In the past few months, I have become interested in the sex offender issue. What has struck me is all the studies and statistics point to adults in a child's life (parents, step parents, relatives, babysitters, coaches, ministers and priests, teachers, etc.) are overwhelmingly and statistically responsible for child sexual abuse and abduction in the US, rather than the rare "stranger danger" situation so hyped and promoted. Yet whenever the media covers this issue, especially the sensationalistic coverage, it focuses on the stranger cases and rarely if ever discusses the familial abuse. I've come to the conclusion this is done for two reasons: the media is seeking circulation and ratings and to hype familial abuse is not sexy; and two, people reject the idea of familial abuse, preferring to believe stranger danger is more prevalent because it's too horrible to believe most abuse is occurring within the family unit or closely related to the child.
Comments anyone?
6 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Law & Ethics
I see that several of you said that familial abuse isn't sensationalized because it would identify the victim. I don't quite believe that is the reason why stranger danger is sensationalized. All of the kids who have been taken by strangers have been identified: the girl who was taken by Joseph Duncan, the Missouri kid, Jessica Lunsford, Polly Klaas. The list goes on and on. Yes, familial abuse is reported on, but RARELY does it become a national sensation as stranger abductions. Coverage is usually localized and quickly disappears and rarely becomes the subject matter for legislation. (A rarity is the Lacey and Connor bill, named for Lacey Peteron and her unborn son, who were killed by her husband.) I still think that the media covers - and inflates the risks - of stranger danger because it is "sexy", sensational and hits people emotionally. It's also easy to explain that some stranger is a pervert than have to get into messy details about why family and others sexually abuse.
11:56:41 ·
update #1