Apparently, it is part of the price Iraqis pay for democracy: murder, genocide, and civil war.
2007-01-20 10:41:39
answer #1
answered by Jackson Leslie 5
Granted there are criminal excesses being dedicated by skill of human beings in Iraq. Granted that the USA has slipped into the palms of neofascist corporatists, and the familiar public in maximum situations are completely unaware of the fact. Granted that FOX information are blatant propagandists who lie like Goebbels. Does any of the above excuse what the Iraqis are doing to one yet another? that they had of project to construct a clean u . s . a ., and are rather killing one yet another extraordinarily much as rapid as they breed. i'm with Mercutio: a pox on the two your homes! the finished mess has been created by skill of fundamentalist Islamics and fundamentalist corporatists, on a similar time as the latter have used the paltry 9/eleven controversy to embark on a marketing campaign against public possession. merely because of the fact the British overthrew the Iranian government and instituted the Shah so their oil companies could desire to get entry to the publicly owned oil fields, so has the USA invaded Iraq. If Canada nationalized their oil, George W. Bush could discover terrorists in Grand Prairie. So the Republicans are insane. the international is conscious that. The Islamics are insane, too, so all we can do is wish the two aspects can kill one yet another off with out too lots of something human beings getting to grasp the genuine which skill of collateral injury.
2016-11-25 22:50:32
answer #2
answered by habarugira 4
It's hard being a Republican. We have to take unpopular stances because we know they are the right positions to take. Unlike cloying politicians like Kerry who pander to the lowest common denominator, Republicans strive to be statesmen in the true sense of the word. Think what you will about Bush, but even his detractors admit that he says what he means, and does what he says.
Now, regarding the deaths in Iraq. Did it ever occur to you to place the blame where it belongs? The blame belongs with the terrorists who refuse to accept the will of the Iraqi people who voted for a democratic form of government.
The only people you could argue "had" to die were Saddam's soldiers. However, after we crushed his armies, no Iraqi had to lift a weapon. It was the CHOICE of the terrorists to act like stubborn little children who refuse to do what's right. The Iraqis have a Constitution, laws, and their own police force and army. The terrorists are trying to topple the democratically elected government because they do not wish to share power. The want it all for themselves.
So, let me throw the ball back in your court. The U.S. is fighting "the good fight". We are patiently supporting the Iraqis until they are strong enough to defend and police themselves. Some of them gratefully appreciate our efforts. Some do not, and never will.
Just keep in mind, no American soldier would have to lift his rifle if the terrorists obeyed Iraqi law. They are traitors to their own country.
The terrorists are responsible for every single death. The Americans are doing their best to keep order and strengthen the Iraqi government, army, and police force until they can stand on their own two feet.
Now do you see things differently?
2007-01-20 10:57:57
answer #3
answered by 7
First what does being a Republican have to do with this? Secondly we, the U.S., went into Iraq and took down one of the most brutal dictators since Hitler, liberated millions and started a government with freely elected representation. Maybe you should realize how far we have come. Its not the U.S. soldiers or the Republicans with blood on their hands, its the Iraqis. Even you can't be that blind and misguided to not be able to see that! If anything its the Democrats now trying to block our soldiers from completing this mission who really have blood on there hands. They surely will after we are attacked again having lost in Iraq.
2007-01-20 10:45:50
answer #4
answered by Chester's Liver 2
Civilians were being killed before we got to Iraq by Saddam Insane. Civilians are being killed now by insurgents.
At least now the civilians get to fight back without the fear of having their whole family tortured, raped and/or beheaded because they dared to resist.
It makes me proud to be a Republican.
2007-01-20 10:52:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If Sunni's and Shiites will embrace the beauty of LOVE death will decrease. If the two groups put down their guns and build their country then I will agree with you.
2007-01-20 10:50:51
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
What is the choice? The major parties are run by the tri-lateralists. If you vote for a republicrat, you vote for the establishment, and who else can get elected? The last independent on a major ticket was Goldwater, and look what the press did to Him! Even running against LBJ who was about as Evil as a man can get, he lost badly.
2007-01-20 10:45:05
answer #7
answered by hasse_john 7
What is it going to take for you to understand that its not the republicans or the soldiers that are killing the civilians? I totally understand what we are doing. If you don't understand yet, perhaps you can find a Republican to explain it to you. You are sadly in need of the truth.
2007-01-20 10:45:38
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
the iraqi's chose their path of life....the citizens would not be killed if their own people stopped trying to kill the US troops..the citizens also try to kill them....BUsh is making a good decision here and im a proud Republican
2007-01-20 10:45:18
answer #9
answered by Prissyp 2
How can you be a man and turn your back on the purple finger people?
2007-01-20 10:47:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Because we know the price of freedom (I served) and remember how Saddam treated his own people.
2007-01-20 10:46:09
answer #11
answered by Anonymous