a bill to restrict the governement from going too far and overstepping its bounderies on people 'civil liberties" and i would propose to make a president in a time of peace focus onn domestic issues..yes force a pes in his/her first 2 yrs of term to solely focus on domestic polidiy (only in a time of peace...)this is harsh but ist intended to avoid havin another jackass over do it with power its meant to put him/her on their toes and if they fail to focus on domestic issues and the betterement of this country to be brough up for impeachment procedure its time to get tough and say to whom ever the next pres will be for the next 20 yrs for that matter that another g.w will not be tolerated by anyone let alone congress.
thats the bills i would propose
2007-01-20 06:42:53
answer #1
answered by combatmedic2010 2
A Patient's Rights Bill that limits what doctors can do to you, or force on you, or withhold from you. We have "living wills" or "advance health care directives" in many states, but that only covers part of what I'm talking about. People should have the right to have whatever medical procedure they want that a doctor is willing to perform (including abortion, medications, even addicting ones), and a patient should also have the right to refuse any medical procedure or medication. I think this should be a Constitutional Amendment, which would clarify a lot of rather controversial issues. Abortion, drug addiction, euthanasia, might all be clarified under this amendment.
As to whether the right to the procedure implies a right to have the government pay for it, no, I do not believe it does. After all, we have a right to "pursuit of happiness," but we don't expect the government to finance it. But there might have to be some interpretations about right to have the procedure even if there is a third-party payee which would need to be ironed out with regard to insurance companies, HMOs and hospital billings for the uninsured.
2007-01-20 14:23:47
answer #2
answered by auntb93again 7
I would propose a bill that would put govt. back in it's proper place instead of up our @sses! It would be restricted to the boundaries of Wash. DC. and do only what it was originally intended to do. Which is guard our borders, make war when necessary, make a few common sense laws, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and not much more. And do that forcefully if necessary (the bill, that is).
2007-01-20 14:25:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A bill to give all children the right to attend a free quality state licensed and monitored daycare program which provides them with a nutritious breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as a nutritious snack consisting of some fresh fruits and vegetables every 2 ½ hours. Ratios would be 1 adult per every 5 children so that there is sufficient energy to be expended by the care givers to insure each child has the opportunity to receive the individual attention they need to thrive into well mannered, kind and loving adults. Only 2 non walkers would be allowed in each group of 5 children with just one adult present. In infant care centers the ratio would be 1 adult present for hands on care with the children for every 3 non independent walkers. All children could attend daycare from birth until they are in school full time for up to 12 hours a day. This would keep them in a loving healthy environment for at least half of the time.
Money to fund the program could come out of the general tax funds and no parent would be decreed to pay daycare for their child. Parents desiring to be with their children in daycare rather than out working for someone else would be given the opportunity to work at their child’s daycare or develop a daycare center out of their own home so that they could spend the day with their child. This would allow all children opportunities for quality care and good nutrition no matter the working or financial status of their parents. It would also put children in a loving environment where they can interact with other loving adults and children on a daily basis no matter the situation of their home life.
What I believe we would get in return is emotionally well adjusted happy healthy children who would then become emotionally well adjusted happy healthy tax paying adults, for they would have had the example of hard working, loving, kind adults who cared for them all day long to base their life choices on.
A child’s personality is basically formed by the time they are three years old and pretty much set in stone by the time they are six years old. Our investment in their early childhood is our best hope for a better future.
This bill would easily pass if people knew it wasn’t going to raise their own taxes and that they would be able to then use the money they currently are spending on daycare to pay their bills, purchase better groceries to eat, and have a better life style for themselves. We also need a bill stating that food stamps can only purchase fresh fruits, dairy, meat, vegetables, raw nuts, and just pure water. That would ease the burden on Medicare and Medicaid immensely as people's health improved from eating healthy foods, and then the money saved on health care costs could be used for the daycare programs instead because people would need less medical care, fewer medications and as they become healthier, there would be more productive tax paying citizens.
If we could get government to allocate a fraction of the money it is currently spending on war to the protection and improvement of our most valuable natural resource, our children, our future leaders, there would be more than enough money to offer free daycare and nutrition to all children. Many people would be given the opportunity for employment through caring for the children which would create a larger data base of tax paying citizens thus also helping our economy.
Terrorism is not something out there that we have to spend billions of dollars protecting our boarders to prevent from happening, it is right here among us. We are our own worst terrorists! Terrorism is being experienced every day and every night in many American households because of people inflicting pain and suffering on their own innocent children due to their occult beliefs, the only way they know for that is how they were raised and it has been passed down from generation to generation. Some desire to break free of their occult because their soul knows it is not a loving thing to participate in yet they fear they can not or else they may be killed for betraying the group. What they need to realize is that they do have a choice, it Universal Law that if they do not want to participate and inflict that negativity on their own children and loved ones, they have a choice to get out and the Universe will honor that choice and protect them and allow them to do so; they just have to trust the Universe will take care of them and it will.
There are also mentally sick and frustrated parents who are home terrorizing their families by beating the hell out of their spouse and children on a regular basis because they are so stressed out trying to live life and provide themselves a living. Many of them were abused as children and know no other way of relating to people. Other's who are being abusive do so because of head injuries causing loss of patience in the temporal region of their brains, often inflicted from abuse they received themselves as children or from injuries sustained in accidents, they need lots of cranial sacral therapy to help correct the problem, drugs just mask the problem yet that is all our government wants to fund. Who benefits from all the prescriptions sold and used by Americans? We have to stop relying on drugs to fix us when in reality all they do is mess us up! What would happen in your life if tomorrow you found you were never going to be able to get your prescriptions filled again unless you did anything asked of you by the people producing the medications? What might you be forced to do to get your medications? Who really has control of your life? How much power do you have? Can you function without your medications?
Then there are those people who have had their gene pools played with too much and got the worst of all the negative traits those genes could produce. They are the ones who become the serial killers free at large stalking and killing numerous people. Our prisons are overloaded with killers who would be better off dead, and so would society at large if we didn’t have to drain all our financial resources providing a free roof over their heads and food to eat. We need stricter laws so that criminals stop running free in this country terrorizing Americans everyday. We imprison ourselves because we have to lock up our vehicles making it hot and uncomfortable to get into in the summer months and frustrating to get into during the cold winter months when the door locks freeze etc. We have to have bars on our windows and doors to feel safe in our own houses and we can’t even leave the windows open for fresh air at night for fear we will get robbed. Why not be tougher like some of the other countries where people fear of having their hands cut off for stealing. Is America really the home of the free? I’d say for the criminals we are!
You want to fight a war on terrorism? How about keeping ourselves strong by spending our dollars where it is needed the most, right here in America protecting our own most valuable resource…the American people! Remember the person with the most money has the most power in times of war. Love conquers all. Let’s keep America strong and healthy. Let’s all do our part, think peace, visualize peace, do peace, feel peace, be peace. This world needs more of what being peace causes to happen.
2007-01-20 16:52:29
answer #4
answered by Vivacious82459 1