It doesnt matter, as long as there is love in a home.
It is better that a child be raised by a single parent then 2 parents that fuss all the time.
The child is more at peace when there is peace.
2007-01-20 06:38:52
answer #1
answered by sunflare63 7
The challenges that a single parent faces raising children is that they do the best they can to make sure that the child gets a good education makes the right decisions and becomes something that they want to be in life.
The challenge for a child is to realize that the one parent loved them enough to stand up for them and do the best that they could so that they could become something in life.
And for the person that said the challenge for a boy being raised by a mom being gay, That is so not true they have a tendency to have a deeper respect for women and don't end up being the abusive types of husbands.
And as for your question can the world with such children thrive and be a healthy environment. Yes it is being done as we speak. Children from single parent households go on to have great jobs and families. It doesn't matter if both parents where not present as long as the one parent that had the balls to do so shows enough love and support of two parents.
2007-01-27 23:51:55
answer #2
answered by luscious0071 4
First, some of the mothers that are unwed and raising their child(ren) alone I applaud. To marry because you were pregnant use to be the way things were done and not only woman but babies were mistreated and abused by the husbands/fathers because they were forced into it. A mother has the right to terminate a pregnancy if she does not want the responsibility of child rearing, but what right does the potential father have if he doesn't want a child? Yes, I agree if he didn't want kids then he should leave it in a sleeve but what about all the women that trick a guy or the protection fails? I think single parenting is better for kids if there is tension and fighting in a home where both parents dwell. A child born in a home where it is just a mother parenting has just as much as a child born with both sets. Kids are exposed to both sex's through Grandparents, Uncles, siblings and or friends.
The greatest challenge for the child would be, if father was unknown wondering who he was or if known what he would be like as a parent...neither one would make a child any less than what his mother molded from her love.
2007-01-20 06:45:31
answer #3
answered by sassywv 4
I am raising a child on my own. While I didn't give birth to her, I love her as if she were my own. I have seen children that were raised by their parents that have a lot of problems, and I have seen single parents raise some real monsters. I don't think that it is fair to say people cannot control themselves. There are a lot of grandparents raising children, be it by death, drugs, incarceration, or whatever. I believe that it depends on how the child is raised, what kind of environment they are in and how much encouragement they get as a child. When my child was younger, no matter how busy I was, I set aside one hour every night to read to her. We went places together and we did fun things. I had a special day just for her where we would go to the movies, out to eat, to a museum... lots of different things. I've encouraged her to always do her best, not to lie, and to be a good person. She makes excellent grades, is on Honor Roll, Honor Society, and has aspirations of going to Harvard! The greatest challenge for her? Learning all the languages she wants to learn! I definitely feel some women should not have children, but that would also include 2 parent families as well. Not all single parents started out that way. Not all children being raised by single parents are in bad homes.
2007-01-27 08:55:21
answer #4
answered by lucy7 3
I am single and have been for a while now, I decided last year to become a foster parent. In my case my little boy was found on the street and would have remained in a children’s home. He’d have grown up never knowing the love of a single parent never mind parents. He is happy and well adjusted, and delights all who meet him.
Sometimes I wonder if I am up to challenge of it being single. Then I look into his eyes and I see just how much he loves me and I know the effort is worth it. Life is not perfect and neither are any of us.
I would rather have had a happy single parent family than the miserable two parent family I did have.
The biggest challenge is money. It costs a fortune to feed, clothe and educate a child today.
2007-01-27 00:50:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Can the world with such children thrive and be a healthy environment? Let's see Hitler, Osama Bin Ladan, Sadaam Hussain were all products of a wholesome marriage by your definition. Is the world better off? So I am not sure that curbing adult's decisions to raise children in single parent homes is necessary? The greatest challenge to raising children in a single parent household is self righteous bleeps who judge the single parent.
