In my opinion appearance does not determine beauty at all. I have met some people who are 'beautiful or good looking' but are extremely nasty. On the other hand I have met people who are not considered 'beautiful' but are the most wonderful human beings on the face of the planet. I have slightly dark skin and constantly am complimented for my looks. If dark skin is not worshipped or desired then tell me why many light skin people risk cancer to become dark.
2007-01-20 05:47:22
answer #1
answered by madibazir 2
Well, when I think about some of the women on television today, none of the assets you're describing are considered "not pretty". I can think of any of a dozen beautiful women who possess all the physical assets you describe.
Okay, so let's try this approach. Maybe it isn't having these physical assets that is the real problem, but how you perceive and use them.
Have you ever watched that show "What Not To Wear"? They take women who literally look like dogs, give them haircuts/color that is flattering, makeovers that compliment their best features, and teach them how to wear clothes to emphasize their assets, rather than their "problems".
If you feel ugly, go get some professional advice. Not from a plastic surgeon, but from a local makeup counter. Or a local hairstylist. Or the sales clerk in a reputable department store. Be honest. Tell them you don't know how to emphasize your assets and downplay certain "flaws", so get their opinions about what might work best for you. There are also books available to help you in these areas, but offhand I would say going right to the pros would give you the quickest and most effective results.
It sounds more like you need to change your perspective about these things, rather than change the actual physical characteristics you describe.
I personally think dark skin is extremely beautiful. A wide nose certainly isn't unique, unless it is literally spread from ear to ear. But it is always beautiful when there is a bright, wide smile directly underneath it. And as for curves - no matter how generous or disproportional they may seem, I can't think of a single walk of life where curves are not considered a huge advantage to the alternative....a carpenter's bench of a body.
And by the way, I am a white woman with rosacea, I have a nose that has always been crooked, and I'm too tall and almost no curves whatsover. But because I took the advice I'm giving you - let the pros teach you how to play up your best assets - people usually describe me as quite beatiful and striking, and I always feel beautiful when I step out the front door. It isn't what you got, it's how you use it babe!
Good luck -
2007-01-20 05:36:59
answer #2
answered by CassandraM 6
Curves are pretty in the right proportion. A waist to hip ratio of 0.7 is considered to be an indication of health and fertility. The nose is probably another question of proportionality. Bigger noses are disproportionate from what is believed to be pretty.
Skin color should not be considered a factor. What does matter is cultural compatibility. Culture correlates strongly with skin color for obvious reasons. A person may then associate skin color with cultural compatibility. In the end, the real question is will the children have a better chance to survive. Cultural compatibility probably plays a role in this evolutionary mechanism.
God deals us all a hand of cards. Some hands are great, some are horrible. It's what you make of this that matters.
2007-01-20 05:33:52
answer #3
answered by VonBraun 1
im going to be truthful having a big nose is ugly
and who told u curves wasnt pretty guys go for curvy women more and if ur an adult below 10 or 12 in size clothes u seriously need to put some weight on guys like somthing to hold on to they aint interested in anorexic bitches and who said that dark skin wasnt pretty if your that fussed about it go by some bleaching soap
2007-01-20 05:39:25
answer #4
answered by mixraceQT 3
I think thats all in your head:a big nose is ugly on anyone. i know im biracial and kinda of light skinned but some people like dark skin ,it depends on the person and nobody wants a (flatty)so if they dont like curves ,something is wrong with them! Im a size ten and PROUD.They do say the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice.i guess Im apple juice than.
2007-01-20 05:32:58
answer #5
answered by allurluv 3
Because big things can take care of themselves
and small things you want to treat like a baby
2007-01-20 05:30:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Don't belive/buy into hearsay.
2007-01-20 05:33:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous