Thirteen is a good age. It really depends on how well you trust them and trust the people that they are hanging out with. Some kids grow up fast and some kids just want to grow up fast. If they are not responsible kids at home, i wouldn't let them go out till they have that down first. My son is 2 and I have another one on the way, but I have thought a lot about this subject as well.
2007-01-20 10:09:19
answer #1
answered by Heather G 2
I'm thinking that the age they are in 7th grade is appropriate. This was the age that all my friends were aloud to hang out with friends and double date at the movie theaters. My parents were over protective and would not let me date until I was nearly 18. This method does not work. I would try and sneak out but my father is like the Dad in Meet the Parents. I ended up moving to the other side of the country as soon as I graduated high school and have only been back to visit 2 times in the last 11 years. I guess the best answer is: Don't worry about it now. Your kids will grow and change and you will know when they are ready. Good luck!
2007-01-20 18:18:10
answer #2
answered by Cissy 2
I'm 18, and my parents rule was that I couldn't go out on dates until I was 16. I had my first boyfriend at age 15, which was fine, but we weren't allowed to go out on dates by ourselves or on group dates until I was 16. When we went out we had to go in a group of friends, or have parents there, or something like that. I think it was a good system, because it made sure that we couldn't do anything other than hug and kiss, because there were always other people there. I would say no boyfriends/girlfriends until middle school, and no dates until they're 16. There's so much drama tied up in dating in middle school and with freshman and sophomores, it's better to avoid it. This way if your kids do get caught up in it all, you can still limit them without keeping them from dating all together. Win/win situation.
2007-01-20 19:21:02
answer #3
answered by sarai_kristi 4
I say around 15 or 16. I'm 13 and have a lot of guy friends but have never dated anyone and don't plan to till high school. I'm a real nerd a lot of the time and really really care about my grades. Like I get mad at myself if I get an 94 on a math test so I don't want a boyfriends because it would get me distracted.
2007-01-20 19:49:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you teach them right, it won't matter what age they start dating. My mom and dad were very honest with me. They told me everything about sex, from how good it feels to getting pregnant even with protection, to getting an STD. I had my crushes thoughtout the years, but I didn't have a serious boyfriend until my senior year of high school. My sister (who is ten years younger than me) is the same way. She just graduated high school and she now has her first serious boyfriend. Again, because we were told of all the good and bad things about dating, and sex, boys weren't that important to us. Make sure that your childern know that education is very important. Without an education, you can not live up to your full potential. Just for the record, my parents didn't "allow" us to date until the age of 16. Don't worry about it too much. You still have time.
2007-01-20 19:10:10
answer #5
answered by crodriguez1010 3
Group dating at age 13. One on one dating shouldn't start until age 16 at least.
2007-01-20 19:31:31
answer #6
answered by Sharyn 5
I had my first real boyfriend at age 13. He was 15. I was a good girl though. I didn't have sex till I was 19!!
I think 13 is ok if your kids are mature enough. Make sure you talk to them about sex and all that too when they approach that age!
2007-01-20 18:08:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I would let them date when they are old enouch to drive and own their own car. Hanging out with a boyfriend or girlfriend, yeah maybe around 13 with "supervised" dates sounds about right. BUt you REALLY need to calm down. let your children be children. Enjoy it now. Don't be so worried about when they are "supposed" to start dating. You never know about how mature they are going to be when they get older, or when they are going to hit puberty ect...
So just let it go...enjoy the time you have with them now and don't worry about them dating..worry more about saving for college and save money for birthdays, chirstmas, "a mommy date" cute things that you won't be able to do when they are older.
in other words, STOP trying to make your kids grow up so fast. (and yes, this is what you are doing by worring about when they shoudl date, 10 years before they've even relized the opposite sex doesn't really have cooties...)
2007-01-20 18:35:08
answer #8
answered by Pandora 6
There isn't no real answer to this just depends on how you feel..what kind of relationship you have with your kids..and the trust level you have. I am 17 and my mom has always been pretty particular about who I go out with and where we go and all that. But she mostly based it on trust. And if she thought I was mature enough. She didn't really let me go and do with anybody till I was about 15. But I had to check in and she had to know who I was with at all times. It's mostly how you feel.
2007-01-20 18:29:56
answer #9
answered by Kristen R 2
I'm in a similar situation, my kids are 3 and 2months. I'd like to say age 30, but we'll probably let them date at about 16.
2007-01-20 18:09:06
answer #10
answered by Heather Y 7