I used to work with a lot of them .... most were good people.One thing that touched me about them was their love of their culture and each other. Sometimes American blacks don't love and recognize the good in each other enough. The Jamaican people I worked with often were very friendly and kind to other Jamaicans just cause they were Jamaican too.
2007-01-20 12:32:27
answer #1
answered by yeah , yeah whatever 6
You want honesty right???
Okay I will give it to you straight up, I know a couple of good folks that are Jamaicans but the vast majority of Jamaicans in Canada are very agressive, rude, smoke weed and are uncultured.
99% of crimes commited by black folks are by jamaicans. They like to copy the American gang culture in L.A by dealing in illegal firearms and drugs.
Some even give their babies hemp tea and they see smoking marijuana as a past time.
Some (not all) are very promiscuious (just go to a reggea club and you will know what I am talking about)
They also believe that they are better than africans even though they have been grossly miseducated to look down on darker skin and holy matrimony.
I am Black Canadian so my views are not racists they are just the way SOME jamaicans in Canada act.
Every other ethnicity in Canada can differenciate a Jamaican from a non jamaican simpy by their conduct.
Sorry! but you asked
2007-01-20 05:13:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well I am Trinidadian and Haitian and some of us in the Caribbean think that Jamaicans can be rude, loud, and nasty. But my family has always had some friends of the family that are Jamaican so I guess it just depends on how you were raised. Overall Jamaicans are cool.
2007-01-20 06:47:22
answer #3
answered by Trini-HaitianGrl81 5
I'm Irish, and know a few Jamaicans from when I lived in London. Haven't met one I didn't like yet. My brother lives in the US and works with loads of Jamaicans, he really likes all the guys he works with.
2007-01-20 12:51:50
answer #4
answered by Jay C 2
The accent, from an attractive Jamaican woman, makes me tingle all over.
Other wise people are people, aren't they?
2007-01-20 05:09:33
answer #5
answered by abetterfate 7
i think they are really cool I used to hang out with quite a few when i FIRST MOVED TO ALABAMA then I had to move again and have not met any since altough if I did then I would be very excited
2007-01-20 05:10:41
answer #6
answered by Taylor 2
Well when i talk to people i dont see race..i see the person ...so i really dont think of them as anything but a normal human being.
2007-01-20 05:05:37
answer #7
answered by bananna 2
Soory that you got an answer from a biased Canadian.
There are all kinds of Jamaicans, as there are all kinds of Canadians, Americans and Mexicans.
2007-01-20 05:21:20
answer #8
answered by poutine 4
I love their music. Especially ska!
2007-01-20 05:06:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I love their accents and music!
2007-01-20 05:10:41
answer #10
answered by oneladyice1 3