I've seen it 20+ times, an amazing film - brilliance!
Forrest Gump is another, always brings out the tears. Shawshank Redemption too. The Lion King was one of my favourites as a Kid, I'd sing along the whole way through. I'm in need of a good flick to sob over, I think I should try Dr Zchivago, not seen that :)
2007-01-20 09:39:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Fantasic film the Green Mile. Watched about 5 times! The Shaw Shank Redemtion is also brilliant (Forgive me if I may have spelt this incorrectly). Silence of the Lambs. Great expectations. Shakespear in Love. The orginal Oliver Twist! Snow white and the seven dwarfs, an old favourite of mine. Check this Web-site out below. The top 100 British films as compiled by the British Film Institute. The list can go on though forever!!! xxxx
2007-01-20 09:58:08
answer #2
answered by ? 3
I watched the Green Mile twice. I think it was one of the most excellent movies I have watched in many many years!! dare not to cry?... - try and stop me......... I cry in movies because there is no shame to it!! The Lion King - you cannot watch the Lion King, ENJOY it and NOT shed a tear!! I cried in Schlinder's List!! When I was a child the movie LASSIE COMES HOME was on and I cried for hours over this little movie. Last week, 3-35 years later I watched it again and I cried again!! It is human and natural. Saving private Ryan is a true story and the guys that died were also real and I cried there as well!!
2007-01-22 22:35:44
answer #3
answered by Kuschke 2
It is an awesome movie but there are more out there.
I agree with the Shawshank Redemption, but how about movies like Loosing Isaiah, My Life, Beaches, Steel Magnolias and Born On The Forth Of July. There are so many good tear jerkers that were very well made out there.
2007-01-20 09:47:54
answer #4
answered by nana4dakids 7
seashores, Ladder 40 9, Marley and Me, previous Yeller, the perfect typhoon, Ghost, Gridiron Gang, keep in innovations the Titans, the huge, At close determination, A League of their own, the grey Zone, Schindler's list, useless Poet's Society, Patch Adams, Pursuit of Happyness, the golf eco-friendly Mile, Romeo and Juliet, Rescue first delicate, we are Marshall, Alive, United ninety 3, Fearless, Of Mice and adult males, West area tale, metal Magnolias, Saving inner most Ryan, Gettysburg, Alpha dogs, Selena, Armageddon...
2016-12-02 19:30:13
answer #5
answered by ? 4
love The Green Mile!!
another saddie is
Terms of Endearment
Empire of the Sun
Memoirs of a Geisha (love the end!!)
Imitation of Life
Cast Away (wilson!!!!)
Million Dollar Baby
Steel Magnolias
What Dreams May Come
Sophie's Choice
Me, Myself and I
I could go on...
2007-01-20 10:12:44
answer #6
answered by schmoopie 5
It is a fab film and yes Ive never watched it yet and not cried. Its very similar to the emotions you feel in the Lion KIng when his dad dies and also the lion, the witch and the wardrobe when Aslan dies even though you know he comes back to life!!!
2007-01-21 03:22:36
answer #7
answered by Claire D 2
It's one of my favourite films, along with The Shawshank Redemption and A TIme To Kill.
2007-01-20 09:45:06
answer #8
answered by b97st 7
the film is fantastic the 3 hours fly past anothe saddie has to be the original WUTHERING HEIGHTS always makes me cry but what a storyline
2007-01-20 20:15:22
answer #9
answered by dottydog 4
I wont watch it as i will cry again that has to be the best stephen king film adaption ever ohhhhhhh that poor man ........ i also cry at black hawk down when the two men get killed by the crowd that is soooo sad as it is based on facts ...
2007-01-20 09:40:14
answer #10
answered by sammie 6