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In "Interview with the Vampire", Lestat ( Tom Cruise ) was playing the piano. In "Queen of the Damned", Lestat ( Stuart Townsend ) was playing the violin. Which one of this movies is right and why?

2007-01-20 09:19:02 · 2 answers · asked by ancutzabatalar 3 in Entertainment & Music Movies

2 answers

Both. He had musical talent and all the time in the world to learn any instrument he chose. You have to remember that the part with the violin in Queen of the Damned was way before the piano in Interview with the Vampire. He also played guiatar but I guees you need to read all of the books to know that.

2007-01-20 11:15:06 · answer #1 · answered by squirttle_bunny 4 · 0 0

Opera: Wagner: Parsifal Boito: Mefistofele Dukas: Ariane et Barbe-bleu different: Bartok: song for strings, percussion and celeste Liszt: sonata Beethoven: grosse fuge (actually, all Beethoven previous due quartets and piano sonatas...)

2016-12-14 07:37:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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