Seeing as how military members historically haven't been compensated well for their sacrifice (aside from senior enlisted and officers, of course), should a kid still in high school be paid as much as a military member for flipping burgers?
If you answered "No" to the above question, then do you believe that minimum wage should be increased?
Please don't change the subject.
18 answers
asked by
The Cult of Personality
Politics & Government
➔ Politics
I know some of you got my point, and thank you.
For those who didn't, here it is...
If we raise minimum wage, the price for good and services on the market will go up because people have the extra money. Then we'll have to raise minimum wage again and again and again. Soon, burger flippers will be getting paid as much as military members, as miltary pay hardly goes up as often as civilian pay does.
04:59:17 ·
update #1're an IDIOT!
Coming on here with a personal attack against me when you know NOTHING about me!
As you said, a servicemember has a decicision to make when joining, and an education might subvert that, but so does a person flipping a burger. An education would change that circumstance too.
You're proving my point for me...that Liberals are Hypocrites and follow their party like good little lemmings.
A person shouldn't expect to live off of flipping burgers.
01:38:52 ·
update #2
No. A soldier is at least educated enough to communicate his or her point to another person successfully. Not to mention that they are putting their lives at risk to protect this country. A kid in a burger joint should be at minimum wage and no higher. I would much rather talk to a soldier, no matter what rank, than a kid at a drive through window. At least the soldier will understand that I am speaking to them and it is in English.
2007-01-20 05:36:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I feel like military personnel ought to be better compensated during service. They do get some benefits like care from the VA and money for college that are great, but they are pretty overworked and underpaid still. However, many dangerous jobs don't pay as much as jobs that present no danger at all, it's just life. I don't think it matters how old a person is if they're flipping burgers, nor do I think that the min wage needs much improvement. I only say that because there are lots of jobs that people can take to make well above minimum wage therefore negating how much the min wage is. Personally I've never worked a job for minimum wage. Even in high school I worked at a daycare and made 7.00 an hour there. If you have drive and you want to make some more you can, you don't have to wait on the minimum wage to go up. I hope I didn't get too off subject for you. ;)
2007-01-20 04:45:00
answer #2
answered by J 4
All these b.s stories about military making as much as burger flippers. Which idiot started this subject. If you really want to know how much military makes, ask a soldier. An E-4 In the military can make over 40000.00 a year. Have any of you ever took a look at the lifestyle of a military? So many free things such as rent, food etc.... please stop listening to all the idiots who disrespect our military by comparing them to burger flippers
2014-10-01 20:40:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
No of course not. But they are not paid the same. There are lots of bennifits to go with that pay. On base everything is dirt cheap and exempt from local and state tax. Free medical, dental, houseing, and food. They have gyms, rec centers, movies, pool tables, etc free. Then they are extra pay. Combat pay, sea pay, deployment pay, hazard pay. When i was in the first gulf war my pay was about double. When you don't have any bill and dont need to pay anything living expenses it becomes much better then fliping burgers. Not to mention learning to grow up and be a man instead of flipping and getting high all day.
2007-01-20 04:47:59
answer #4
answered by bigpapatazz 2
First, soldiers should get paid more, but at the expense of eliminating government waste.
Second, when flipping a burger becomes as hazardous as front line combat, yes, we should pay the burger flippers more.
Thrid, burger flippers do get paid more in bad neighborhoods. White Castle and Brown's Chicken employees start at $7.50 an hour on the s. side of Chicago.
2007-01-20 04:44:21
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
you are able to somewhat now, or a lot later. If 1 / 4 further to the cost of a cheeseburger skill that the guy working interior the eating place has wellbeing care that would avert her or him incurring 1000's or tens of 1000's of greenbacks of value from a emergency room visit that finally leads to a protracted wellbeing facility stay I say pay that quarter. contemplate whether those burger flippers and fruit pickers weren't there to do those jobs, as menial as they're, the place could you be? they're mandatory to the country. Now approximately coaching, if the baby of that fruit picker, by coaching, grew to grow to be the coronary heart expert that stored your existence sometime interior the destiny. Is that properly worth paying somewhat greater in taxes? What could you pay to have somebody save you alive and make you properly?
2016-11-25 22:18:31
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Hey "wake up" what kind of extra money are you talking about . At 8 dollars an hour 320 bucks less taxes ,insurance if offered and social security leave you with 250 dollars to spend Rent 600 a month food 150 electric 80 phone 60 cable 50 car insurance 150 gas to get to work 60 and car payment and up keep 100 Now you can tell me i under estimated these costs which goes to show that on 8 bucks you are living in a communal system dependent on roommates for survival . You sure can not live alone on that kind of big money .And as for the military it is the option of the individual to sign up . If you like spreading war and killing globally there is a job for you in the U.S.A. armed forces . It pays poorly but people with an education usually go for better paying jobs .
I consider military personnel a job that does not need any applicants .Network the nuclear arsenal to the office of the president and be done with the military for ever .The 300,000 service men killed and injured since 1960 along with the 11,000,000 people killed wounded or murdered due to the actions of the military is ridiculous . We launch one nuke and wham instant 5 million gone and we will not have to launch a second one . No place to hide means you do not follow human rights and begin killing your own people you will die .I am not against killing just wasteful killing .Those killed would serve as an example like Sodom And Gamorah did for perverts .If God can wipe out cities So can Man . He killed everyone including the children to make an example of them .So today people still do not want to engage in homosexuality which is on the rise again .
Do we need God to drop by and wipe out San fransisco or key west Florida .
A burger flipper has just as much right to earn a living as anyone does . With out him or her your fat bottom would not need my services and I make 800,000 a year sucking that burger out .
He deserves 10 dollars an hour at least He is making me rich .
2007-01-20 05:34:54
answer #7
answered by -----JAFO---- 4
Just because they have the same job, the kid at McDonald's is not in a war zone, or expected to go to a war zone. So the military guy should be paid more.
The minimum wage needs to be controlled by economic factors such as supply and demand, not politicians.
2007-01-20 04:47:14
answer #8
answered by Messenger 3
A soldier should be paid more than a Burger Flipper because a soldier puts his life on the line to protect the freedom of others for the country that they serve.
2007-01-20 04:44:17
answer #9
answered by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7
No they should not be paid the same, soldiers should be paid more than minimum wage, I say 20 bucks an hour to start. If they are going to raise mininmum wage then they better raise my pay too!
2007-01-20 04:44:20
answer #10
answered by 1982 3