Ronald Regan was one of the best leaders this nation ever had. The thing with G.W., while he is well educated and competent, is not a great speaker like Regan was. Bush has to make some very difficult decisions in a very dark period of our history. This is no easy task my friends. And let us not forget that Bush can admit he's made mistakes, unlike John Fonda Kerry, who proves himself over and over again to be an incompetent, self-serving liar and traitor. This was the alternative to a well educated and consistent man we now call president. Have you all forgotten John Kerry? He's made a fool of himself over and over. Better to be a poor speaker than a proven moron.
2007-01-20 04:58:24
answer #1
answered by Captain Jack ® 7
Bush wasn't elected twice - he was appointed once and then he snowballed the American electorate and actually got elected the second time he ran. He did not have a majority of the popular vote in 2000 - just think, if we didn't have that stupid electoral college, we would have a President who thinks before acting and would have gone after bin Laden and not after Saddam Hussein. When it comes to being dumb, Bush is about as dumb as they come.
2007-01-20 14:01:36
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Um, Ronald Reagan didn't start a war that lasted longer than World War II. And what good has Bush done? Made it easier for the government to take our rights away?
2007-01-20 12:42:30
answer #3
answered by justagirl 3
Now let me see if I have the question right..did I vote for him twice before I decided he was not the right man. I believe that he had a higher grade average than his last opponent, the rich guy that married the Republican heiress of the Heinz fortune. I think that Anne Richards under estimated GWB as did Gore and whats his name, the one from liberal Mass. By the was I love Mass. as I was staioned there many years ago and was married there. I recently went back with my wife to celebrate our 50 th wedding anniversary.
2007-01-20 12:46:27
answer #4
answered by x711bob 1
I don't want him as President, but I don't think that he is dumb. He know how to manipulate to get what he wants. The reason he comes across as dumb is he is a terrible public speaker. If you wants to improve persons views on his intelligence, he should stop speaking right now.
2007-01-20 13:33:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
bush is no reagan.
bush admitted to wiretapping phones without a warrant - this was an exceedingly stupid thing to do.
last week, bush decided that he no longer needed to illegally wiretap phones without a warrant.
he did this to avoid a court hearing that will start the investigation of this practice.
his withdrawal, without comment, of this program that he defended as critical to security is all but an admission that the illegal wiretapping program was used to spy on political enemies.
bush has admitted to an impeachable offense - and will pay leave office in disgrace - once the republicans turn their backs on him (worried about their own survival - a valid concern).
there is a slow moving retribution moving towards bush - and nothing can save him...
2007-01-20 12:50:10
answer #6
answered by nostradamus02012 7
Bush tinkered with election results as well as "intel" to go to war in Iraq.
If you are willing to skew the actual events to benefit your outcome ....that's fair I guess.
I hate to be the one to tell you this Ronald Reagan wasn't running the show....George H.W. Bush was.
As much as Cheney is now! Don't forget Cheney was Sec of Defense in the Reagan administration then. Any wonder why he aligned himself with Halliburton in the interim!
2007-01-20 12:49:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Dictator Dumbya was NEVER elected. Down with Dictator Dumbya!!!
2007-01-20 13:03:26
answer #8
answered by rhino9joe 5
I don't know about Regan, but about Bush:
The majority of the public supports him, but the rest probably thinks he's an absolute idiot. He does say some stupid things (classic: all of our imports come from out of the country???), but he did go to a great college, so he can't be that stupid.
2007-01-20 12:44:38
answer #9
answered by Emily 2
So winning with congress (of his own party) makes him smart? LOL!
Yes he is that dumb, even dumber actually.
2007-01-20 12:44:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous