Hillary supports whatever she feels will get the public she is speaking to riled up.
Pandering is a skill she has become a master at.
It doesn't matter what she thinks about abortion...abortion rights will stay right where they are .....no one...dem or rep. are going to touch it.
Abortion, Gay Rights, Racism etc.... are ALWAYS going to be issues that will NEVER be agreed on by everyone and will always be around.
We need a president who is an actual LEADER not an evil woman scorned. We need a president that knows what the hell he is doing when it comes to foreign policy and not one that will piss off everyone the US currently has good relationships with.
Hillary has gotten where she is today by bashing, pandering, and lying (and possibly murder) IE...Whitewater
I would love to see a woman president one day, but one that actually has some morals and likes people (that means us all the little people out there) and actually has some experience
Hillary Clinton is truly the scum of the earth. I only hope that Democrats see through all of the BS and do not vote for her.
2007-01-20 05:14:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yours is what I call a mixed bag. You don't have to line up with one party in order to believe in it's politics over the opposition ! As a conservative, I too am against gay marriage, yet I believe they are entitled to a recognized union that offers all the same benefits as married people. I support the death penalty as long as solid evidence such as DNA ties the perpetrator to the crime. I detest the idea of abortion, yet to save mom I would defer to the abortionist. Small government is the ideal, yet the lack of continuity from one state to the next is confusing and unfair. The states need more consistancy in their laws. War is the failure of diplomacy and sometimes necessary ! Welfare, set aside, and most other parasitic programs should be immediately dissolved. Unemployment compensation and disability should continue! I don't consider myself a Republican, yet this is how I normally vote. The next conservative may have totally different views, yet still call himself a conservative !
2016-05-24 00:57:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
you know that's the problem with the world today. People have their noses shoved up so many other peoples aSSes, that they forget about what they are doing. Everyone has a right to live the way they want to. Sterotyping should not be a factor. I for 1 am tired of people telling this country how to act, what to do, and how and where to do things at. That is why Freedom of Choice is going out the window. Who cares what the nieghbors do, as long as they aren't putting a gun to your head. Let people live their lives, as they want to. As long as Mrs. Clinton is willing to work on the problems of keeping Americans SAFE, from war cool. Telling the Americans how they will live, what they will do, not cool.
2007-01-20 04:28:47
answer #3
answered by spiritwalker 6
Hillary is pro-choice - not pro-life with abortion and she does support civil unions (not sure if she supports queer marriages or not). Now that she's decided to run for president, heaven help us if she gets in! This country is in for another 8 years of another Clinton in the WH and that is a call for disaster! She goes with what is politically correct - not morally correct!
2007-01-20 04:24:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
She does feel that those issues are the LEAST of our worries as a nation.
However, as a Christian woman, Hillary does not believe in these things for herself or family- she simply has separated her religion from government and feels that civil unions and abortion should be the choice of the people and they will reap what they sow from their actions.
2007-01-20 04:29:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Hold your finger in the wind, that's how Clinton's make decisions. She would never use the word "abortion", she would say right to privacy or women's rights. She is only in the middle during the election process, then she will swing far left.
2007-01-20 04:38:45
answer #6
answered by rosi l 5
Hillary goes with whatever is politically correct. She is a masterful weasel, and not to be trusted to make a permanent stand for anything. I'm not even a Hillary basher, and I can see it.
It would be a HUGE mistake to make her president--not because she's a woman, but because she artfully waffles.
2007-01-20 04:23:02
answer #7
answered by Dorothy and Toto 5
She is pro-choice and I think she voted against the amendment banning gay marriage.
2007-01-20 04:32:21
answer #8
answered by cynical 6
You already know the answer. You tell us!
I certainly hope she is for allowing those who are terminating a pregnancy to make their own choice, not people like you! Why don't you worry about the homeless!
Perhaps you should ask why neocons are for removing access to birth control to those who need it. The real reason for an increase in terminating a pregnancy!
And it begins!
2007-01-20 04:27:41
answer #9
answered by cantcu 7
I hope she don't support it but I'm votin' for her either way. If she gets elected Bill will be running the country again. He was a very good president even if he was per miscues.
2007-01-20 04:25:48
answer #10
answered by don 6