There is a confusion.
The correct definition of a character actor is one who generally plays the same type of part, and isn't usually the lead. This is the original definition.
However there seems to be creeping tendency to use character actor to mean an actor who can play a wide variety of parts, very effectively, but who doesn't get the lead roles.
In neither case is a character actor a "star".
Calling someone who plays "character part" a "character actor" would be a wrong association by both definitions.
2007-01-20 09:38:49
answer #1
answered by replybysteve 5
A long rant like this really wasn't necessary...and you obviously didn't watch Avatar very much. 1. Aang can't bloodbend, only Katara can, and only during the full moon. 2. Aang can freely control his Avatar state now, so he doesn't need a trigger anymore, unlike Naruto. Naruto characters would probably pwn all the Avatar characters though, Aang's the only one that could do anything. And I really don't get how you could say Avatar is a copy of Naruto, that's just plain stupid, there's barely any similarities except the elements thing, but that has roots hundreds of years older than either of the 2 shows.
2016-05-24 01:50:37
answer #2
answered by Lorraine 4
NOT Tom Cruise.
A character actor is not does not play leading man parts and usually has a supporting role. He plays more unusual and sometimes more interesting parts i.e. in 'Back to the future Fox is the lead.
The professor has a character part.
2007-01-20 09:16:47
answer #3
answered by Freesumpin 7
A character actor is an actor who doesn't care about how he looks, what he looks like depends upon the character.
2007-01-20 09:18:17
answer #4
answered by xoxo purple 3
Too old for a romantic lead or an action man.
2007-01-20 09:23:00
answer #5
answered by efes_haze 5
watch 'men in black' vincent d'onofrio (from law and order: criminal intent) played a character part in that one.
guess which who he is??? (if you've seen it-he's the farmer thats taken over by the 'roach alien'.
2007-01-20 09:33:31
answer #6
answered by rimpisomal 2
a person who plays a certian type of role repeatedly i.e. tough guy ,or good guy, ect
2007-01-20 09:18:37
answer #7
answered by furmanator1957 4