I saw this movie on tv a long time ago about an angel that falls from Heaven. She lands in the pool of this guy who's engaged to a spoiled brat, and she can't speak because she can only speak "angel language". The guy keeps her holed up in his apartment, and as time goes her wings start to lose their feathers. No one believes that she's an angel, until when he has to help her back to Heaven. His dad (or his fiance's dad, who also happens to be his boss) are fighting with him when he has to send her back to Heaven. They're in the woods and this bright light shows up from, well, Heaven to take her back. The guy falls back after a struggle and he hits his head on a rock, knocking him out. He wakes up in the hospital, and this nurse comes in. It's the angel, only this time she can talk because she gave up her wings for love. Help! This movie has been on my mind for years, and its driving me nuts!
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