you are hot. = )
yes, i would find you attractive
2007-01-20 08:26:02
answer #1
answered by ipodlady231 7
well i think u sound ok put u need a pic + this is the rong section 2 put this is &( 2 let u no im not a lesbo im a straight 19 f, tx but anyways) try 2 go 2 a night club near u & hook up w/ a girl get some bottie & ask 4 her # its pretty easy i think!!
2007-01-20 17:50:41
answer #2
answered by samantha 1
u sound really hot i mean come on if ur 6'5 then that just kinda has a shouts out I'M SEXY lol u sound like a nice guy and u sound really hot cya
2007-01-20 18:13:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
it's definitely about the personality for me more than the looks, but this differs. shallower girls may not even notice you, but you've got to take the initiative to go up and talk to someone- don't wait for them to talk to you!
and everybody else- maybe since he's described himself as "shy", he was too shy to post this in another category- and you guys definitely aren't helping his shyness! be nice and lay off, jeez.
2007-01-20 17:03:31
answer #4
answered by theinformants14 3
well seeing as how most of the girls in this section don't find guys attractive in the first place, wouldn't your question be better suited in another section?
2007-01-20 17:24:26
answer #5
answered by Mrs. J 4
When you post a question on Yahoo it asks you what section you want it to be posted in.
Of all the choices how did you scroll through and decide that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered was the best place to stick your question?
2007-01-20 16:35:24
answer #6
answered by ? 6
I think that you are asking this question in the gay/lesbian section. So you might find out what other MEN find attractive about you, and you might find out how us lesbians think you are stupid!
2007-01-20 16:28:42
answer #7
answered by arielsalom33 4
With all due respect sweetie, you're barking up the wrong category.
2007-01-20 16:27:44
answer #8
answered by Venus Mantrap 4