2007-01-27 09:13:40
answer #6
answered by newyorktilson 3
I was a single parent almost thirty years ago, However, I was a rarity, I was a single father raising a daughter. I think the biggest challenge is giving them the time and love needed. Spend time with them, whether at a park, movie, or reading a story. Just make sure they feel loved and they know that you are there for them. I know it is tough with working, shopping, making meals, cleaning, and if you are lucky to find any time, dating. But remember their time is important and sometimes the house remains messy or the dishes don't get done, but find time, preferrably quality time, together. And don't forget to ask them what "they" want to do. Even though their choice may not be something you would want to do. Just remember it is tough on them too.
One thing that helps is to stick by your word. When they ask for something or need punishment, don't cave in and change your mind. This sends them mixed signals. You will find life a lot easier, when they know you mean what you say. There will be trials at first, but once they realize that you mean what you say, then the repeated questions and/or tantrums will subside.
Also a warning. You will find it hard making/keeping friends for yourself. Your married friends will see you as single because you don't have a spouse. And your single friends will see you as married because you have obligations. There will be a lot of times you can't do what they are doing because you have a child. But just remember they are worth it. Also they will be grown before you know what happened to the time.
You have to be both mother and father, but that is ok too. Even though I was the father, I still think I was the best mother my daughter ever had.
2007-01-20 11:19:18
answer #7
answered by jomega 1
All of the above can happen single or not.
No one knows what tomorrow brings.
Married one moment single next.
It is hard out there no matter what age, status, race, single, married, childless or family.
The world is changing so much so fast that who really knows right from wrong?
But one thing through we all need more love, helping caring people in this world.
If just one person took that thought each day and helped just one person out can you just imagine what better world, life we would all have?
Your second question- Yes it's hard to raise a child single.
Little extra more work as your don't have that second pair of helping hands.
That's why we have what they call loving family members and friends.
If good or bad times share it with your loved one /s
Yesterday was the past, that's why we call it history,
Tomorrow is the future that's why it's called a mystery.
And today is the present the gift of life
Just keeps giving and giving.
Good luck in the past, future and the present
^j^ Sandra ^j^
2007-01-28 02:57:58
answer #8
answered by Bluelady... 7
The world can thrive even with children of single parents. I don't think most of the criminals are the product of broken homes. It is humanity and love that will make the world healthy and happy place. A child living with two parents who are constantly bickering is more likely to have adjustment problems than that with a single parent home filled with peace and happiness.
The greatest challange faced by a child raised by a single parent might be that of how to let go of the apron strings.
2007-01-27 08:37:58
answer #9
answered by curious 2
That's a good question and people really don't think about the issues that arise in the child by being raised by one parent only.....there are many.... some males that only have a mother might grow up to be gay because they are more feminine and lack male substance....they may not have their parent to speak with and get advice from (working mother/father) and may turn to bad peer influence ; children may be going through a simple phase, but can't decipher; because they have no one to set an example....society is going to hell in a handbag.....have you noticed that teens and children nowadays -lack so much love and showing emotions properly.....I'm telling you-and I'm only 27...these kids nowadays aren't seening MOM and DAD together---loving each other, caring, being reliable...working...all of the above----they say it takes the whole village to raise a good kid, and it seems to me that kids are raising themselves!
Sunflare up there is right----they won't be any better off in a family that doesn't have their crap together---love by one = good; love by 2 = even better....
if being a great loving single mother wasn't the exception; maybe kids would be better off--but unfortunately it IS the exception; the other children being raised by single mothers?!?! are being raised at NIGHT and on WEEKENDS!! and that is not raising-that's letting daycare do it for you.....
2007-01-20 06:41:54
answer #10
answered by Virgo 4
first of all, I dont feel the majority of single parented children come from " sexual affairs out of wed lock". Give me a break. It takes more than a mom and dad to make a healthy upbringing for a child! they need family and friends just as much. I dont think we should dwell on the absence of a person as much as we should appriciate the ones we do have. I think if we install that in our youth we might have a chance.
2007-01-26 19:56:02
answer #11
answered by Anonymous