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I just saw this movie last night, and I have a question, because I missed part of it (had to get up and go to the bathroom!)

After Jim and Grace kick the bad guy out of the car the first time, and they pull over to sleep, Jim wakes up from having a bad dream. He then goes out of the car and talks to Grace.

This is the point where I left.

When I came back, I saw that Jim and Grace were back in the car, and the car had been run off the road by a station wagon and it flips over and wreaks alongside the road.

Then later, they come upon the car, and there are two people in the car who had been stabbed.

My question is, what did I miss? Who are these people and were there any other people in the car (I saw a stuffed animal and a child's book, so I'm wondering if there were children in the car)? Why did the people in the car run Jim and Grace off the road?


Thank you in advance for your answers!!!

2007-01-20 10:27:42 · 2 answers · asked by KylieM 6 in Entertainment & Music Movies

actually, mr. nintendo, i only spent $2 to see this movie, as the town i live in has a discount cinema...and thanks so much for NOT answering my questions in any way!!!

2007-01-20 10:34:39 · update #1

hello, people, if you don't know the answer, DON"T ANSWER the question, please!!!

2007-01-20 10:43:03 · update #2

2 answers

they drove upon the car first and saw the psycho in the back seat playing with a kid and a green stuffed frog ,they tried to warn the driver and then got ran off of the road by an oncoming mack truck. It didn't show the family get killed.

2007-01-20 10:32:04 · answer #1 · answered by osageavenger 4 · 4 0

I haven't seen the new version but in the original, the hitch hiker played by Rutger Hauer gets piced up by a family on their way on vacation. It never actually shows him killing the family but you never see them again

2007-01-20 10:32:42 · answer #2 · answered by WillLynn 1 6 · 3 0

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