seem like the greatest threat to ever dawn mankind. Dehumanize them via lies and conspiracies so you can justify your invasion(s).
Warmongers do not rely on things such as facts or truth. Fear is their weapon of choice. They base their decisions on fear not facts.
2007-01-20 11:06:28
answer #10
answered by True Grit 2